courtney - 10/15/00 00:40:53 Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor murcury and uranus Worst Scout: sailor galaxya Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: main scientist Worst Bad Guy/Gal: girl scientist | Comments: I love this show |
Nancy Ellis - 07/10/00 13:48:59 My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor ,moon Worst Scout: mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: don't haveone Worst Bad Guy/Gal: all | Comments: I love the show. |
JARED - 07/09/00 02:44:42 My URL:http:// (I have no clue?) My Favourite Sailor Scout: the beautiful Kiki Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: the rebel ( Kiki ) Worst Bad Guy/Gal: the devil !!! | Comments: I love the most beautiful Kiki, she's my favorite! I hope she writes me back soon! love ya Kiki -JARED- |
JARED - 07/09/00 02:43:33 My URL:http:// (I have no clue?) My Favourite Sailor Scout: the beautiful Kiki Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: the rebel ( Kiki ) Worst Bad Guy/Gal: not sure? | Comments: I love the most beautiful Kiki, she's my favorite! I hope she writes me back soon! love ya Kiki -JARED- |
JARED - 07/09/00 02:41:18 My URL:http:// ( I have no clue? ) My Favourite Sailor Scout: the beautiful Kiki Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: the rebel ( Kiki ) Worst Bad Guy/Gal: not sure? | Comments: I love the most beautiful Kiki, she's my favorite! I hope she writes me back soon! love ya Kiki -JARED- |
JARED - 07/09/00 02:38:46 My Favourite Sailor Scout: the beautiful Kiki Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: the rebel ( Kiki ) | Comments: |
JARED - 07/09/00 02:38:27 My Favourite Sailor Scout: the beautiful Kiki Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: the rebel | Comments: |
Jessica Dolce - 07/08/00 18:13:01 My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor neptune,pluto,and mini-moon Worst Scout: meatball head Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: wicked lady, sapphire, and prince diamond Worst Bad Guy/Gal: emerald she sounds like a hyena | Comments: i like wicked lady because shes beautiful and sapphire and his brother diamond are cute. |
Sailor Star Angel - 07/07/00 04:16:43 Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Saturn and Venus Worst Scout: Murcury Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Vegeta (DBZ)Prince Diamond and Sapphire Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Ziozite, Malachite, Emerald, Wiseman | Comments: I think a site is boring if all it has is a guestbook! I am a site rater and in the name of the stars, I rate this site * star |
Joker - 07/06/00 13:53:42 Favourite Sailor Scout: the hot Sailor Jupiter Worst Scout: nun ov em Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Vegeta but that's what u mean...uh...zoicite i guess Worst Bad Guy/Gal: any from the Barral series | Comments: im gonna go alng with the other people and "you guys rock" and "you should stay up" |
mistee heaven - 07/05/00 20:08:31 Favourite Sailor Scout: salior satern Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: floire Worst Bad Guy/Gal: all | Comments: i like your site!! i love sailor satern!! buh*byes!! |
Sailor Mercury - 07/02/00 05:54:49 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mercury Worst Scout: I don't know ^_^? Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Nephite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Wise Man | Comments: Your site is really cool. One of the best site I have ever been to. Keep up the good work! And please visit my web site and remember to sign my guest book. ^_^ |
michiru aka holly - 07/01/00 01:52:28 My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor moon,sailor neptune,uranus Worst Scout: sailorjupiter Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: eudial Worst Bad Guy/Gal: jedite | Comments: anyone can email me about sailormoon with questions.i know all about sailormoon by the internet. most favorite scout is neptune,we both have the same kind of hair[not color].im 1/2 tomboy like uranus.i act just like sailor moon..i love the show mor than anything in the world.i have gonna get more for now!!!! |
michiru aka holly - 07/01/00 01:47:29 My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor moon,sailor neptune,uranus Worst Scout: sailorjupiter Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: eudial Worst Bad Guy/Gal: jedite | Comments: anyone can email me about sailormoon with questions.i know all about sailormoon by the internet. most favorite scout is neptune,we both have the same kind of hair[not color].im 1/2 tomboy like uranus.i act just like sailor moon..i love the show mor than anything in the world.i have gonna get more for now!!!! |
SweetPnai_00 - 06/30/00 20:17:11 My Favourite Sailor Scout: All of them Worst Scout: Nobody Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: None of them Worst Bad Guy/Gal: All of them people | Comments: well I wanted to say that I love Sailor Moon alot. They are so cool and awesome. Anyways umm.... I gotta go now before I miss Sailor Moon. Love Always, Kristin A.K.A SweetPnai_00 |
Mina - 06/30/00 17:57:38 My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailormoon,reeni,sailorneptune,and sailorurnus.....wat the heck.....everyone! Worst Scout: no one Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: no one Worst Bad Guy/Gal: that guy that makes thoses pure heart seeds.....ewwwwww | Comments: sailor moon is the best show...sailormoon,gundamwing,dbz,those shows are all kewl! |
luna - 06/29/00 02:31:15 My URL: My Email:aquaill2001 Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor mercury Worst Scout: none of the obove Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: wicked lady Worst Bad Guy/Gal: fiore | Comments: i looooooooooove this page it is totally cool o :) o |
Serenity - 06/27/00 20:36:17 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Saturn!!! Worst Scout: what are you talkin bout? They're all cool! Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Misstress 9! Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Beryl. | Comments: Cool Site. Like the coloring thing. Come check out my site, please? |
susan - 06/24/00 01:00:34 My URL:nope sorry ! :-) My | Comments: kool homepage email me aaron ! |
Emily - 06/22/00 05:00:16 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: TOMOE HOTARU!!!! <-she rox~ Worst Scout: Hino Rei... *growls* Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: ALLAN! Worst Bad Guy/Gal: ANN! | Comments: This page rox, keep up the great work! Ja ne, Emily |
Elena - 06/19/00 21:24:26 My Email:Aqua Favourite Sailor Scout: Neptune & Uranus Worst Scout: Mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Black Lady Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Ann & Allen | Comments: YOUR SITE IS FINE JUST KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK AND UPDATE MORE OFTEN AND IT WILL EVEN BE BETTER.^_^ |
meilssa - 06/18/00 21:12:55 My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor chibi galxy Worst Scout: there all cool Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: zoztize Worst Bad Guy/Gal: queen beyral | Comments: i love sailor moon you propley havent herad of sailor chibi galxy becuse she got erased when dic took over |
V-babe99 - 06/14/00 01:48:30 My Email:chibi12 Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mini Moon | Comments: |
Artemis_cat - 06/12/00 22:58:48 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: I dunno I love em all Worst Scout: I dunno I love em all Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: CHAOS ^^ Worst Bad Guy/Gal: NONE | Comments: Hi! ^^ Love the page! Keep up the great work! *Meow* Artemis_cat ^^ |
Amanda - 06/11/00 22:30:16 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Prince Diamond | Comments: A very well put together site. |
Janelle - 06/11/00 18:25:35 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Venus Worst Scout: Sailor Moon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: anyone from witches 5 Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Nephlite | Comments: Kewl Page! |
Ami - 06/05/00 17:02:57 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mercury! Worst Scout: Sailor Moon! Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Prince Diamond Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Emerald | Comments: Hey, I love your site, keep it up. I just wanted ta say hi and hope that you take the time to read all these little comments people put. I'm off ta work on my page cause I dunno how to promote it. bye bye! |
Usagi - 06/05/00 01:07:32 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon Worst Scout: None Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Wicked Lady Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Beryl | Comments: Love ya web site! Keep doing a good job! |
Tia Pettingill - 06/04/00 03:01:07 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Prince Diamond Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Doom Phantom | Comments: I think that Sailor Moon is the best show ever.It rules awesome things.My sister Carly thinks Derian is HOT! |
bubbles - 06/04/00 00:07:34 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Venus Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: PallaPalla Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Rubeus | Comments: Kool site! |
chani - 06/03/00 02:42:35 My Favourite Sailor Scout: venus Worst Scout: uranus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: none Worst Bad Guy/Gal: none | Comments: |
X (Defender of Sailor Venus). - 06/01/00 03:40:21 My URL:http:// Spirit Bomb My Email:Kame Hame Ha Favourite Sailor Scout: Venus Worst Scout: ...... Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: ...... Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Dark Phantom | Comments: Kind of a dumb question to ask ME what the worst scout is or favorite bad guy/gal is, but the pictures kick ass! |
Neo Princess Neptune - 05/29/00 17:48:28 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Neptune!!!!! Worst Scout: I like them all!!!!!!!!! Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Prince Diamond Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Beryl | Comments: Anyone EMAIL ME. Nice page by the way |
unnone - 05/24/00 19:39:26 My Favourite Sailor Scout: mars Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: none Worst Bad Guy/Gal: none | Comments: sup there how is every thing????i got to go now byes,...... |
I'm not telling!! - 05/23/00 22:57:19 My Email:I'm still not telling! Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Kakyuu all the way!! Worst Scout: Sailor Uranus! Eeeeew! Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: I'd say that goes to Prince Demando and CereCere Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Rubeus! Oooh! He's such a creep! | Comments: |
lolin - 05/23/00 05:16:28 My Favourite Sailor Scout: xxx Worst Scout: xxx Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: xxx Worst Bad Guy/Gal: xxx | Comments: xxx |
HiLLy - 05/22/00 00:22:59 My Favourite Sailor Scout: daren Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: daren | Comments: hEy thIs pAgE wAs maD sUprIsED ThAt iT wAs Set Up bY gUY. HEaPs Of INfO aND reAl In dEpth. I loVe dAReN sO wAs uPsEt ThAt thErE WasNt MOrE Of hiM, buT i GUeSs yoU wOULdnT waNt To DeDiCaTe thE PaGe To dArEn ToO MuCh MItE saY SomEtHInG AbOUt youR UMMM seXuA PReFerEnCeS anyWaYs i GiVe YOU 5 stArS |
Karei - 05/06/00 03:19:18 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupiter Worst Scout: is that possible. Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Beryl (manga version) Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Emyrald (any version) | Comments: Sailor Moon ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Karei - 05/06/00 03:17:24 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupiter Worst Scout: is that possible. Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Beryl (manga version) Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Emyrald (any version) | Comments: Sailor Moon ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Cheshyr - 05/04/00 05:33:06 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon, Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Uranus(I know I'm only allowed to pick 1 but I can't decide!) Worst Scout: Sailor Mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Malachite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: wise man | Comments: I lllllloooovvvveeeee Sailor Moon!!!!! |
stephanie - 04/27/00 23:29:20 My URL:?????????? My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor saturn Worst Scout: sailor mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: queen galaxy Worst Bad Guy/Gal: crow | Comments: i love sailor sailor saturn sha kick ass her power is so powerful how did i known i download so sailor moon movies bye |
Serena Tsukino - 04/22/00 02:36:49 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon Worst Scout: Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Birdy Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Emerald | Comments: Sailor Moon is the best movie in the world. |
winnie - 04/22/00 00:39:15 My URL:http://.ca My | Comments: u rock jupiter |
sailorjupter - 04/20/00 03:03:01 My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailorjupiter Worst Scout: What the hell do you mean worst they all kick ass!! Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: wickedlady Worst Bad Guy/Gal: the rest just suck!! | Comments: Hey keep up the good work I am in college and sailormoon is da bomb {THE HORNEY GUY NEXT DOOR!} |
Piu-chan - 04/12/00 15:32:44 Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Saturn Worst Scout: Chibi-moon(just kill her) Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: The absolut Adonis Jadeit Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Beryll(she"killed"my darling) | Comments: Hey your homepage is great although I had not the time to read all.(till now-I guess. Greatings to all Jeddy-lovers(visit Staykas page!) |
Ami - 04/09/00 16:28:55 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mars Worst Scout: Sailor Venus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Prince Diamond Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Emerald | Comments: I like your site visit mine!!! |
angelika samonte - 04/09/00 13:30:52 My | Comments: a big sailor moon fan...i like ur site.....urs angelika...... |
Crystal - 04/08/00 03:40:44 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mars Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Saphire Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Rubeus | Comments: Great website! I love your pictures! :} |
- 04/07/00 06:54:37 Favourite Sailor Scout: plotow Worst Scout: salor moon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: the one with bog boobs Worst Bad Guy/Gal: all the boys | Comments: you need to show some sailor porn |
Katie - 04/05/00 01:42:12 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor moon Worst Scout: no, I love them all Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Prince Darien, Prince Demando, Allen with the flute! Worst Bad Guy/Gal: can't remember | Comments: Sorry to waisting spaces in your guestbook, but can I just ask you something? How do you create a website that is so cool like this? I want to have my own web site about sailor moon and all that stuff, you know. If you have time, tell me please....? T ank you anyway. |
Katie - 04/05/00 01:36:36 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor moon!!!! Worst Scout: what do you mean "worst"? All of them are the best Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Prince Demando (or is it something else?) and Allen (I love the way he plays his flute...) and also Darien when he got charmed by queen Beryl Worst Bad Guy/Gal: that guy with the black backward moon of his forehead..(he think he's so cool and all...) | Comments: I'm obsess with SailorMoon. I've been watching the story since I was 9, and now I'm 15! I read comic books, watch the show and collect Sailor moon cards.If I could just find a guy that look exactly like Darien...(*sigh*) Need me to say more? |
