The Liberator

   The vessel of Roj Blake and his band of would be rebels trying to bring down the evil earth Federation, actually an alien artifact found floating in space in the first episode. Although the series suffered from the usual effects budget constraints mandatory for BBC productions, the Liberator remains an aesthetically pleasing design.
   The Comet miniatures model, along with an excellent article in 'Science Fiction and Fantasy Modeller' were the basis for this mesh. I still need to replace the textures but am still pleased with the end result.

Status: Available to download here.


   I have to confess to a cardinal sin, I did not like 'Red Dwarf' when it first aired on BBC 2. It took until about season three and the introduction of Kryten for me to really get hooked.
   The mesh is based on photographs from the UK Red Dwarf 'Smegazine', and the articles by David Sisson on his scratchbuilt Starbug which appeared in 'Science Fiction Modeller' and 'Science Fiction and Fantasy Modeller'.

Status: Available to download here.

Red Dwarf

   Reference material on this was limited to video of the episodes) and sparse photographs in the afore-mentioned 'Smegazine'. I have based this on the real Red Dwarf, not the abomination which appeared in the re-vamped, 'special edition' style videos. The Red Dwarf logo needs redoing to eliminate some distortion in the model and I need to increase the surface detail of the main body a little.

Status: Available to download here.