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SOCOM FAMAS PSG-1 Nikita Launcher Stinger Missiles
C4 Claymore Stun Grenades Chaff Grenades Frag Grenades

Description: Snake's main weapon. A fast, semi-automatic pistol equiped with a laser sight, this is the first weapon you receive and your main weapon throughout the game. If found, a silencer can be equiped.
Ideal for: Making pinpoint shots without being heard.

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Description: A fully automatic Assult Rifle that packs a huge punch. It has a 25 round clip that can be emptied in seconds. It is very loud however, and it is not a good idea to use it untill you are already found.
Ideal for: Mowing down a line of incoming soldiers.

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Name: PSG-1
Description: The PSG-1 is naturally the most accurate gun in the game, being the only sniper rifle. The only problem is, while the gun is accurate, Snake isn't. After a while, Snake's adrenline kicks in and causes him to shake. But overall, this is a very handy weapon to possess.
Ideal for: Taking out distant enemies effectivly.

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Name: Nikita Launcher
Description: The Nikita fires a remote-controlled rocket that can weave its way around corners, through doors, and down hallways. When fired, the games cuts to first-person view mode that moves with the rocket, allowing you to maneuver it.
Ideal for: Taking out enemies around corners without being seen.

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Name: Stinger Missiles
Description: The Stinger missile is a radar guided missile. It locks on to a target and lets you fire away. When selected the games cuts to first person view mode and lets you lock on to your target.
Ideal for: Taking out vehicles

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Name: C4
Description: C4 is a little explosive that packs a big punch. It allows you to blow away walls or even, people. Very useful.
Ideal for: Planting and waiting for someone to walk over it, and then detonating it.

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Name: Claymore
Description: The claymore is a trip mine that you can set and wait for people to walk over. It can only be collected by going to a mine field, and crawling over mines.
Ideal for: Surprising guards on their predicible patrol routes.

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Name: Stun Grenade
Description: The stun grenade allows you to stun your enemies for about 3-5 seconds, but after that they get up, so you have to be quick on your feet.
Ideal for: Getting away from a horde of gaurds without getting hurt.

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Name: Chaff Grenade
Description: Chaff grenades release chaff on explosion, deeming electronical devices like sercurity camers, inactive. The chaff lasts for about 30 seconds.
Ideal for: Getting past annoying security cameras.

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Name: Frag Grenade
Description: The frag grenade produces a big blast that can kill enemies, but it is very loud. Use with caution, becuase if you don't get away fast enogh, they hurt a lot.
Ideal for: Killing a big horde of gaurds, or taking out vehicles on the ground.

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