Miyuki - 04/04/00 08:24:05 My URL:http://chvckelgvfilcgew My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Neptune Worst Scout: Sailor Mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: none Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Nope | Comments: Do you know it is very Coooooooooooooooooooooooool?If you have time just e-mail me ! Bye !....................... |
Link169 - 04/02/00 08:09:30 My Favourite Sailor Scout: SAILOR MURCURY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Worst Scout: they're all good Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: all they're all bad if they hurt the scouts Worst Bad Guy/Gal: ALL BAD! | Comments: i may be a guy but sailor moon is a cool sires and they're all HOT! BUT i respect sailor murcury. |
Link169 - 04/02/00 08:09:10 My Favourite Sailor Scout: SAILOR MURCURY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Worst Scout: they're all good Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: all they're all bad if they hurt the scouts Worst Bad Guy/Gal: ALL BAD! | Comments: i may be a guy but sailor moon is a cool sires and they're all HOT! BUT i respect sailor murcury. |
Kiki - 04/01/00 07:06:13 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mercury Worst Scout: well, Rini really bugs me Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Nephlite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Emerald | Comments: It's pretty cool to actually find a guy who likes Sailor Moon. How old are you anyways? Did I mention you're cute! Well anyways, great site. Keep up the good work! |
Robbie - 03/30/00 01:26:39 My Favourite Sailor Scout: All Worst Scout: None Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Not sure Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Not sure | Comments: I'm glad there's people who have Sailor Moon sites other than me |
Daniel - 03/28/00 18:46:23 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Mars Worst Scout: Mercury Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Prince Diamond Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Emerald | Comments: Hey all ya Moonies! I hope life is great for all of you! If you get a chance, please visit my site and sign my guestbook if at all possible. Thanks. :) |
stephanie rivera - 03/28/00 18:26:02 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: venus Worst Scout: moon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: emrald Worst Bad Guy/Gal: nepfly | Comments: I like your homepage and I think it's cool.So would you please come and visit my homepage and sign my guestbook!!!!!!! |
the_webmaster007 - 03/28/00 01:20:31 My URL: Favourite Sailor Scout: Moon Worst Scout: Venus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Nephlyte Worst Bad Guy/Gal: any negamoon guys | Comments: Check out my free Sailor Moon program at |
jane - 03/25/00 19:50:00 My URL: Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor neptune Worst Scout: none of them are bad ^_^ Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: none Worst Bad Guy/Gal: none | Comments: Hey, Great site, I like the pics and stuff, well I hope you do well in the future and please visit my site too, thanx! |
Rachel Chalhoub - 03/24/00 03:27:04 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Neptune Worst Scout: Mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Aaron (Flute player) Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Nephlite | Comments: I'll have to admit, yours was the first SM site i came across and you got something good here because its my all time favorite. And i've seen some pretty good ones. Keep up the good work. :) |
Melissa akaMars Bars - 03/20/00 21:14:49 My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor Mars (: Worst Scout: moon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: sailor mars and tuxedo mask Worst Bad Guy/Gal: queen delia | Comments: YOUR SITE ROCKS!!!!, STAY ON INTERNET MAN! (: |
Solar Flare - 03/17/00 02:49:21 Favourite Sailor Scout: all of them Worst Scout: none of them Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Sailor Galaxy Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Neflite | Comments: Awesome pictures! I like how they are on different web pages for the scouts. |
Holly - 03/16/00 22:13:28 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon & Sailor Saturn Worst Scout: NONE! They all rule! Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Mistress 9, Wicked Lady, Birdie, Ann, Alan Worst Bad Guy/Gal: none | Comments: If anyone has any cool pics of Birdie or others from the Negamoon Family, then send them to me! Thanks! Also, people who say that there is a worst Sailor Scout, can just go somewhere because they all rule!! |
reduwan - 03/12/00 12:36:51 My Email:frfjjj Favourite Sailor Scout: dfjdj Worst Scout: djfjj Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: lfgk Worst Bad Guy/Gal: jfghxhjh | Comments: pok4e |
Kelli - 03/07/00 23:47:30 Favourite Sailor Scout: sailormoon Worst Scout: sailor venus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: allan and anne Worst Bad Guy/Gal: zoisite | Comments: |
Kris - 03/07/00 21:28:49 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Chibi Moon(Rini) Worst Scout: Sailor Pluto Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Wicked Lady Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Zoisite | Comments: hey sup? i like the site it's real cool. keep up the good work! :) |
nunya bidness - 03/05/00 19:27:43 My Favourite Sailor Scout: none im obsessed w/all Worst Scout: (ditto) Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: galexia Worst Bad Guy/Gal: wise man (hes a dick) | Comments: one day i will take over the universe and...well, i havent gotten further than that, but its a goal anyways. but i make a solemn vow not to bring any harm to anyone who has any interest whatsoever in sailor moon. so now you can sleep soundly knowing tha when i am high emperess of the entire universe, i wont harm a hair on your hot little head. |
Chantal Hayes - 02/27/00 21:48:54 My Favourite Sailor Scout: All of the scouts Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: jedite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: nephlite | Comments: Hey! never thought a guy could like Sailor Moon. your cute! anyways my other email is write soon. anyways how old are you. |
Sailor Jupi-chan - 02/25/00 22:22:57 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Jupiter & Neptune Worst Scout: Star Maker Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Eudial Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Zoisite | Comments: Great page, work on the pictures. |
tara - 02/24/00 04:46:49 My Email:hawangle Favourite Sailor Scout: lita/jupiter Worst Scout: dont have one Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: prince dimend Worst Bad Guy/Gal: emrled | Comments: want to talk to a mager sm fan just email me |
Eartha May - 02/23/00 21:53:52 My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailormoon,chibimoon&chibichibimoon Worst Scout: sailormars&venus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: nephlite&prince diamond Worst Bad Guy/Gal: wise man&emerald | Comments: This is a FANTASTIC site,Aaron!!!E-mail me!! ()() ( ':') (")(") |
mANy - 02/22/00 08:03:50 My Favourite Sailor Scout: maR | Comments: hAYo..cuIte iT mEe..maNY hOW R u doiNg ..wELl me lOVe th siTe anD hOPE thaT u get tiS messaGE ..anYWAY i jusT wanted to dRop off a lIne and saY hi mY cuTie ..salIorloVEr...sEe ya ..smIle4mE..:)maNy:) |
Bianca - 02/22/00 00:29:46 My URL:http://dont know My Favourite Sailor Scout: pluto Worst Scout: jupiter Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: wiches5 Worst Bad Guy/Gal: jedit | Comments: SAILIOR MOON IS THE BEST!!!!!! ILOVE THE SHOW.I WISH THAT I COULD SEE IT EVERY DAY. BUT IT COMES ON WHEN IM IN SCHOOL. SO SAD. BYE |
Tieu Ngu - 02/20/00 04:26:09 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: SailorMoon And ChibiMoon Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: The Amazon Trio Worst Bad Guy/Gal: jadite | Comments: Your page is nice! |
the_webmaster007 - 02/13/00 20:38:05 My URL: Favourite Sailor Scout: Mars Worst Scout: Venus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Nephlite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Prince Diamond | Comments: I don't know if you'd be interested or not, but I have released a freeware program for Windows 95 and later. It has tons of info about the sm show. It's got a listing w/ description of every major villian, a bunch of the monsters, all the scouts, tons o characters, all episodes listed w/ description (american), and now has more support for the Japanese version of the show. It also has another feature people seem to like IT CAN PRODUCE A CUSTOM WEB PAGE OF ALL OR SOME OF THE AMERICAN SM EPISODES W/ DESCRIPTIONS THAT YOU CAN USE ON YOUR PAGE, AT THE TOUCH OF A BUTTON! It's now a really easy thing to have a complete listing on your site. Download version 1.11 today at Also visit my free JavaScript SM games page at to get some free games you can customize and use on your site. I've got Sailor Moon Tic Tac Toe, Memory, Hangman,... |
Rachel - 02/13/00 05:07:40 My Favourite Sailor Scout: All Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Barell Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Prince Diamond | Comments: This website has a good selction of Sailor Scouts info. It's one of the coolest sites I've seen. To say it is wicked is right! |
Pikachu25 - 02/12/00 19:45:35 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mercury Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Wicked Lady Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Wiseman | Comments: I love your website! Keep up the good work! |
- 02/12/00 04:51:50 Favourite Sailor Scout: Sarah Michelle Gellar | Comments: Buffy is better than sailor moon. The 80's are cool.And a 100mm cowl is hard to get. |
Jacquie - 02/08/00 07:00:44 My URL:http://? Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupiter(also the best!!) Worst Scout: Sailor Mars(sorry Aaron, but she can be a real big snob sometimes!) Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Neflite, 'cause he turned out nice in the end:) Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Malacite (he creeps me out!!) | Comments: I love your page! Its good to see that some people are like me and love Sailor Moon (they may call us weird now, but they will soon see!?) I hope people dont get offended by what I said about Sailor Mars, but its what I think (if you find my address, plea e refrain from killing me). Thanks for such a groovy Sailor Scouts page, and until next time, Moon Prism Power!!:)(In normal, sane, human language, Bye!:)) |
Marla - 02/07/00 22:02:54 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Neptune Worst Scout: ??? Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: ??? Worst Bad Guy/Gal: ???? | Comments: Awesome page! Loved it! |
Ilaria - 02/06/00 16:27:44 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon | Comments: è il cartone che mi piace di più di tutti perchè fa vivere molte aventure e tutti i personaggi sono simpatici!! Scrivetemi numerosi per parlare delle mitiche Sailor!!!!! |
Shinzui - 02/06/00 02:40:33 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Uranus Worst Scout: I like them all Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Sailor Iron Mouse Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Pharoah 90 | Comments: This is a very nice site. I have enjoyed my visit, and I like the paint program. It's very unique. Stop by my page sometime and we'll chat, all right? Be well... ~Shinzui |
Sailor Crayon - 02/03/00 03:34:17 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Saturn Worst Scout: n/a Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Wicked Lady Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Emerald | Comments: Your page is really cool, and I love the paint part. I've never seen that before! Sailor Moon is awesome, and I'm glad there's a male who likes it and isn't ashamed to admit so. Keep up the good work! P.S. - If you're looking for Sailor Moon t-shirts, visit my page please *bye* |
Lindsey - 01/31/00 01:04:08 My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor moon Worst Scout: not one Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: nope Worst Bad Guy/Gal: not any | Comments: good site i've been here a couple of times. |
Irene Mo - 01/30/00 17:21:36 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon Worst Scout: NONE Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: NONE Worst Bad Guy/Gal: NONE | Comments: |
Irene Mo - 01/30/00 17:15:18 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon | Comments: Sailor Moon is the cooooooooooooolest!!!!!!!!!!!! |
queen - 01/22/00 00:48:17 My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor mars Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: none Worst Bad Guy/Gal: none | Comments: i like dsailormoon because the drawings are really nice and its a great show. |
Amanda - 01/21/00 22:34:58 Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon Worst Scout: Sailor Mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: None Worst Bad Guy/Gal: none | Comments: U did a very nice job on your website. I don't like Mars because she's always yelling at whatever Sailor Moon says. Nice job. |
Angel Nemesis - 01/21/00 13:57:19 Favourite Sailor Scout: Mars, Mercury, and Saturn Worst Scout: Uranus and Moon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Nephlite/Catsy Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Wise Man | Comments: As seems to be the fad in this guestbook, yeah, I'm probably to old to be watching Sailor Moon but I like it anyway. Isn't Mercury sweet and Mars is the BEST! Gotta love the psychic thing. Nice page! And your pic wasn't that bad. I'm not masochistic for l oking at it, I may be insane but not that..that...big M word...what was it again? Oh well, long live your site! |
SAM - 01/18/00 20:34:19 Favourite Sailor Scout: SAILOR MOON Worst Scout: SAILOR SATRUN Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: ALL Worst Bad Guy/Gal: NONE | Comments: |
- 01/18/00 20:32:58 | Comments: |
Elise - 01/15/00 21:21:59 Favourite Sailor Scout: All Worst Scout: NONE!!!! Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Anne & Alan Worst Bad Guy/Gal: All,exept Anne & Alan | Comments: I stand by Sailor Moon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Elise - 01/15/00 21:15:43 Favourite Sailor Scout: All Worst Scout: NONE!!!! Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Anne & Alan Worst Bad Guy/Gal: All,exept Anne & Alan | Comments: I don't know how to put my comments in words. |
Samantha gognat - 01/14/00 20:15:08 Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor saturn Worst Scout: sailor moon | Comments: Do you have piturn of Sailor saturn |
Star Wolf - 01/12/00 02:04:45 My Favourite Sailor Scout: the dead one Worst Scout: the live ones Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: all Worst Bad Guy/Gal: none (can't be all bad) | Comments: Three little letters. ISM (Ice Sailor Moon). How can you look up to a bunch of anemic, school girls, running around yelling "In the name of the moon, I will punish you!"? "Why do you hate SM?" you say? 1)2 are gay (Uranus and Neptune) 2)no good story l ne 3)bad animation. etc. |
chriszcl - 01/06/00 16:13:55 My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailormoon Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: none Worst Bad Guy/Gal: every single one | Comments: I really really really really love your page.I'm a Sailormoon's fan.Sailormoon is my favourite but Sailor ChibiChibi was better.bye bye |
