Dec 8th 1982
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From out of the desert... the voice of the angels.. (H.M.Shields)
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----Book Release----An excellent read, a western you will not put down till you have finished reading "Badge of Destiny".. Badge of DestinyBook Review here.

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2 or 3 minutes to load, ( with dial-up moden) but
believe me it's worth the wait.
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El Paso
For your listening

pleasure, Marty's

El Paso City
El Paso Trilogy...
You need RealPlayer to listen:

Marty's twin sister Mamie Minotto passed away March 14th 2004.
They will surely meet again in the Great Kingdom of Heaven
Read about Marty here

Story by Ramblin' Rhodes.


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Interviews With: Ronny Robbins CLICK HERE --------Don Winters CLICK HERE

Hello and welcome to my page.

Drop me a line
This page was established on the 1st July 1999 and is dedicated to the memory of "The Late Great Marty Robbins". As I get more information it will be added . Please take a few moments to sign my GuestBook and let me know what you think, I will be happy to look at any suggestions you may make to improve my site. If you have any information or Photos you would like to see here you can email it to me for inclusion. Thank you and a big HELLO to Marty Robbins Fans everywhere around the World.

Oh! by the way you are about to visit a site dedicated to one of the most prolific entertainers in the entertainment industry.

This site is dedicated to the rich musical legacy that the great MARTY ROBBINS left for the world, and maybe even bring back lots of pleasant memories as we take you back.

I will regularly update this page, so stay in touch with whats happening.

OK, its now time to sit back, relax and enjoy your visit
Marty in a relaxed mood
Marty Relaxing
How I became Hooked On... A Voice of an Angel...

I remember coming home from school one day, I was 9. Mom had the radio playing and being a normal nine year old, I wasn't really paying attention. My grandmother had just taught me how to do embroidery and I was practicing so I'd show an improvement the next time I saw her. A song started playing over the radio, I do remember the D.J mentioning it was an 'oldie'. The song was
'LOVE ME OR LEAVE ME ALONE' and I remember feeling so lonely listening to that song. At nine, you just don't have that sort of feeling of being lost. I remember just laying the needlework down on my lap and listening to the radio. When the song ended, I went back to my stitching, still with that feeling of lonliness. I forgot about it until a couple of days later when I heard another song over the radio, and it had to be the same voice for again, there was a lonlieness and a haunting in it, like his heart was going to break. The song was SING ME SOMETHING SENTIMENTAL and again, I failed to get the name of the singer but now I was hooked and wanted to hear more.

Up until then, I didn't have that much interest in music although I did enjoy sitting at the radio sometimes with my parents listening to the Opry, mostly people like Wilma and Stoney Cooper, the Fruit Jar Drinkers and Uncle Dave Macon. It wasn't really the type of music a nine year old could really get into. Dolls and expanding on my embroidery stitching were more interesting. But with these two songs, I found myself turning on the radio in hopes of hearing 'the voice' again.

Marty The third time I heard it, they played DON'T LET ME HANG AROUND this time, I caught the name of the singer,MARTY ROBBINS. I still had my birthday money saved that my grandmother had given me and for the first time, I knew exactly what I wanted to spend it on, a MARTY ROBBINS record, only I had never bought a record before didn't know where to buy one. My older sister told me that the local five and dime sold them so the following Saturday I went with my mom and I
purchased my very first wasn't one of the two I had heard but it was by Marty, the song, MAYBELLINE.

I started buying any record that had his name on it, as well as an ocassional 'other artist' record. Then in 1960, he came out with DON'T WORRY. I was fourteen and had no idea what it was like to feel the pain of a relelationship or love gone bad, but that song made me cry, even though I didn't know why except I felt like he was hurting. For a singer to bring on this kind of emotion to a young, innocent 14 year old, just from hearing a song, a lot of feeling had to go into that song. I had no money at that time but I had to get that record just to hear it over and over, a habit that sometimes got on my dad's nerves, as well as everyone of my sister's and one brother (six in all at that time). My mother was in the hospital about two miles away but I remember walking all the way just to ask her if I could have a dollar (the 45's then cost 98 cents and 2 cents tax) to buy that record. I bought it on my way home and still have that precise record.

In all my years, there has never been another singer to touch my heart and soul with their music the way that Martin did, then and even now, almost two decades since his passing. I believe that he deserved a lot more recognition than he received then and now, he left behind a musical legacy rich, warm and beautiful, to the extent that it should never be forgotten. His songs still send chills through me and I know that without a doubt, that no other singer or entertainer will ever tap into the very soul of a song the way he could.

© 1998 H. M. Shields

From out of the desert...
The purple sky reaches down
forming the backdrop, mountains majestic,
sunset quiets the whispers of the desert.
From out of the desert...
The wind whips the sage in circles,
and the sand whirls in dry cutting funnels.
Vacuous of man, the desert rules.
From out of the desert...
Time is stilled, absent are etched outlines,
marking the presence of man
and his disfiguration of nature.
From out of the desert...
Haunting, lonesome sounds of the coyote,
crying for it's mate while the eagle screams down.
Be still, be still....
From out of the desert...
A voice is heard, soft, sweet,
singing the lonely song of the desert.
Pure, honest, sincere with melody.
From out of the desert....
a voice of the angels......Marty Robbins


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