History Of
Interact Club of SMJK Hua Lian, Taiping
Interact Club Of SMJK Hua Lian, Taiping was charted in 1983. The first club president was Richard Yeoh and Mr. Tan Kim Seng was the teacher advisor. The club was organised and sponsored by the Rotary Club of Taiping. It has been one of the most active Interact Club in its district.
Eatathon is one of the most successful major projects carried out. It was started in 1993 annually until now. The objective of launching this project is to raise fund to run community service projects and to help in the development of the school. The total sum collected from Eatathon is more than RM20000. From this collection, an amount of RM3000 was used to set up the Interact Club Scholarship Fund to help students who are unable to pay their examination fees. A sum of RM1500 was donated to the school development fund.Besides that, the club also donated two wheelchairs to the handicapped children.
To promote a caring society to help the less fortunate, the club had visited the orphanage,old folks home and special children's home. Interactors celebrated festivals with them to share the festive joy. They also helped in cleaning the old folks home and presented entertainment. Trips to zoo with the children were also held. Gifts like clothes,foods and daily necessities were donated to the less fortunate. Musical instruments and soft toys was given to the children.
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Several fund-raising activities were carried out to increase the community fund. Among others are Sale of Ice Cream,Bookmark Sale andThe Friendship Day.. Interactors had given their support in holding these activities. Other forms of donation were old clothes collection and money collection for the victims of disaster and accident.
Taiping, District 3300
Our Interactors also gave assistance to other organizations and our own school, we restored the faded mural in school and cleaned up the school compound during the Environment Day. The club donated window panes and stone chairs to the school to give the students a better learning environment. We participated in many projects which were organised by other Interact Clubs or Rotary Clubs.
The members benefitted in joining Interact Club. Talks were held to improve their knowledge in topics like Table Manners,Choosing Career and & Juvenile Delinquency. The club organized factory visits so that their members gain knowledge of manufacturing and processing. Interactors can join educational tours to get new experience.
The predessors of this club had contributed much in their years of Interacting and grew up the club. Under the leadership of the directors with support from members, the Interact Club Of SMJK Hua Lian, Taiping will continue to move towards greater heights
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