Mouse221 - 12/29/99 16:43:16 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Juno or Jun Jun Worst Scout: Sailor Moon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Nephlyte Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Malachite&Zoisite | Comments: Hey all! This site is really neat! For those of you that don't know Sailor Juno started out working for the evil Sailor Galaxia when they were looking for the star seeds I believe. And isn't Nephlyte hot? Malachite is dumb because he loves that pshycho Zo site! YUCK! ^~^ Anyone who contests my opinion can go pound sand! |
Sailorbrat - 12/29/99 16:39:45 My Favourite Sailor Scout: SailorMoon Worst Scout: SailorMars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Byrdie from the negamoon sisters Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Malachite & Zoicite | Comments: THIS SITE ROCKS! I like your style.Keep up the good work.I have a friend who really likes Sailor Mercury alot.If you e-mail me canyou send some pictures of SailorMoon and SailorMercury. from:Sailorbrat p.s. your doing great! |
Diana - 12/28/99 21:31:35 Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Chibi Moon Worst Scout: The Sailor Starlights Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: The Weird Sisters Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Jedite | Comments: the site rocks! Keep it up! |
Marinel - 12/26/99 06:09:06 My Favourite Sailor Scout: all of them Worst Scout: none | Comments: It's perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Jess - 12/19/99 19:58:53 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mercury Worst Scout: Sailor Uranus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Prince Diamond Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Emerald | Comments: MEATBALL HEAD! |
Sailor Solar - 12/15/99 01:51:19 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon Worst Scout: Sailor Mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Nephrenia Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Jedite | Comments: I just ever so much luv your image galleries!!! |
Ace - 11/28/99 07:01:36 Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Pluto Worst Scout: Sailor Chibi Moon!!!!! Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Amazon Trio | Comments: Dude!!! This site is totally killer! |
Travis Nikaido - 11/28/99 05:32:30 My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor jupiter Worst Scout: sailor mars(you all hate me dont you?) Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: prince diamond Worst Bad Guy/Gal: rubeus | Comments: WHATS UP!!ILL BET THAT IM THE FIRST DUDE TA SIGN YOUR GUESTBOOK,HUH?MY COUSIN GOT ME HOOKED.N E WAYS,ITS A REALLY BAD A-WELL YA KNOW,SITE. |
Angela Gonzales - 11/28/99 00:37:12 My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor saturn Worst Scout: sailor mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: prince diomond Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Rubious | Comments: Nice website! Its nice to know there are more people who really like sailor moon! |
Juli "Jewels" - 11/24/99 19:50:06 My URL:none yet but its coming My Favourite Sailor Scout: I guess all but maybe Saturn?? Worst Scout: None Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: All except Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Emerald (horrible laugh) | Comments: Very cool page. Keep adding. I will come back to sign when my page is finished. Love, Juli AKA Hotaru (sound familiar) BKA Jewels |
not available - 11/16/99 23:26:39 My URL:http://none yet My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mercury!!! Worst Scout: i guess mars, but they're all kewl Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: astroid senshi Worst Bad Guy/Gal: zoycite (what's she thinking?!?!) | Comments: love your page! visit it often. this is the first time i glanced at your picture. (amazed by the fact that there are hot male moonies) hope you don't think i'm a freak... i'm sure tons of people worship you. Keep up the good work:) |
Vicky - 11/08/99 22:53:58 My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor mercury Worst Scout: all the starlights cause they are acctually guys. | Comments: good page!!!!! i love ur pics. |
Sailor Bellerophon - 11/01/99 18:55:32 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Venus Worst Scout: Sailor Starlights | Comments: Nice page! |
Crystal - 11/01/99 02:16:47 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Saphire Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Zoisite | Comments: Great Website! I like your pics and how you have them seperated. :) |
JK Syrin - 10/27/99 17:42:50 Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Venus Worst Scout: None Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: All Worst Bad Guy/Gal: none | Comments: I think that you did a wonderful job with your websit.The pictures and everything were great.And I find it very mature that your not afraid to admitte that you like Sailor Moon even though your a guy. P.S. Your Kinda cute. |
SCOTT MCLAURIN - 10/23/99 02:46:05 My Favourite Sailor Scout: ALL Worst Scout: NONE Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: NONE Worst Bad Guy/Gal: ALL | Comments: THIS PAGE IS THE BEST. I'M A GUY AND I LIKE SAILOR MOON OK THERE I SAID IT ARE YOU HAPPY!!! |
Chris Adams - 10/14/99 19:28:12 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Mars Worst Scout: Mercury Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Nephlite or Birdie Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Prisma | Comments: I only know of the original 5, please explain how the others joined and info about them. |
Sarah - 09/30/99 00:28:25 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Pluto, Neptune and Saturn Worst Scout: hum, thats a hard one. Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Bunnys aunt Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Emerald | Comments: Nice site! |
Lynette - 09/29/99 20:13:49 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon all the way!! Worst Scout: None Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Catsy Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Wise Man | Comments: Awesome website! I love it! Nice pictures! Oh i love the paint thing! I spent like a half hour coloring on that thing. Keep up the good work! |
james B. - 09/15/99 01:22:26 My URL:http://www, My Favourite Sailor Scout: moon [of course!] Worst Scout: mars [ugh] Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: jedite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: mephlyte | Comments: I see that you put alot of work into your site but what's up with some of the pics and the loadin time? laterz. |
brandi - 09/12/99 03:02:57 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: jupiter Worst Scout: mars | Comments: i like your page |
Tyler Addington - 09/10/99 01:11:27 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailormars/Rei Worst Scout: Serena Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Guy: Mephlyte Girl: Emerald Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Guy: jedite Girl: Queen Barrel | Comments: This is a pretty cool page! good job. keep up the good work. |
Yella - 09/05/99 22:23:59 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor neptune,sailor mercury,sailor pluto(top 3) Worst Scout: (none) Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: all Worst Bad Guy/Gal: (none) | Comments: Your page is pretty cool. But some of your pic.s didn't work. I hope you got my e-mail. AND I also hope it worked. SEE YA!! ~_^ |
ingrid - 09/05/99 00:00:17 Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor moon Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: wicked lady Worst Bad Guy/Gal: zoicite | Comments: the pictures are so COOL! |
kaoli - 09/04/99 18:35:40 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Saturn Worst Scout: Chibi Moon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Kaolinite/Birdie Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Jedite | Comments: Great page. The painting thing was fun, kinda hard to control, but fun. And the pictures were great! keep up the great work! |
Mina - 08/22/99 21:43:52 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon Sailor Pluto Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Birdie Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Beryl | Comments: Hi there, I like your page it's good but you should make them load a bit faster. But keep on adding something new. Maybe a sailor Moon test. |
Luna - 08/21/99 23:57:17 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon and Sailor Pluto Worst Scout: Sailor Mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Prince Diamond and Wicked Lady | Comments: |
Andrew - 08/18/99 02:23:33 Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Murcury Worst Scout: I like 'em all Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Wicked lady, Wiseman Worst Bad Guy/Gal: none that i can think of | Comments: Your web site is Phat, keep it up,cool pictures too. |
Queen Beryl - 08/17/99 20:18:16 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Mercury all the way! Worst Scout: Jupiter, puke! Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Alan Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Ann | Comments: cool site! hope you come to mine someday! ill be in the chat as Allens_Girl, hope to see ya! |
Stephanie - 08/15/99 23:06:41 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupiter Worst Scout: uhh..... I dunno | Comments: I hope I haven't already signed this guest book. I've been to this site about a billion times... It's a really great site! My site isn't a Sailor Moon site by the way, but I thought I'd put the URL on anyways. Well, keep up the great work! |
Eileen - 08/14/99 00:18:19 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor moon and chibichibi moon Worst Scout: ummm??? Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: prince diamond??? Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Joicite | Comments: Heyhey! luv da site!!! U got skillz! remember meeh? well, hope ur reading this. sailor moon ish da best! i luv her and her show so much. I just don't appreciate sum of the sailormoon porno that goes on...well write meeh okai??? I wanna hear from u. and i inda updated my site. not that much. I'm trying to make a major update on it but no time. oh dear....well see ya laterz! If u dun write meeh i'll hunt u down...j/j! |
crystal torres - 08/11/99 04:32:08 Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor moon Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: none Worst Bad Guy/Gal: none | Comments: hi! bye |
Angelboy - 08/05/99 02:18:56 My URL:http://????? My Email:thatsacret Favourite Sailor Scout: All of em! Worst Scout: None, duh! Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Evil Renee Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Beryl | Comments: Your page is okay, but you need to update it, because it will get very old very fast. Add some midis and it will be better. And don't make one section of your page so long, divide it up more into sections. I'm sure you'll make it awesome soon. :) Bye. |
Raye - 08/03/99 16:40:10 Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mercury and Mars Worst Scout: Sailor Uranus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Birdie and Catsey Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Wiseman | Comments: Your Site really cool!!!!Your pics. of the scouts are Cool too!!!Keep up the good work!!! **Bye** -Raye |
Minako Aino - 07/29/99 05:05:35 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Jupiter and Venus Worst Scout: Sailor Chibi Moon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Sailor Iron Mouse Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Wiseman/doomfantom | Comments: I loved your page!!! I'm a major Sailor Moon fan and i watch the show every day. I loved all the pics. Even though there were few, they were all really good!!! I really liked the bunny one :) If you ever update your page, e-mail me and let me know. K? Kee up the good work! - Mina - |
kandis - 07/27/99 01:08:55 My Favourite Sailor Scout: mercury Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: allen Worst Bad Guy/Gal: the first bad guy | Comments: i love the show and my friends and i decided on which scout we should be and now we call each other those names. |
Kassie Duke - 07/24/99 04:20:02 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Jupiter Worst Scout: Mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Katzy Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Zoycite | Comments: E-mail me!^_^ |
Serina - 07/23/99 17:58:33 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon Worst Scout: I like them all but i like SM more!! Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Ann and Alen Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Berral | Comments: I love SailorMoon and i hope that the ppl that hate it have a really bad night mare and die of sailor moon madness !! : ) i love and i always watch the show !! I never miss not even one show!! And i have every sailor moon show recorded on tape!! i love t is sit and i hope u make more pics of sailor moon and the others |
lareina - 07/22/99 00:42:31 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: venus and jupiter Worst Scout: no one Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: zoesite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: nephlite | Comments: what are your last names?????????? |
Hershey - 07/12/99 00:48:59 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Saturn Worst Scout: None Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Mistress 9 Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Beryl | Comments: Cool page! Why don't you add a Sailormoon quiz or some entertainment? |
Cutyangel - 07/11/99 08:03:53 My Email:can't tell ! Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon Worst Scout: Sailor Mars | Comments: i like your page and you also done a great job and please update it soon. i don't have anything to say so bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Lupe - 07/10/99 12:21:04 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Venus Worst Scout: Mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Jedite- hottie Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Wicked Lady, Zoisite, or Emerald... annoying | Comments: Hey! I still like your site and I still want to link to it... I'm just too lazy to email you. Do you have a banner or should I just make you one? Let me know please! |
Luna's Meow - 07/08/99 18:35:12 My URL:http:// I forget Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Venus Worst Scout: Sailor Neptune (I don't hate her though) Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Jedite-Allan& Ann Worst Bad Guy/Gal: wicked lady | Comments: I love your page. The paint things really cool. |
foolishpleasur - 07/02/99 19:26:26 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Saturn Worst Scout: There is no worst scout Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: the dark moon family, those sisters were cool Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Wiseman and Wicked Lady | Comments: I like the page. Nice layout and fun to look around. Not to bad on loading either. I like the sailor paint thing that's original. Keep up the good work. I give your site 2 thumbs up. Oh and cute picture of you ;-) |
Sailor Galaxy - 07/01/99 19:51:35 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Pluto Worst Scout: Small Lady Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Alan and Prince Diamond Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Zoicite | Comments: Pretty nice place! Can I ask a question? Did it take you a long time to get put on yahoo? They are so annoying. Anyway, I like this place! Not bad! |
