What's New?

July 14, 2003

So I've updated again! This time with a completely different site layout. Brand new color scheme and concept. I hope you all like it. Please excuse broken links and mis-matched pages, but please also report all of those things to me at abc@thisisnotatest.net. Please include 'Site Problems' in the subject line. Until later....

May 14, 2002

On a personal note, I'm absolutely furious with Joss. So help me god, if he kills Willow during the season finale I will never watch this show again nor any other project he gets into in the future, and this site will officially become defunct. I've tried really hard to believe in Joss these last two years and he's just given us a whole lot of nothing or a whole lot of shit in great abundance. How dare he take the two most stable characters and murder one and write the other off as an impending villian. I'm really angry right now and I sincerely hope that this is not the end of what was once an amazing metaphor for coming of age in the 21st century. On a slightly more professional note: the episode guide has been completely updated through Seeing Red. Until later....

December 16, 2001

According to this log it doesn't look like I've done anything since July. Well, granted, I haven't done a lot...but I haven't been completely idle. As you'll notice, there is a new side bar on the main page and there's Tara's Song. Let me know if that's too cumbersome in terms of downloading the whole page and i'll take it down. As for today, I've updated the Episode Guide. It is now current through this season and even includes a like to all the lyrics from "Once More With Feeling." I'm not going to start work on Jenny Calendar's page and probably a Willow/Tara page. Yet again, if anyone can do quotes, that would be amazingly fabulous. I just don't have the time to write them all down and post them. Let me know if you'd like to take that on. Until later....

July 7, 2001

I've been doing a lot of work over the last three days. The Image Section is completely updated--to the best of my ability. It's nice and clean now, with thumbnails so that you're not waiting forever to download the images. Also, the new members of the cast are there too. Old and deceased cast members are located in the Misc. section. Jenny Calendar is not in any of the galleries as she will have her own "sister" site to this one. She was my very favorite character. Willow and Tara may get their own spin-off site when I'm done with Jenny's. Anyway, the Quotes Section has also been updated. Seasons One and Two are pretty complete...but the rest of the seasons have all been lumped into one Misc. catagory because I really don't know where most of the quotes come from. They're still fun to read though. Also, the guestbook now works, so please sign it and tell me what you like, what you hate, and what you want more of, but be nice, ok? Changes which you may notice, include the disbandment of the members' section. This is no more. Any and all information I've collected is not going to be sold or whatnot, actually I think I may have even deleted the pages. I may create a feedback form, the real intent of the members' section was for me to collect information about my users so I could tailor the site to their needs. I guess that's all for now. I'm going to go check out the competition, add some more images to Willow's and Tara's image sections, and then tackle the Jennifer Calendar Memorial. Until later...

July 2, 2001

Today updated all the links in the News section. There are no longer any dead links and the page (and all links on site) have been made uniform. I also updated the Fanfic section. All the pages have been made uniform. I'm proud with the extent of the work i have accomplished tonight. Until later....

June 4, 2001

Today have begun the excessive amount of work that will be involved in updating this site. I started with the main page and i will continue to go section by section until everything is current and up-to-date. Until later....

May 22, 2001

Today I updated the main page to announce to the world that I will be updating this entire site. Until later....

June 26, 1998

Today I updated the Calendar Memorial so that all the pictures work correctly. Tomorrow, I will continue work on a page with images of her on it. Until later....

June 24, 1998

Today I posted the article "Coffee Talk" (about Anthony Stewart Head) in The News Room. Until later....

June 21, 1998

Happy first day of Summer to everyone! Summer is my very favorite season; mainly because my birthday is in it. Anyway, today I have made official member pages. Now members have access to some special pages.
The Members' Page:where one can find out about other members
The Member's Forum: This is a message board
The Member's Chat Room: This is better than the chat room open to non-members.
To become a member please go to the Membership Sign-Up Page. Becoming a member is quick and 100% free. I'm just doing this to get to know my users better and so that users can find others that share similar interrests. I have also updated My Page. Until later....

May 28-June 3, 1998

I'm so sorry it has been so long since I have updated. You know how school goes or went. Any how. I have begun to update the quotes and episode guide. Now that Buffy has ended for the season I'm able to catch up without worry of missing the next episode. I've also made a feed back page Click here. Well, I hope you enjoy the changes being made. Until later....

