Simon Barsinister
The quintessential mad scientist. Without ever explaining why, Simon
Barsinister is set on using his inventions for money, power and the destruction of Underdog. His henchman is Cad.
Simon's voice (Allen Swift) was an imitation of Lionel Barrymore's, and
Simon's hulking henchman Cad (Ben Stone), who spoke like Humphrey Bogart.
His green-tinted skin, oversized bald head, dark bags under his eyes
and short stature are defining features.
"Simon Says …." accompanies every evil scheme.
Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary supplies this definition:
Main Entry: bar sinister
Function: noun
Date: 1823
1 : a heraldic charge held to be a mark of bastardy
2 : the fact or condition of being of illegitimate birth
Simon was introduced in the single episode short Simon Says on October
10, 1964. He also stars in:
Go Snow
The Big Shrink
Weathering the Storm
The Forget-Me-Net
Simon Says "No Thanksgiving"
Simon Says "Be My Valentine"
The Ticklefeather Machine
The Big Dipper
The Phoney Booths and
The Vacuum Gun