nikki - 07/01/99 03:29:58 My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor jupiter Worst Scout: sailor mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: whats the blond guys name again jedite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: quenn beryll | Comments: I like your page i also like your picture your cute. |
Julie - 06/29/99 16:03:53 My Email:don't send me things k? Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupiter Worst Scout: Sailor Masr Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Alan and Ann Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Barrell | Comments: This is awesome! Keep up the good work! |
Usagi - 06/21/99 05:37:51 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: there's so many....Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Kamen, Sailor Uranus, and Sailor Starfighter Worst Scout: none really Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Tiger's Eye Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Beryl | Comments: Nice page. I liked the Sailor Paint. That was pretty cool. YOu have some good pics too. If you would like some more, e-mail me...I have tons. I'd be glad to share. Please drop by and visit my page too. Enter your site in my contest, too!! Jaa!! : |
moongoddess - 06/19/99 18:37:25 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon Worst Scout: Sailor Mercury Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Sailor Siren Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Zoicite | Comments: Cool page! Visit mine. Please join my brand-new Sailor Moon |
Christal - 06/14/99 05:51:12 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mars Worst Scout: Sailor Moon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: ummmmmmm I dunno Worst Bad Guy/Gal: ummmmmmm like I said above | Comments: Hey I don't watch that show but I wa checking out my friends page and yours was right near it in the list for searches so I checked it out! Hey nice page. The best part is your pic! he he :) |
Crystal - 06/11/99 15:31:57 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupiter Worst Scout: Sailor Chibimoon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Beryl Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Zoysite | Comments: HI! Great page! I love it! Keep up the good work. Oh and go check out my site! Please make sure to sign my guest book. Thanks |
Kristin aka *Lita* - 06/10/99 20:27:27 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: SAILOR JUPITER RULES!!! Worst Scout: Sailor Uranus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: alan and ann Worst Bad Guy/Gal: jedite | Comments: Hi! Please fix the banner on your site to mine and the link. Thanks and keep up the good work! |
Dawn) Annalayna - 06/07/99 22:31:16 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Venus, Moon, ChibbyMoon, ChibbyChibby, Cosmos Worst Scout: Sailor Star Lights Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Alan&Ann, evil Prince Darien:oÞ Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Doom Phantom/Wiseman | Comments: :oÞ Hi! I love your website, do u know any websites like it??? I'm mainly interested in cool pics. Bye! :oÞ |
Kristin aka *Lita* - 06/07/99 14:52:57 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: SAILOR JUPITER RULES!!! Worst Scout: Sailor Uranus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: alan and ann Worst Bad Guy/Gal: jedite | Comments: Hi! Please update the my banner on your site. I have moved! |
elena day - 06/02/99 21:33:16 My Email:none Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor moon/tux mask Worst Scout: sailor mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: prince diamond Worst Bad Guy/Gal: wiseman | Comments: Hey my nieces got me started on sailor moon. I am 19 and I actually like it. I just wish they would make more in english!!! By the way nice web page. I love the pictures. |
elena day - 06/02/99 21:32:29 My Email:none Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor moon/tux mask Worst Scout: sailor mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: prince diamond Worst Bad Guy/Gal: wiseman | Comments: Hey my nieces got me started on sailor moon. I am 19 and I actually like it. I just wish they would make more in english!!! By the way nice web page. I love the pictures. |
elena day - 06/02/99 21:32:08 My Email:none Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor moon/tux mask Worst Scout: sailor mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: prince diamond Worst Bad Guy/Gal: wiseman | Comments: Hey my nieces got me started on sailor moon. I am 19 and I actually like it. I just wish they would make more in english!!! By the way nice web page. I love the pictures. |
roelcubas - 06/01/99 14:53:12 My URL:http://roelcubas@hot Favourite Sailor Scout: all Worst Scout: nowna Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: prince diamon Worst Bad Guy/Gal: wiseman or wiched lady | Comments: you are great i relly like you job follow god you friend roel |
Kristin aka *Lita* - 05/29/99 23:24:36 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: SAILOR JUPITER RULES!!! Worst Scout: Sailor Uranus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: alan and ann Worst Bad Guy/Gal: jedite | Comments: Messed up on my banner..sorry |
Kristin aka *Lita* - 05/29/99 23:12:19 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: SAILOR JUPITER RULES!!! Worst Scout: Sailor Uranus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: alan and ann Worst Bad Guy/Gal: jedite | Comments: Hello! Remember me! I'm the page you got the images from for your paint program! It looks nice. :) I just wanted to tell you I have switched addresses. I needed more space, so update evrything, bookmarks etc. Also since your one of the nice people with my banner on your page please change it to the right address. The links below along with the new banner. Keep up the great work!! |
una - 05/29/99 14:37:23 Favourite Sailor Scout: sailormoon! Worst Scout: sailormars!!! Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: those four sisters Worst Bad Guy/Gal: that wiseman | Comments: you have such a kool web site! i love sailormoon, I'm a pre teen and i still do! |
L.P.H. - 05/29/99 10:30:35 My Email:NO THANKS Favourite Sailor Scout: MARS Worst Scout: SAILOR MOON Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: BERYL Worst Bad Guy/Gal: THAT CAT HEAD | Comments: A very clever page - you obviously inherited your father's brains and your mother's good-looks. I have been bombarded by Sailor Moon by a member of my family for some time now (his favourite happens to be Sailor Mars as well!) and have learned to love i (not really) but your page is excellent anyway. Hope all that computer knowledge will find you a well-paid job one day. You and me both ma. By the way that cat head isn't a bad guy. |
Olivia - 05/24/99 18:25:43 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupiter Worst Scout: Sailor Mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Nephlite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: The Wise Man | Comments: This web page is ssoooo cool, the picture are brilliant well done. |
Sailor Samantha - 05/21/99 21:55:58 Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon!(Of course!) Worst Scout: None! Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Malacite and Zoisite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Jedidite | Comments: Hello out there,Sailor Moonies!!!So sorry about not having a Sailor Moon website.I should have one(its just that I don't know how to).Oh,hey,Tammy? Iv'e got some advice for you.At HEROE'S HANGOUT,(In South Carolina,of course)there are a few video catoons,2 in a video you can buy,and HEROE'S HANGOUT is at the Inlet Square Mall.Well,I'm gonna search some more pictures and sites.BYE!!! Sailor Samantha |
Angelic Little Devil - 05/11/99 06:40:02 | Comments: Well sorry to dissapiont you, but I've never watched a whole Sailor Moon before. Does that make me unworthy to sign this guest book? By the way love your photo. :) |
Tammy - 05/08/99 20:11:24 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon! Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: none Worst Bad Guy/Gal: none | Comments: Hi everyone! I've always loved the show Sailor Moon. Since my parents have cancelled cable, I can't watch it anymore. I was wondering, do they have Sailor Moon espisodes in video stores? If so, how often do they realease the new ones, and how long is each video? Please e-mail me. Or you can contact me through AOL Instant Messenger, my AOL screen name is HITZFreak6 |
kittykat - 05/02/99 23:20:30 My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailormoon Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: none Worst Bad Guy/Gal: none | Comments: Hi,im thinking of starting an email sailor moon newsletter if you would like to subscribe,please send me your email adress. |
Kirs - 04/30/99 22:34:58 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Every one | Comments: I love Sailor Scouts, I've been a fan as long as I can remember, my sister and I love watching every chance we get, keep up the great website! |
Allison Petersen - 04/20/99 19:38:33 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Murcery Worst Scout: Moon | Comments: I love sailor moon! My two best friends and I love sailor moon more than any thing thank for keeping it alive. love, Allison Marie Petersen |
Mina - 04/17/99 17:50:36 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Venus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Catsy Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Wiseman | Comments: I really like your page!All of the pics that you have put on here have really helped me with the Sailor Moon scrapbook that I'm making for my frineds. Keep up the good work and please visit my page! <3 always, Mina |
Gemma - 04/07/99 00:58:12 My | Comments: Great site!! I just thought I'd pop in to discover Sailor Moon for the first time....It's pretty cool!! |
Shawn - 04/04/99 21:38:27 Favourite Sailor Scout: Jupiter Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Neyphlite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Zoicite | Comments: Sailor Moon is very, very cool. My sister and I watch it all the time. Your page is awesome! Keep it up. Until then, "Moon septar, elimination!" |
Jade - 04/04/99 02:53:09 Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupitor Worst Scout: Sailor Mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Prisma Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Wise Man | Comments: I love Sailor Moon! I love watching the romance plots. I can't wait until they release the other seasons. |
A hot babe - 04/03/99 20:40:22 Favourite Sailor Scout: All Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: none Worst Bad Guy/Gal: all | Comments: Listen I love sailor moon ! My life is Salior Moon Check you later. >The girl who never called |
Nuku Nuku - 04/02/99 21:55:35 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: SAILOR MARS Worst Scout: Sailor Venus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Wicked Lady Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Zoyzite | Comments: Hey man! Cool Sailor Moon page: I'm so happy to see a kickin' Moon page by a guy for a change *hehe* Sailor Moon is one of my favourite Animes! Keep up the good work babes! *byes* P.S.- If you ever get the chance please see my Pokemon page: I sell things! Or just come and check out what it's all about please *thanx* |
Tran Nguyen - 04/02/99 08:36:54 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupitor Worst Scout: Sailor Mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: The Queen Worst Bad Guy/Gal: The Monsters | Comments: |
Craziegyrl - 03/27/99 06:11:44 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon, and Sailor Venus Worst Scout: Sailor Mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Ann and alan Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Zoicite | Comments: I love ur page!! Please stop by sometime and sign my guestbook too!!! and if you don't have netscape then you can sign up for an award too!!!! Well cya later!! |
OSwald - 03/24/99 11:29:30 | Comments: YOU SUCK MOONIES ARE DAMN LIERS |
Braky Wacky - 03/12/99 00:01:19 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Mercury Worst Scout: Jupiter Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Neflite | Comments: Cool SM homepage! Come visit my cartoon chat sometime! |
Lady Jupiter - 03/07/99 01:31:34 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupiter Worst Scout: There is no Worst Scout! Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Nephlite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: The Wise Man | Comments: Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Venus rule!!! Love the site!!! |
honeysflip - 03/05/99 02:59:52 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mars Worst Scout: None Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Cant remember Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Zoisite | Comments: This is a dope homepage...I love Sailormoon..keep it up! |
Sarah - 03/04/99 22:30:59 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Pluto!! Worst Scout: There aren't any! Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Beryl Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Why are the Bad Guys bad??? | Comments: I LOVE your Sailor Moon page. It's one of the best I've seen! ^_^ Check out mine, if ya like ^_^. Sailor Pluto is the BEST!!! |
Matt - 02/27/99 06:05:57 Favourite Sailor Scout: Merucy and Jupiter Worst Scout: Uranus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Sapphire and Birdie Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Wise Man | Comments: |
Liz - 02/27/99 06:04:22 Favourite Sailor Scout: Saturn and Venus Worst Scout: Uranus | Comments: Sailormoon RULZ!!!!!!!!! |
Moon Light Knight - 02/22/99 22:28:38 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mercury Worst Scout: I love them all!!! Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Nephlite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Zoisite | Comments: It's nice to see how many moonies are out there!At school we have a little group and my friends are the sailor scouts, tuxedo mask and so on. I'm Moon Light Knight! By the way, this site rocks!!! |
spunkmirej and meatball head - 02/20/99 08:05:07 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: mars and moon Worst Scout: uranus and saturn Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: malachite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: emerald | Comments: Mars and moon rule!!!!!!!! You page does too!! |
Sarah - 02/19/99 01:46:31 My Favourite Sailor Scout: SAILOR MARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Worst Scout: ummmmm....i don't have one Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Beral Worst Bad Guy/Gal: hmmm...don't have one | Comments: I really love your page. SAILOR MARS IS THE BEST!!!!!!!! Keep it coming with the pics. E-mail me. i'd luv ta hear from ya. C-ya! |
Heather - 02/15/99 23:02:00 My Favourite Sailor Scout: MARS!!!! Worst Scout: Sailor Uranus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Avery (one of the four sisters) Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Rubious | Comments: This is a super cool page. Sailor Mars for President!!!! |
Tammy - 02/15/99 20:20:11 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Reubeus | Comments: I like your page! its kewl |
Tammy - 02/15/99 19:59:45 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Reubeus | Comments: I like your page! its kewl |
Jessica - 02/15/99 00:17:53 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Galaxia Worst Bad Guy/Gal: jedite | Comments: I loved your site. The paint-the-scouts thing was neat. You have good pictures of the scouts (and the one of you isn't so bad either :) Have a great day! |
