Beverley Mitchell

Last Updated: 01.16.01

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Beverley at the Pokemon: The First Movie Premiere on 11.06.99

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The Beverley Mitchell Quiz

Welcome to the Beverley Mitchell Quiz!

We have plenty of great prizes to give out to the winners of this first quiz!  They include very recent pictures, video tapes (with Bev on them!  And, not taped off the TV-bought!), and much, much more!


1)  You may only enter once!

2)  You must fill out the form below completely!

WARNING:  If you should enter more than once or not fill out the form completely, you will be disqualified!  Please check everything twice!


Beverley Quiz #2

Your Name: 

Your e-mail address: 


1) What is Beverley's new puppy named? 

2) What is Beverley's middle name? 

3) Which is NOT one of Beverley's hobbies? 

4) Which of these musical groups are one of Beverley's favorites? 

5) Which one of the following people is one of Beverley's role models? 

*Please remember to check to see if you have the answers you want and that you have filled everything out completely!  Failure to fill out your name (or nickname as the case may be) and e-mail address/entering more than once will result in disqualification!  Thanks for your cooperation!*



What did you think of the 7th Heaven episode, "Surprise"?