April 16-23, 1998

During this past week, or so, many changes have taken place. I figured out frames and imagemaps, and have utilized them both to make my page better. (I hope.) I also have added my own personal chat room where you can talk amongst yourselves and/or to me. I'll be on from 8-10 P.M. tonight. Well, I hope you enjoy all the things I've done. Until later....

April 7, 1998

Today I updated the quotes page and the episodes page. I have a collactables page set up, I just have suitable icon and finish the pic of the claddagh. For now you can Click Here to visit it. Well, I gotta go. Until later....

March 22, 1998

Today I updated the episode guide for season two, added two new fanfic stories to the Archive, and added four new articles to the News Room. Soon I'll be adding a merchandise page, and I'll update quotes ASAP. Maybe today even! Well, Until later....

March 1, 1998

Today I updated the News Room with a new article. It's about the WB and Buffy. Pretty interesting, good pictures. I also updated the episode guide with the info on Passion. Quotes will be updated shortly. I also finished Miss Calendar's Tribute page. I hope you all enjoy it, and pleas, sign her guestbook. Until later....

February 27, 1998

In the wake of Miss Calendar's untimely demise we are all trying to make sense of the situation. I have done so by erecting A Tribute to Miss Jenny Calendar. Please visit here, and pay your respects to the great Gypsy technopagan. I bid you farewell.

February 20, 1998

Today I added links from the character biographies to thier coresponding IMDb pages. I posted four new Alson Hannigan/ Willow pictures to her picture page. I posted an interview page, and added links from the episode guide to the episode's coresponding transcript. I know it sounds confusing but when you see it, it won't be. I also posted a new story in the FanFic Archive. It's called Angelus and it is about the relationship between Buffy and Angel now that he is bad. I'm still working on that collectables page. Keep your fingers crossed. Well, that's it. Until later....

February 17, 1998

Today I updated the episodes page and the season one quotes page. I'll be doing more later. In the very near future I will be putting up interviews and episode transcripts. Be looking for those soon. Also, if you read this today, Sarah Michelle Gellar will be on Rosie O'Donnell, so ya better watch. Untill later....

February 11, 1998

Today I updated the quotes page. I divided it into two sections, Season One Quotes and Season Two Quotes. Let's see...On the 9th, I also updated the episode guide. This page is also divided into two sections: Season One Episodes and Season Two Episodes. Other changes are minor, I put title pictures on almost all the important pages. Also, the next installment to Aftermath by Calista is here! Click here for chapters 1-3, here for chapters 4-6, and here to chapters 7-8. I guess that's it. Look for my diary page comming up soon. Until later....

February 02, 1998

Happy Ground Hog Day everyone! Today I put up the links to WB's decription of the episodes "Innocense" and "Surpise". Check out Second Season Episode Guide for the info. I hope to get some quote work done soon, and hopefully my FTP will be on-line in a very short time. Also be sure to check out my intervue page comming soon! Until Later....

January 27, 1998

Today I added counters to all major pages to keep track of page hitage. I just want to know which pages are used, ya know. I also updated the episode guide. I know I've been neglecting it, sp now it has all the episodes up to and including "Inocense". I moved all the Season Two Episodes to their own page. If you haven't tried either quiz check 'em out, they're pretty cool. Oh, and one more thing,j could you **please** vote for my poll? Until later...

January 25, 1998

Today I added a new question to quiz 1. Hope it's kinda hard. I also added two new newsclipings to the News Room. Both are from TVGuide. One's good, one's bad; but both are Buffy related and so belong. Am I making any sense? Until later....

January 19, 1998

Hi again. I just added another quiz. Two in one day, aren't ya proud? Anyway, check out Quiz 2. Until later....

January 19, 1998

Today I put up my very first Buffy Quiz. It isn't great but I'm tryin' my best. Hope ya enjoy it. I'll try to update it every week, and as soon as I find a better quiz script I'll post it. Until later....

January 08, 1998

Today I posted the new Sarah Michelle Gellar article, that appeared in Seventeen this month, in The News Room. Hope you enjoy it! Also, I have a little poll that, if you'd be so kind, I'd like you to participate in. The Poll. See you all later, or in the chat room! Until later...