Jessica - 02/14/99 22:48:52 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Galaxia Worst Bad Guy/Gal: jedite | Comments: I loved your site. The paint-the-scouts thing was neat. You have good pictures of the scouts (and the one of you isn't so bad either :) Have a great day! |
ChibiCmoon - 02/14/99 17:53:03 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Saturn Worst Scout: Sailor Mercury Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Emerald Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Beral | Comments: I love your page it rules!! Please vist mine! |
Allisan - 02/08/99 23:52:08 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Venus Worst Scout: Mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Allen (he's a hottie) Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Zoisite | Comments: Hey I really like your site! Especially the "venus paint" thing, I've never seen anything like that before. |
Rachelle - 01/30/99 19:05:04 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mars!!! Worst Scout: Sailor Mercury Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Zoisite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Wise Man | Comments: You like Sailor Mars too!!!! Kewl! Great site!!! |
It's me Erin - 01/29/99 03:09:41 My Email:don't have one yet Favourite Sailor Scout: I LIKE THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Worst Scout: NONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Sapphire&Prince Dimond their both very CUTE!!!!&Wicked Lady Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Doom Phatom | Comments: THIS IS SOOOOOOOOOOO COOOOOOOOOOOOL Wicked Lady is't cute just Sapphire&Prince Dimond! But Wicked Lady is very WICKED |
Erin Detz - 01/28/99 02:44:45 My URL: My Email:don't have one Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon Worst Scout: don't have one Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Sapphire Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Doom Phatom | Comments: SAILOR MOON IS THE BEST ANIME EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLUS I WOULD LIKE TO SAY KONNICHIWA TO SAILOR MOON AND THE SAILOR SCOUTS TOO!!! BYE BYE |
Jeffrey Spencer - 01/24/99 15:30:21 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mercury Worst Scout: Don't have one Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Titus Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Don't have one | Comments: Cool Site! Sailor Mercury Rules |
Melissa - 01/22/99 21:26:15 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Venus all the way baby Worst Scout: Mars ( slut ) Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Alan and Ann Worst Bad Guy/Gal: the 4 sisters | Comments: Hi i really like your page. I am a big fan of sailor moon and scouts. Keep up the great work and don't forget to visit my homepage and to sign the guest book too... Thanks i'll be waiting to hear from you..... Melissa |
chris settlemoir - 01/19/99 03:13:08 My Favourite Sailor Scout: salor jupiter Worst Scout: salor moon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: neplite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: zozite | Comments: salor juptier RuleSSSS |
Heidi - 01/12/99 01:11:07 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Pluto Worst Scout: None Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Black Lady and Neherenia Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Ail and Ann | Comments: Great page. Please visit mine. |
Heidi - 01/12/99 01:08:26 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Pluto Worst Scout: None Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Black Lady and Neherenia Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Ail and Ann | Comments: Great page. Please visit mine. |
NetScout16 - 01/11/99 01:47:30 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Venus Worst Scout: Sailor Mars (it's her attitude to SM) Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Prince Diamond &Sapphire Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Rubeus (too picky and cocky) | Comments: I love Sailor Moon, and I really like your page! |
Ksuperstar - 01/10/99 23:45:35 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mercury Worst Scout: I love them all Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: catsy Worst Bad Guy/Gal: alan or ann | Comments: |
Ali Powers - 01/09/99 22:25:31 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Saturn and Sailor Venus Worst Scout: Sailor Chibi Moon (so annoying) Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: That guy that was Darien's old friend in the Sailor Moon movie. He had a flower or something. Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Rubeus | Comments: Sailor Moon rulez! Sanrio does too. Visit my website on Japanese Animation and sAnrio and sailor Moon. They should not have stopped Sailor Moon, it was just getting wicked with all the outer Sailor Scouts coming to fight. Sailor Saturn rulez! |
Anonomus - 01/08/99 05:30:37 My URL:http://www.Idon' My Email:why bother with it? Favourite Sailor Scout: Venus Worst Scout: Uranus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Dr.Doom Worst Bad Guy/Gal: All of them. | Comments: Salior Moon kind of reminds me if the old Green Lantern Corps.Come to think of it I think Hal Jordan and the rest of the corps could beat the living tar out with those girl scout funkies any day of the week.Salior scouts are no match for the magical ring f the almighty Green Lantern.That will make them sorry for protecting the earth when there's a green lantern corp to do it.Manga is cool only when you have large mechs and half naked chicks with .45s.Salior Moon?It okay only when you bored watching the ca toon network and there's nothing on Tv.Sometimes it's good.I realy don't want to admit that I watch it. Some things that are cool that are on the cartoon network that I would admit to watching like Dexter's lab but salior moon? No way,Salior moon is for girls!Why would a like Salior moon?It's kind of like the old green lantern corps expect for the silliness Venus is kind of cute.How would a green lantern ring work on a salior scout?love?Remeber sex is totally different from love.Considering if they ever had sailor sex.They would have to be totally in love with somebody to use the ring.Hal Jordan look out!!He rtbreak,whoops no superpowers.It would have to be real love not lust.Love's the word.For Hal Jordan it's willpower.For Kyle Rayner it's Imagation like Yes I am undressing her with my Imagation.These things make thier rings work. One thing I don't see is the green lantern corps getting advice from a talking cat.Can't trust those talking cats.Shagadic man!Justice is mighty!! |
Kayzia - 01/03/99 09:13:41 My | Comments: Loved your page!!!!!!! |
Cyndiiiiii - 01/02/99 05:55:20 My URL:http://wish I Have oNe My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailormoon Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: wicked lady Worst Bad Guy/Gal: none | Comments: You've done a great job and I like your page alot but around the internet i see some anti-sailormoon webpages that really annoys me because they say really nasty things about sailormoon and her fans. I wish I could kick there ass. |
Kheng Tang - 12/30/98 17:45:16 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Venus Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: none Worst Bad Guy/Gal: none | Comments: Hey Aaron Luv ya page!!!!!!!! Keep up w/the great work ya been doing man...and check my page out...i'm not thru w/it though but i'm planning to put up a whole section on the sailors gang...don't know where to start..hehehe..well luv ya page..and like alwa z Sailor Moon rulz...ehehhe.. |
Daniela Castillo - 12/28/98 22:33:52 My URL:http://www.geocities | Comments: |
Paola Castillo - 12/28/98 22:30:43 Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupiter | Comments: |
Rebekah - 12/26/98 08:19:27 My URL: My Email:beckie47 Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Saturn, Sailor Star Fighter, and Sailor Moon Worst Scout: Sailor Uranus, Sailor Chibi Moon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Prince Dimando, Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Mistress Nine | Comments: You have a really kool page! please come visit mines soon, and sign my guestbook!!! Take care and have a great New Year!! =D |
heather - 12/25/98 04:57:44 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mercury Worst Scout: None Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Princess bad lady Worst Bad Guy/Gal: none | Comments: I like this web site. It has a lot of nice pics. Sailor Moon Rules. Love Ya Smoon143 |
Dede Burchett - 12/21/98 23:33:41 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupiter Worst Scout: Ther isnt one Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Nephlite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Doom Tree Twins | Comments: I have just begun to learn the real version of Sailor Moon. Most of what I know is found on the television. |
imarielle - 12/19/98 20:27:57 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Pluto | Comments: Come visit my site! |
xSeiya - 12/16/98 23:53:50 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Seiya Kou from SailorStarlights, and Te'noh Haruka (Uranus) Worst Scout: Hino Rei (Mars) Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Galaxia ( Evil Sailor Senshi) and Prince Dimando (Black Moon) Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Esmerauld (Black Moon) and Fisheye (Dead Moon Circus) | Comments: Ok, first of all, lack of information on each of the Sailor Senshi (Scout--whatever) -Lack of pictures -No Synopsis--telling us what's Sailormoon is about -Try Differentiating between the Japanese anime and DiC version, most people get confused. -A villians page would be nice. Anyway, if there are any Sailormoon fans out there, E-Mail me if you got any questions. ^_^ |
Allie - 12/15/98 16:21:17 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Venus and Jupiter Worst Scout: Mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: That guy that Molly had a crush on, i forgot his name | Comments: |
Katie - 12/13/98 05:40:07 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Not sure yet :) | Comments: Hi, I love yer webpage but I am havign some trouble. I am trying to find a good page for some anime backrouns/themes. Something with some cute icons perhaps? That is anime. I have the pic I want..but need some icons..can anybody help? Thanks! |
Kristina - 12/09/98 04:59:46 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mars and Moon, Darien Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Prince Sapphire Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Soisite | Comments: Add more pictures and information to your page, to make it even better!!!! |
lil-darien - 12/07/98 05:46:28 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor mercury Worst Scout: n/a Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: n/a Worst Bad Guy/Gal: n/a | Comments: MESSAGE TO ALL MOONIES!!!! DIC, the company that markets sailor moon has decided to stop the running of the show on air. We have to stop this so that we can continue to watch this beautiful anime forever!! if you are interested in signing the petition ple se email me and I will send it to you. THANKS A LOT AND I HOPE WE GET HEAPS OF SUPPORT FROM YOU GUYS!!!! |
Barbara - 12/07/98 00:55:14 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon Worst Scout: Sailor Mars (but she know how to pick a great fight) Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: there is none there all evil!!!!! Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Barrol | Comments: I LOVE THIS PAGE!!!!!!!! SAILOR MOON KICKS!!!!!!! Keep up the good work!! |
Andie Babe & Shawna Bonna - 12/06/98 19:10:13 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mars & Sailor Jupiter Worst Scout: Sailor Venus she's a freakin' snob Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Jedite & prince diamond Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Emerald (stupid laugh) Zoicite (cool chic stupid laugh) | Comments: Rad page! Love the pix... specialy the one of U ;) Ur right sailor Mars rocks... but Jupiter comes in a close second... that's all for now... laters Cutie =) e-mail us!! |
Just Call Me Sexy Spice - 12/05/98 01:22:41 My Email:N/A Favourite Sailor Scout: Venus Worst Scout: N/A Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: AVERY Worst Bad Guy/Gal: ZOCIET | Comments: I didn't get a lot of browse time but until next time Venus love chain encircle |
Erika (call me Eriko-chan) - 12/03/98 15:09:02 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Pluto-she's cool, has my birth planet as her sign too! Worst Scout: Serena-she's just not the clutz she used to be Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Prince Diamond Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Anne-her laugh (and her voice) just really piss me off. | Comments: Like the page. Don't visit mine! Needs more pics though. |
katrina ng - 11/30/98 09:34:07 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Uranus&Neptune Worst Scout: None Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: 4 sisters of the black crescent Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Beryl | Comments: I'm a fan of sailormoon but I am very unhappy because of the lack of information given about these Sailors:Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Saturn.Should also improve the pictures that is there is too lack of picture it must gather all the pictures so that it b came a gallery of pics for all fans of sailormoon. Otherwise this homepage is well decorated and also well organised but only the lack of information. Thanks to all the persons that have collaborate for the creation of this page. |
Katala - 11/28/98 06:51:48 Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon Worst Scout: NONE Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Like them all Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Don't not like any particular 1 | Comments: I think this a cool site, like your pics, |
Sailor Jen - 11/27/98 20:05:25 Favourite Sailor Scout: Bunny & Rae Worst Scout: Uranus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Serena Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Alan | Comments: COOL PAGE ! |
Sabrina (an avid fan of the scouts!!) - 11/23/98 23:02:33 My Favourite Sailor Scout: all of them!! Worst Scout: none really Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Zoisite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: don't have one | Comments: cool page! The sailor scouts are so awesome!!! |
Serena - 11/22/98 08:13:10 Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon, but mainly ALL of them Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Malichite & Nephlyte Worst Bad Guy/Gal: none, all of them are cool | Comments: Konichi wa!^-^ Great site you have here. Love your pictures! I've had fun. Sayonara ^-^ |
Manzoor Ali - 11/16/98 15:39:31 Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Venus Worst Scout: Sailor Uranus | Comments: |
- 11/09/98 23:59:48 | Comments: |
Illuna - 11/09/98 23:53:16 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Cosmos Worst Scout: Sailor Uranus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Malikite & Zoesite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Beryl | Comments: I love your page! You have a lot of rare pics that I've never seen! Keep it up!! |
Kisugi - 10/29/98 20:57:55 My URL: My Worst Scout: Neptune Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Jadeit Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Esmeraud--I hate her laugh | Comments: Anyone needs support for his SM-Page?! No prob!! Visit me!!! |
The Asteroid Senshi - 10/25/98 22:10:33 My Email:n/a Favourite Sailor Scout: none.. hate them Worst Scout: HATE THEM ALL Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Asteroid Senshi Worst Bad Guy/Gal: none | Comments: JunJun: Aaah!! Don't make me look!!
VesVes: *thinks* Reminds me of road kill on the street.
PallaPalla: *PUKE* Palla Palla sick
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Amy(PrincessM) - 10/18/98 02:59:22 Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mercury Worst Scout: Chibi-Usa Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Nephlyte Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Catsy | Comments: Hey, really cool place. This is ne of the best i've seen in a while....! Hey--quick note, if you really HATE Chibi-Usa, check out project C.U.R.E! Anyhow, peace and love from the princess of mercury! |
bastard - 10/16/98 02:34:48 My Favourite Sailor Scout: mi Worst Scout: they | Comments: do u think i view a web page wif my butt????of course i view it wif mt eyes lah idiot stupid fool Sorry, that was intended for people with a (warped admittedly) sense of humour. Rather than putting 'this page is best viewed with Explorer 4.0 or Netscape whatever' which is just a load of nonsense anyway. |
Lita_SailorJ - 10/12/98 19:41:28 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: SAILOR JUPITER!!!!! Worst Scout: sailor mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Birdie Worst Bad Guy/Gal: nephlite | Comments: cool page! |
corrie23 - 10/10/98 20:46:20 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupiter/Venus/Uranus Worst Scout: mercury Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Saphire Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Emerald | Comments: hey cool page! visit mine and sign my guestbook! chow! |
Danielle - 10/08/98 01:53:50 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Venus All the Way Worst Scout: uh.....none. o! exept them outer scouts Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: dunno Worst Bad Guy/Gal: dunno either | Comments: It's a cool page. Visit mine too. hehe. I love Sailormoon. |
jax - 10/04/98 07:43:04 My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor mars Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: anna Worst Bad Guy/Gal: allan | Comments: great certainly do the scouts justice. |
Pi'ilani - 10/02/98 18:56:54 My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailormoon Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Daimond Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Emerald | Comments: |
melissa - 10/02/98 08:49:04 My URL:http://i have one but nothing is on it My Favourite Sailor Scout: venus Worst Scout: hmmm...have to think about that one Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: neflite (sp?) Worst Bad Guy/Gal: jedite | Comments: it's pretty cool. saw pictures i haven't seen before and stuff. (remember that i'm viewing this at 4 in the morning so it's probably better than i think) |
Stephanie - 09/29/98 12:03:26 My URL:http://none!! My Favourite Sailor Scout: All Worst Scout: None Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: I don't know?? Worst Bad Guy/Gal: None | Comments: I like your page. It is very cool!! Nice job!! |
Janet Brown - 09/26/98 11:58:26 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor chibi moon Worst Scout: salior uranus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: malachite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: rubeus | Comments: graet page man.Keep up the good work. |
Claudia - 09/22/98 15:28:26 My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailormoon and sailor mars and sailor jupiter Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: wizeman Worst Bad Guy/Gal: jedite | Comments: Your web site is awsome. I was wondering were can i find out what happens after the episode : follow the leader: which is when the new sailor scouts are suppose to appear. thanks! |
Janie - 09/22/98 02:48:39 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: SailorMercury Worst Scout: SAilorNone Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Putera Demando Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Nihilna | Comments: Hi! Your homepage is real cool! Keep up the good work. Come visit my homepage! Thanks |
animebabe_98 - 09/22/98 01:14:52 My Favourite Sailor Scout: jupiter or pluto Worst Scout: uranus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: nephlite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: malacite | Comments: i like the pics that you have. If you get this message after September 23, 1998, then email me at this address instead.: Thanx! |
Alberto Alberti - 09/20/98 19:21:06 My URL: My Email:agalberti Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupiter Worst Scout: Sailor Plut Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Fish Eye Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Rubeus | Comments: Cool Page... Awesome selection of pics... anyway you should improve it once in a while... Ah! the adress above is my moon page, I'm starting it... |
Virginia - 09/12/98 01:39:18 My URL:Don't have one yet My Favourite Sailor Scout: Jupiter Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Anne Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Alan | Comments: Your homepage rules!It's the best I've ever seen.I need to go.I don't care how long your homepage takes.It's a LOT better than the other homepage I went to. |
Fury's Edge - 09/10/98 22:29:43 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Venus | Comments: Really sweet page. I give it a 9.5 I would have given it a 10 but you said that the best games are made by SEGA. It's all about Square Soft. Well I really like your page. I will tell all my friends about it. |
Tuxedo Mask - 09/07/98 23:58:34 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mercury Worst Scout: Sailor Jupiter(shes a lesbian) Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Anne Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Scissor Monster.... | Comments: I love Sailor Moon. if she were real I would stalk her.... I love Sailor Mercury too.... VISIT MY PAGE, its pretty good I think..... Nice page... |
Elara Jansen - 09/05/98 22:38:24 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: SailorUranus Worst Scout: Uh, Sailor Moon. Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Ail (Allan) Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Everyone else | Comments: Just thought I'd comment on your funky page, keep it up! |
Gem - 08/29/98 04:12:23 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon Worst Scout: I dunno Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Malachite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Zoisite | Comments: I like your page alot...I think its a great page |
Terra X - 08/29/98 00:46:35 Favourite Sailor Scout: I like all of them equaly but If I had to choose then it would be the origanal team not pluto or whatever. Worst Scout: Uranus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: No fav. Worst Bad Guy/Gal: No Worst. | Comments: Hey I love your show and your website and I love every thing to do with you. Sailor Moon rocks. She has a movie a seriese and even action figures and even Dolls!!!^_^ Terra X |
Super Kirk - 08/23/98 19:35:33 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Mercury Worst Scout: NONE Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Anne Worst Bad Guy/Gal: None | Comments: your site is cool, have alot of down pictures, fix them then it's a perfect site. |
Aris - 08/15/98 17:39:48 Favourite Sailor Scout: moon Worst Scout: none | Comments: Nice page you have |
Morgan, Queen of Hamsters - 08/12/98 17:50:29 My URL:http://N/A My Favourite Sailor Scout: mercury Worst Scout: mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: alan (he's such a cutie!) or jadeite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: zoisite: c'mon, man, she WAS a man!!! | Comments: cool page. you're a pretty cool-sounding guy. you remind me a bit of me, if i were perhaps a guy. sailor moon is cool! all those people who hate sailor moon and think it's ruining television can go... do... bad stuff to themselves. why, you might ask do i not like mars? she's far too belligerent. mercury is mellow, nonviolent unless necessary, and intellectual (much like myself). that's all! thanks for letting me view your page!! |
Catherine - 08/12/98 09:04:46 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mercury Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: none Worst Bad Guy/Gal: none | Comments: Your site is pretty cool and i like the pictures.But, as u said, the loading time is too long.Anyway, come and visit my site. |
Sailor_Rainbow2 - 08/10/98 06:39:02 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mercury or Venus Worst Scout: Sailor Pluto Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Beryl Worst Bad Guy/Gal: None | Comments: GREAT SITE. ANYBODY PLEASE EMAIL ME OR VISIT MY SITE. I ESPECIALLY LIKE THE VENUS PAINT. BYE ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ |
Kero-chan - 08/09/98 21:04:36 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Saturn Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Sailor Galaxia Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Beryl | Comments: Love the page. I especially like the Venus Paint...How did you create it? Anyway thought that I would compliment you on an excellent job! |
hFREE - 08/09/98 15:39:36 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: all of them | Comments: Cool page...VenusPaint is really neat. |
Bu - 08/09/98 01:46:29 Favourite Sailor Scout: Jupitor!!!!! Worst Scout: Venus and Mercury Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Nephlite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: None | Comments: Here's the deal. If I could, I'd rather be a bad guy so I could marry Nephlite but... I'd be sailor Jupitor for a good guy |
Michelle Lim - 08/08/98 13:29:54 My Favourite Sailor Scout: everyone Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: the handsome and pretiest one Worst Bad Guy/Gal: wiseman | Comments: simply way past cool this is a in a lifetime chance 2 catch this life,man i'm never goinna miss anything 'ere anyway gotta go, chao! |
Stacy Tan - 08/07/98 15:28:21 My URL:http://-- My Email:Sorry,no e-mail! Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mars,Moon. Worst Scout: Sailor ChibiMoon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Pharoah 90 Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Nephlite | Comments: It is a very creative way of showing the Sailor Scouts. I love it! Please be a bit faster! It took me about 20 minits to see one of your pages. |
Patricia Lim - 08/07/98 11:44:22 My Email:plim_juce Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Chibimoon Worst Bad Guy/Gal: blackmoon | Comments: I like Sailor Chibimoon because she is very cute. |
Audria - 08/06/98 07:33:21 My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor pluto Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: daniel i name it myself Worst Bad Guy/Gal: none | Comments: VERY NICEmake it niccer |
Sabrina Chin - 08/06/98 07:27:43 My Email:puisi Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor pluto Worst Scout: sailor no Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: no Worst Bad Guy/Gal: no | Comments: it's very nice to let me sign on your guest book. can you make the picture bigger |
Lia and Dayna - 08/02/98 16:13:02 My URL: Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Uranus and Sailor Mars Worst Scout: Tuxedo mask Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Saffiru (he's so cute) Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Rubbeus | Comments: Nice Page! took a little while to download but keep at nice! |
Trini - 07/29/98 08:41:51 My Favourite Sailor Scout: SailorUranus Worst Scout: Sailormoon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: none Worst Bad Guy/Gal: none | Comments: Nice Page! |
§taria* - 07/28/98 20:07:43 Favourite Sailor Scout: all of'em^_^ Worst Scout: none, of course^_^ | Comments: Good page! Lots of intresting stuff! Keep up the kewl work. |
courtney magnuson - 07/24/98 05:46:12 My Favourite Sailor Scout: venus Worst Scout: mars | Comments: Hi I am a fan but I am having trouble finding sailor moon on television. |
Jitesh Patel - 07/21/98 16:02:52 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: hate them all Worst Scout: hate them all Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: hate them all Worst Bad Guy/Gal: hate them all | Comments: this page sucks so does brian vo's page |
Babs - 07/19/98 05:07:36 My URL: Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mars Worst Scout: Sailor Mecury Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Malicite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Zoicite | Comments: Wow ! Great page you have here ! I like all your senshi shrines, it's great ! If you or anyone else who would like to submit their SailorMoon site in my Top ten SM sites list, visit my page for more info ! Hope to see you there ! |
Richie ^_~ - 07/17/98 06:47:58 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Venus Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Zoisite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: none | Comments: Great site!!!!!!!!!!! ^_~ Keep up the great work!!!!!! ^_^ |
Alex - 07/13/98 22:15:06 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Uranus Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Fish Eye & Tigers Eye Worst Bad Guy/Gal: none | Comments: cool!!!! |
Lara Silbert - 07/12/98 15:41:34 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mars Worst Scout: None, I love them all! :) Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Jeddite | Comments: i love your website! very very very cool (enough very's in there? :)) |
Becky Pelegris - 07/10/98 20:43:32 My URL: Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon Worst Scout: Sailor Uranus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Beryl Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Wise man | Comments: Cool site! |
Anissa, aka Sailor Aquarius! - 07/05/98 22:12:31 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor MARS! Worst Scout: Sailor Uranus | Comments: This page is pretty cool; slow loading though. But mine is too. :) Speaking of which! Go see it, I'll include a link down below. I'm on a quest to see all Sailor Moon pages. Sure, it isn't going to ever be fulfilled, but I plan to spend a happy summer try ng. ^_^ And since I'm leaving a link wherever I go, maybe more people will go to mine! :) Do me a favor though, will you leave this entry here? I understand if you have to delete it, but if/when I come back (somewhere in the future) I want to be able to k ow if I've been here. ^_^ Thanx a bunch, and GO SEE MY PAGE! Tiddlywinks! PS--> if anyone wants to talk about Sailor Moon, e-mail me. I love e-mail. :) PPS-->Oh, and check out this totally cool RPG I'm in! It's really fun, and we need more members! It won't hurt you just to take a look! |
Azn Angel - 07/05/98 02:43:25 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Mercury Worst Scout: none | Comments: Do u mind if I copy some of your pics 2 put in my new homepage. Can u e-mail me if it's ok. I really hope u don't mind. Oh yea your homepage wuz really cool I really liked it. Azn Angel |
wendy - 07/02/98 19:29:48 My Email:ASianGrl44 Favourite Sailor Scout: all of them Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Alan & Ann Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Neflite | Comments: i was wondering if i could get copies of your pictures? i don't have a homepage and i like collecting these pictures. so you don't have to worry about me stealing your stuff to use in my page because i don't have a page. alright?! |