January 03, 1998

Happy New Year!! I hope everyone's holidays were fantastic. Today I posted the continuation to the prolific Calista's story Aftermath. Chapters 4-6 are finally here! What a great way to start the new year. I've also posted my very first story. It's still a work in progress, so for now Another Day at the Office is the title. Hope you all enjoy it. I hope to spiff up the site soon. My FTP client refuses to connect with Geocities. If anyone can help me, I'd appreciate it. Oh, and before I go I just want to let you know that I'm conducting a poll. Go to the "About the Author" page for more info. Well, I've got to be on my way. Until later....

December 04, 1997

Today I put up two new pieces of fanfic sent to me by two very talented authors. They are Drucilla's Diary by Miss Mimi, and Ethereal Existance by Calista. Please read these, they're great! I'll put two new news clips up one from Entertainment Weekly: SCREAM and Scream Again, and one from Seventeen Magazine: Guywatch: David Boreanaz. I hope to get a few more up very sson, so watch for those in up comming days or weeks. You all know me! Until later....

November 29, 1997

On this day I updated the site so that it loaded faster by putting all the picture sizes into my picture code. Isn't that exciting? Until later....

November 22, 1997

The artical from this month's YM is finally up! Yeah! I also added another link to my links page and soon I should have a quiz page. Oh, I think my counter is messed up, as that would explain why Sunnydale looks like it has the population of L.A. That's pretty much it. Happy Thanksgiving all! Until later....

November 11, 1997

Well, you will be happy to know that I have updated all the links and now they all work. I also updated the episodes page, OMG, wasn't Dark Ages depressing? Poor Giles! I appologise for not having any new quotes. My friend Ronald Strunk has my tape, and so I haven't been able to do a quotes screening. If you kow him then you can yell at him to give me my tape back. As soon as it is returned I will get those quotes to you. School work will be put on hold, maybe I'll even be sick. *wink* *wink*, *nudge* *nudge*. Until later....

November 01, 1997

It is here!! The Official Angelfan's Fan Fic Archive!! You asked for it begged for it, and now I give you the fan fic page. It isn't really that exciting though. I only have 1 story, so, I beg you to send me stuff now that I've got it up and running. I also updated the episode page. We have all the newest ones. I know that the quote page isn't up-to-date, but that is only because I lent my BtVS tape with all the episodes on it, to my friend who hasn't given it back to me. I'll get the new quotes up here as soon as possible. Watch for it. We're fast approaching the 1,000 access to my page. When we get up into the 900's I'm gonna have a contest. The 1,000 person gets a prize of some kind. Well, I gotta jet. Until next time....

October 09,1997

I am so sorry I haven't updated anyhting in such a long time. School has started and it's like an informational overload. Anyway, tonight I added twelve brand new pictures to the Gallery. It's not much but it is a start. This time I'm serious about the up and coming stuff. Look for new quotes, new episode summeries, and the you-asked-for-it-page.....you wanted it, and now you're gonna get it. Soon I will unveil the Official Angelfan Fan Fic Library. Unfortunately I've only got one story so send one in if you've got something to say. Well, I gotta jet. Until next time....

August 28,1997

Today I created the Episode Guide, and updated the news page with more news links. I also added some new icon type pics to the following pages: The links page, pics page, and my home page. I'm gonna start on the collectables page soon. Watch for it. Until next time.......

August 25,1997

Today I updated the images page. It's a lot cleaner and easier to get around now. Also look for the upcoming episode guide, and collectables pages. I should have those up in a couple of weeks. Until next time......

August 20,1997

Today I posted an artical on David Boreanaz and Sarah Michelle Gellar in The BtVS News Room. I posted a page about myself, and I also add a few new icons to the front page. Until next time......

August 19,1997

Today I took all the links off the front page and moved them to thier own little cozy home. Until next time......

August 17,1997

Today I corrected the mistakes in the quotes page, and added the midi version of the buffy song to the main page. Until next time......

August 11,1997

I added a cast bios page and this page. What's New. Ironic isn't it? Most of the stuff here is older than this page? Boy, that was stupid of me!

August 05,1997

About this time I added the BtVS in the News page.

August 04,1997

I finished my quotes page on this day. "Wow! I had knowledge!"

July 24,1997

I added an images page, and started the quotes page this day. The reason I didn't finish the quotes page, was that I was going on vacation the following day, and had to pack.

June 18, 1997

Around this date I added my counter, and my guestbook. Have you signed it?

June 16, 1997

This was the day it all got started. From an idea in my head, to the great site you see before you! *giggle*

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