Endymion - 07/02/98 04:19:20 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon (Or Serena),(or Usagi),(or Princess Serena), (OR Neo-Queen Serenity Worst Scout: I guess that woud have to be Galaxia (She is sort of a scout) Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Beryl Worst Bad Guy/Gal: I guess Ann | Comments: This is a really good site! Maybe a few more pics though! I am attaching a banner, I hope to is not to big. |
Goddess Skuld - 07/01/98 21:38:05 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupiter!!!! Worst Scout: Sailor Uranus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Don't have one! Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Don't have one! | Comments: Cute page! Visit my page and sign my guestbook! PLEASE! Keep up the great work! :-) |
KT - 06/25/98 17:54:38 Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon, of course! Worst Scout: Sailor Chibimoon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Pharaoh 90 Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Nefphrite | Comments: Good page. Nice picture of yourself. You look pretty hot. Too bad I don't give out my e mail address. Oh well. I love my Sailors! |
NephliteX - 06/25/98 04:37:47 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor PLUTO!!! Worst Scout: Sailor Chibi Moon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Nephlite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Alan *I don't know the Japanese name* | Comments: Great site! I like the picture you fooled around with! Visit mine sometime, and be sure to sign the guestbook!! Thank you! I may have some of the cards you're looking for. If you're interested, please email back. Bubbye! |
keri - 06/24/98 23:45:11 My Favourite Sailor Scout: SAILORJUPITER!!!!!SHE KICKS ASS!!! Worst Scout: sailormercury i love all the senchsi but sailormmercury is the one i like least !! Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: mistress9 i love her hair Worst Bad Guy/Gal: all&ann | Comments: GREAT PAGE!!i love your pictures you feeoled around with and that thing with sailorvenus is pretty cool too!! |
Tammie - 06/23/98 22:53:38 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Saturn Worst Scout: Sailor Chibi Moon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Mistress 9 & Black Lady Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Ann & Alan | Comments: You have a nice page!! :-) |
Me - 06/22/98 08:57:39 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailormoon Worst Scout: Sailor Chibi Moon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Prince Demand Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Chibi Moon | Comments: I hate Chibi moon But i love the rest of the geng Ok |
Kate - 06/16/98 15:13:22 My Favourite Sailor Scout: i'd hafta say.....venus Worst Scout: mars....yuck! Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: zoisite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: jedite | Comments: this is a cool page. i like galore! yay! well, i must say it is well worth coming back and spending some of my time on again. |
candace daniels - 06/15/98 22:27:00 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor moon Worst Scout: Sailor Mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Nephlite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Sosite | Comments: I think your page is sooo cool. I love sailor moon and have watched it since it came out over here in the US. Out of all of the other sites this is my favorite one, I love your pictures!!! |
Candace Daniels - 06/15/98 22:24:40 | Comments: |
Rose - 06/15/98 14:18:15 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon Worst Scout: Sailor Mercury Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Zoicite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Katsy | Comments: Love your page. I linked your page on mine. |
Ange B - 06/14/98 23:49:17 My URL:http://whatever My Favourite Sailor Scout: Venus/Jupiter Worst Scout: Sailor Moon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Anne and Allan Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Beryl | Comments: Nice page Stick! I didn't think you were all this cluey on Java... it shocked me! (I hadn't looked it it for zonks!!). Hope you have fun and go well with Exams!! See you Ange |
Ðeuteragonist - 06/08/98 23:20:02 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: amy Worst Scout: that little munchkin... Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Beryl | Comments: All the wonderful comments and add a hundred... |
Luna ^.~ - 06/06/98 00:36:02 My URL:http://--- My Favourite Sailor Scout: Hino Rei/Tsukino Usagi Worst Scout: Kino Makoto Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Zoisite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Jadeite | Comments: You page is Wicked Cool! I love it!!! Great Pics!! and i love how you changed the other pics around too!!! And i love raye! she's my fav. scout!!! :-) Gotta Book It! :o) |
sailorblackhole - 05/28/98 22:43:02 My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor mars Worst Scout: sailor chibichibi if she's really a scout Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Mistris nine | Comments: I liked the pictures you played around with. They were pretty cool. Why don't you have anything about sailor Satern or Pluto? |
Lynn MinMei - 05/28/98 02:15:49 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: pluto Worst Scout: mercury Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: ZOICITE Worst Bad Guy/Gal: NONE | Comments: NICE PAGE, COME SEE MINE, CONTACT ME ALSO- |
Serena - 05/24/98 15:18:10 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Moon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Zoizite | Comments: Hi, great site. I love the pictures! Please come and visit something of mine ^_^
Amanda - 05/17/98 20:02:43 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mars!!! Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Black Lady Worst Bad Guy/Gal: none | Comments: I love your page, it is so cool!! Hey come visit mine sometime. Hope your webpage has lots of luck. You deserve it. Sailor Moon rocks!!! |
Sailor Jupiter - 05/15/98 18:06:25 Favourite Sailor Scout: Jupiter Worst Scout: Moon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Ann Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Beryl | Comments: Sailor moon is the best cartoon ever. |
keyup12 - 05/09/98 14:14:23 My Email:keyup12@Aol Favourite Sailor Scout: salior uranus Worst Scout: salior iron mouse Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: chaos Worst Bad Guy/Gal: anne/ail | Comments: hey i need some onfo on the episodes that i couldnt read becuase no one what they were or they weren't aloud to show them but if any of you guys/girls know any thing about it e-mail me ok. and my source couldnt tell me and this is one awsome page but ther could have been more well e-mail me any time |
Thunder Dragon - 05/04/98 01:31:10 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mars Worst Scout: Sailor Moon :o) Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Rubeous Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Beryl | Comments: Hey!! Nice page with WICKED Pics!! Luv the pics!! SAILOR MOON 4 EVA!! |
curly_wu - 05/03/98 09:38:57 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon | Comments: Hey sup?....really cool page and pics you got!!! Sailor Moon RULZ!!I love MANGA, there are really good cartoons!! Well, gotta go.......c-ya -xxx- |
Silver Starr - 05/01/98 02:45:25 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Uranus Worst Scout: Sailor Venus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Zoisite (HE's the cutest!) and Fisheye...(he's also mass kawaii! and yaoi!) Worst Bad Guy/Gal: the four sisters from smr... | Comments: um... hey.. just signing this ... hoping ppl will check out my page... egotiscal mabye...but well worth it...=P my page is a rare sailor moon/anime page....anywho.. blha... these wrists! I can't get them off my hands! crackers! crackers! but no squeezie c eeze!!! |
Kristine - 05/01/98 00:09:18 My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor uranus & venus Worst Scout: pluto Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: none Worst Bad Guy/Gal: none | Comments: hey great pictures! |
Serene Soh - 04/29/98 13:20:50 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Mercury Worst Scout: Mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: ------ Worst Bad Guy/Gal: ------ | Comments: |
artemisV - 04/28/98 02:24:14 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: venus, and the cats!!! (even if they're not scouts) Worst Scout: ch!b!usa mercury, uranus, Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: the boxer guy that the priest turns into....... Worst Bad Guy/Gal: ann and alan | Comments: great page!!! i like the java in the beginning and the movies. WICKEDCOOL!!!! WICKEDCOOL!!!! SAILORMOON WILL ALWAYS RULE!! YAY, AARON!!! (a little cheer i made up) |
Connie Cheng - 04/21/98 06:23:07 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupiter, of course! ^^ Worst Scout: ummz....all are good... Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Safiire & Nephlite (both are cuties!) Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Ann (ugh...b!tch) | Comments: Cool page ya got! Like the java thingy in the beginning. ^^ |
Lita - 04/20/98 01:38:33 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Jupiter Worst Scout: Chibi-Moon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Zoycite (American) Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Jadite | Comments: Way cool page! I love it! |
Alexis - 04/17/98 18:04:10 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Jupiter Worst Scout: None Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Catsy Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Rubias | Comments: Neato Page! |
Meika - 04/11/98 20:09:27 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Chibi usa Worst Scout: Sailor Uranus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Alan & Ann Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Jedite *shudder* | Comments: Hi!cool Page |
Sailor Saturn - 04/11/98 02:40:45 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Saturn Worst Scout: Sailor Chibi Moon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: CereCere Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Ann | Comments: Like your page!! |
Sailor Barbara - 04/09/98 15:44:34 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: venus Worst Scout: mercury Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: alan/ann Worst Bad Guy/Gal: zoycite | Comments: my daughter jenny and I have been watching sailor moon since it came out here in the states and we love it. I bought her some of the dolls and it's all she talks about or wants to play.her brothers tease her. I like your page it's very nicely done. |
Holly - 04/07/98 19:30:00 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupiter...she rules! Worst Scout: Hmm..... Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Neflite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: I dunno | Comments: As Serena would say this is a wicked cool webpage! I'll be back but for now I'm outtie! |
Tryst McKalin - 04/04/98 05:54:54 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Venus Worst Scout: Chibi is a bitch Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Neflight Worst Bad Guy/Gal: non | Comments:Your page is the best. If you ever need any help on it I'm always here. I can be really helpful. Send me! |
Tryst McKalin - 04/04/98 05:55:20 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Venus Worst Scout: Chibi is a bitch Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Neflight Worst Bad Guy/Gal: non | Comments:Your page is the best. If you ever need any help on it I'm always here. I can be really helpful. Send me! |
LORRAINE - 04/01/98 02:12:25 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon Worst Scout: No have Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Prince Diamond& Black Lady Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Wiseman | Comments: I luv your page! It's so cool! I'm a big sailor moon fan. If u had created a new sailor moon page, don't forget to tell me. |
Sailor Cheerleader - 03/30/98 07:15:55 Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon Worst Scout: Sailor Jupiter | Comments: I love sailor moon more than anyone I have all trading cards,dolls,magizings,toys, you name it I got it and ect. I started collecting at age 10 now I'm 14 (I'm a girl!!) and will collect stuff forever!!!!!!! |
Sonia =) - 03/30/98 05:09:46 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Moon, and Saturn Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Black Lady / Mistress 9 / Galexia | Comments: Nice Page |
Jenn Smith - 03/27/98 01:21:50 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Saturn Worst Scout: Sailor Uranus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Rubius Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Wise Man | Comments: I luv your page Aaron!!! It is awsome!!! BEST YET!! LUV IT =+) TOTALLY COOL!! |
Alisha Muniz - 03/23/98 13:22:14 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon Worst Scout: Nono Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Malakite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Veral | Comments: Nice page. I love Sm. Couln't live without her. I have some links of Sm on my page. So go see them if you like. :) |
Lori - 03/22/98 21:05:15 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon Worst Scout: Sailor Mercury Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Sailor Galaxia(she was half bad...) Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Beryl | Comments: Hi! I love your page! It's so cute! Check mine out sometime and the moonie fanclub too! I hope you'll consider joining...The more the merrier!^_^ Keep up the great work! :) |
Raven - 03/20/98 00:28:47 Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mercury Worst Scout: Sailor Urans Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Four Sister Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Jedite | Comments: This Page is Da Bomb......Quote The Raven Never More |
Nails - 03/19/98 06:08:44 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon Worst Scout: Sailor Pluto Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Neherdani Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Allen | Comments: Wow! great page you have here! keep up the great work of keeping up the Sailor Moon spirit! |
Macarena - 03/12/98 15:32:58 Favourite Sailor Scout: Moon Worst Scout: Mercury Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: dark moon's people | Comments: I saw your picture guy and you are cute!!!. Your page is O.K. and I like the way you transform those pictures. That's all, adios amigos!!! (now it looks better, sorry about the other one. Pretend you don't see it, O.K.?) Even better, how about I delete it? Aaron :) |
Elara and Raye - 03/10/98 18:16:46 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Uranus and Mars Worst Scout: None Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Prince Diamond Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Zoycite (Yes, I can spell...) | Comments: Nice page, we have a page of our own, and was wondering if you (owner of this page) would like to link to it. We would gladly link to your page as well. Thanks, Elara and Raye |
Leijardine - 03/01/98 06:39:21 My URL:http://!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Favourite Sailor Scout: SailorChibi Chibi Moon^-^ Worst Scout: I don't have any^-^ Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: The Black Lady Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Fish Eye (He's Gay) | Comments: I'm ssooo in love with Sailor Moon characters!This page is so cool!^-^ |
Jessica Maunder - 02/26/98 02:03:13 My Email:??? Favourite Sailor Scout: Probably Serena Worst Scout: Probably Raye Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Neflite (sorry if you spell it differently) Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Don't know | Comments: |
Jessica Maunder - 02/26/98 02:01:30 My Email:??? Favourite Sailor Scout: Probably Serena | Comments: |
Akane-chan - 02/17/98 00:39:02 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Pluto Worst Scout: huh I love them all Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Saphir Worst Bad Guy/Gal: huh Zirconia | Comments: Your page is cool!!!!! Keep up the good work!!! |
sAiLoR sWeEt ReVeNgE - 02/13/98 07:46:14 My URL:http://I dunno... My Favourite Sailor Scout: dee one and only SAILOR MOON Worst Scout: dee totally scanless SAILOR MARS Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: umm... PRINCE DARIEN Worst Bad Guy/Gal: RUBEUS | Comments: Kewlioz page man! Umm... Titanic Rules!! Especially Leonardo DiCaprio!! Ahh...! Okay otay, I know dat had nuttin' to do wid dee page so... Actually I haven't really seen dis page yet, I juss like signin' Guestbooks and writin' 'bout wutevahs! Hee hee! Alrite den l8z! BABEE SWEET REVENGE SAILOR MOON LIL' MOON2 |
Jessica - 02/07/98 15:19:31 My Email:---------------------------------- Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon Worst Scout: none | Comments: Hi!! You should get some music clips, if you have any sorry, I couldn't find 'em:-) |
Lizzie - 02/06/98 21:18:40 Favourite Sailor Scout: Pluto Worst Scout: None Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Alan & Ann Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Malachite | Comments: Cool page :) I love Salior Moon! I even have the soundtrack! Go and find it, it totally rocks. If you're ever in San Fransisco, go to Chinatown. They have a store there full of Salior Moon stuff! :) |
Christina - 02/03/98 19:30:43 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Mars/Moon Worst Scout: Mercury Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Nephlite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Catsy | Comments: Cool page :) Come see mine. Well, I'm not forcing you. I'm just telling you what's best for you. For your own good. |
Sailor_Adreus - 01/19/98 17:55:46 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Pluto Worst Scout: none | Comments: Great Page, come and visit mine some time =) |
RAYE HINO - 01/17/98 20:40:43 Favourite Sailor Scout: MARS Worst Scout: MOON/VENUS Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: NEFLIGHT, JEDITE, ZOECITE, MALACITE Worst Bad Guy/Gal: AMAZON TRIO | Comments: I LOVE SAILOR MARS, GODDESS OF ALL. SHE SHOULD BE LEADER. COOL PAGE TOO!!!! |
sailor earth - 01/09/98 02:05:58 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: pluto/mercury Worst Scout: sailor moon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: sailor neptune and uranus Worst Bad Guy/Gal: don't have one | Comments: i love your web page keep up the great work and don't forget to chekc out mine and sign the guesbook. chao |
? - 01/04/98 07:41:22 Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mercury Worst Scout: Sailor Jupiter!!! Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Zoecite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Allan! | Comments: Good Page! More Tuxedo Mask. ; ) |
Sabs - 12/24/97 02:44:40 My URL: Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Pluto Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Malachite | Comments: Cool site! Sign my petition! |
shadowmaster - 12/20/97 14:15:33 My Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor pluto Worst Scout: sailor moon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: prrince dimondo Worst Bad Guy/Gal: queen beral | Comments: nice site.... |
Natalie - 12/18/97 02:27:52 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Juipter Worst Scout: Sailor Moon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Zoicite | Comments: This stie is so dope! Love you pictures of the sailor scouts. Can you try and get some of tux. mask?? PWEESE |
sam - 12/12/97 21:18:34 Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mars Worst Scout: Sailor Moon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Zoitcite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Jaditie | Comments: awsome site. keep it up! :-) |
Hazel Gois - 11/19/97 01:00:39 Favourite Sailor Scout: Salior Pluto Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Zeoisite | Comments: The pic you got on the front page is so cool. |
Sabrina - 11/12/97 01:51:59 My Email:Cuddles760 Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mercury Worst Scout: None Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Nef Lite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: None | Comments: Sup Sup? I like your homepage. It's pretty cool. Keep up the good work n keep on adding more pics!! :-) I luv the pics you have a your homepage!! Peace out!! |
nataly - 11/11/97 17:59:29 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor moon | Comments: I love sailor moon , some people said that I look like her. soy de venezuela y si desean hablar con migo pueden escribirme a mi correo. tambien adoro Akira y Dragon Balls (I had a Boyfriend like him) |
joey janet - 11/06/97 12:09:46 Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor moon Worst Scout: sailor jupiter | Comments: good |
Katherine aka Raye Setsuna - 10/24/97 18:27:23 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mars and Sailor Pluto (I look and act like a combo of the two) Worst Scout: Chibi-chibi Moon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Beryl | Comments: Awesome page. I absolutely love the pic that you put on your home page. If you don't mind, I'd like to put a link to your page on my page. E-mail me and let me know. Thanks, Katherine, aka Raye Setsuna. |
KATHY - 10/21/97 18:56:19 Favourite Sailor Scout: SAILOR MOON Worst Scout: SAILOR MARS Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: ZOYCITE Worst Bad Guy/Gal: JEDIT | Comments: ZOYCITE IS THE COOLEST!!!!!! |
Kathryn - 10/18/97 16:12:00 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Saturn Worst Scout: Sailor Star Maker Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Saphire (from the new episodes) Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Berol | Comments: Very neat page! Now check out mine! |
greg - 10/17/97 00:41:27 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mercury;-) Worst Scout: Are there any Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Nephite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Zoicite | Comments: That one pic is awesome. It has a hint of neon lights to it. Really cool |
- 10/07/97 18:32:36 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mars Worst Scout: Sailor Venus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Sisters of Dark Moon Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Beryl | Comments: very nice pics...bye |
Princess Etenrity - 10/05/97 02:22:57 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon Worst Scout: Trasnvestite StarLights Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Prince Diamond because even though he is a prince of the dark moon, he has a good heart and falls in love with Neo-Queen Serinity | Comments: Nice page! I like your comments "This page is best viewed with eyes" - Very origonal. Come visit my page! Don't forget to enter for my award and sign my guestbook while you're there! |
Airborne - 10/05/97 01:57:59 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Uranus! Worst Scout: Hmm..I don't really have one. Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Sailor Galaxia Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Nephrite/Nephlite, I hate that Fabio hair! | Comments: Hi, um, well, here's another freak come to sign your guestbook. I think my friend Moonstar has got a guestbook setup like this one... And now, to the good stuff. Well, I like your site (Augh, blandness!). It's informative, and the movies were good (yes 'm the kind of person who patiently waits around five hours for movies to download), and the character places were pretty interesting too. I apologize for my lack of creative input, I think I fried my brain responding to a flame a couple hours back. You see, my hair burst into flames I got so mad. But, I don't want to bug you with my problems. Anyway, come visit my site, give me some input, sign my guestbook, give me an e! There's tons to do. i've been trying to create links to my page in people's e- ails and stuff, but it hasn't been working so well, so I think I'll spare your site. Anyway, I have to go before the gumdrops catch up to me (don't ask, it has to do with a looney bin and some other weird stuff). Catch ya later, 'Bye! |
Sailor Mint - 09/18/97 02:58:24 My Favourite Sailor Scout: All of THEM Worst Scout: Sailor? Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: dono! Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Oueen Beryl | Comments: Hi!Your page is totally awesome!! I like IT!!!!You`ve don a reat job for all SailorMoon fans.Thanx bye gotta chow see ya!!!!! |
Umi Ryuuzaki - 09/16/97 23:18:59 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Jupiter! Worst Scout: Mercury! Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Aint got one! Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Zoycite...her laugh's sooooo annoying! | Comments: Yo...what up 'n' some other stuff...uh..nice page I think...fankly i just came ta sign...din't check much of ya page! Hmmmm...if you're not busy tonight or nothing...check 'round my site...and um sign da guestbook too...obviously!!!! Uh...yeah well nice p cture 'n' all(no not da picture of Jupiter...da picture of you...duh!) Ummmm....send me an email or something...'kay gotta cut...See ya! |
Sailor Rosie - 09/08/97 23:25:45 My Favourite Sailor Scout: SAILOR MARS!!!!!!! Worst Scout: NONE Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: NEPHLYTE Worst Bad Guy/Gal: QUEEN BERYL | Comments: I am 20 yrs. old and looking for other SM fans. Age doesn't matter. E-mail me anytime at: ya around :-) |
Sailor SwiftHeart - 09/01/97 22:19:27 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Salior Mercury Worst Scout: Sailor Venus Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Neflite Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Zoasite | Comments: Great page!! :) I had fun visiting! |
Brat - 09/01/97 20:18:47 Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Mars Worst Scout: Sailor moon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: none Worst Bad Guy/Gal: all of them | Comments: very very good page |
Bree Keen - 08/25/97 09:45:06 My Favourite Sailor Scout: All Of them!!! Worst Scout: I Love them all! But Mercury annoys me sometimes Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: None Worst Bad Guy/Gal: The negerverse | Comments: Sailor Moon, and all the scouts are legends. I am 15 years old, and go to school everyday talking about the show. I make sure I am up at 10 to 8 every morning, just to see it. I was so angry when the show was taken off the air. I am ver happy it is back o !!!! |
Paul Gunton - 08/19/97 06:24:42 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Venus Worst Scout: Sailor Mars Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Rubius (sp?) Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Jaedite | Comments: Hello there.. :) Nice homepage.. :) TTYL! :) |
Aarón - 08/18/97 17:52:30 My Favourite Sailor Scout: jupiter Worst Scout: none Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: wizard Worst Bad Guy/Gal: none | Comments: it`s great, but very slow. |
artemis - 08/16/97 02:40:13 My Favourite Sailor Scout: (in order) Sailor Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Moon Worst Scout: Sailor Chibi Moon! I personally think that she's too young to have an adult body! Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: The NegaMoon Sisters Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Malachite-he had the worst schemes! | Comments: This is a cool web page, but it took too long for the pictures to download. |
Megan - 08/15/97 14:18:53 My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupiter Worst Scout: None Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Mimete Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Jedite | Comments: Cool Page |
Lita - 08/14/97 02:21:51 Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupiter Worst Scout: The Evil Amy Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Zoicite! Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Nephrite | Comments: Jupiter lives in my basement! I'm related to Sereeny. Nice page. |
Sereeny - 08/14/97 02:18:09 My Email:none Favourite Sailor Scout: SAILOR MOON! That was a no-brainer! Worst Scout: The Behated Blue!!! Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Zoicite! Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Jedite | Comments: The picts you played around with are wicked cool!! Interesting page1 |
luis mendoza - 08/14/97 01:59:56 My Email:dont email me write to me at 2824 buckingham rd l.a c.a 90016 Favourite Sailor Scout: jupiter Worst Scout: pluto Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: i don't know Worst Bad Guy/Gal: don't know | Comments: at first i didn't know what sailor moon was but then my cousin told me and the first day i saw it i loved it. it just cool way way out of this negaverse. i hope you can write to me. this homepage is cool. good work .bye |
luis mendoza - 08/14/97 01:54:36 My Email:dont e-ail me write to me at 2824 buckingham rd l.a c.a 90016 Favourite Sailor Scout: sailor jupiter | Comments: |
Patricia Chia-ching Pan - 08/02/97 16:30:05 My URL:http:/ My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailormercury & Sailorjupiter etc... Worst Scout: There is no BAD scout expect for Sailormars & Sailormoon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: The Dark 4 Sisters (in Sailormoon R) Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Beryl | Comments: Hi! Nice work! Keep up the good work!! Nice knowing you1 Bye! |
Patricia Chia-ching Pan - 08/02/97 16:30:03 My URL:http:/ My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailormercury & Sailorjupiter etc... Worst Scout: There is no BAD scout expect for Sailormars & Sailormoon Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: The Dark 4 Sisters (in Sailormoon R) Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Beryl | Comments: Hi! Nice work! Keep up the good work!! Nice knowing you1 Bye! |
allison aka megami jupiter - 08/01/97 02:20:48 My URL: My Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Jupiter, of course! it's like a japanimated me!! Worst Scout: what!! a bad scout!! never!!! Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: Queen Beryl - who couldn't love a Queen? Worst Bad Guy/Gal: Naaaahhh, not even a bad bad-guy exists in Sailor Moon! | Comments: hi, aaron!! wow!! you already put my page in yr links!!! you rock!!!! when i make my links page, i'll put yours first!! i think i'll go do that right now...:) |
Monica - 07/30/97 21:21:51 My Favourite Sailor Scout: mars | Comments: I like your homepage |
Yi - 07/27/97 00:07:44 Favourite Sailor Scout: Sailor Moon Worst Scout: Everyone is perfect Favourite Bad Guy/Gal: No one I like Worst Bad Guy/Gal: I hate them all | Comments: Hi every Sailor Scout, this page is the best page ever, keep doing the work. I will be the biggest fan of yours. I LOVE YOU ALL. |