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Jacob Hotz
From  Leading Events in Johnson County, Iowa History. Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Western Historical Press, 1913 Page 87:
His (Jacob J. Hotz) father, Jacob Hotz, and his mother, Agnes Rosenstein, were born in Germany, the former in February, 1826, and the latter August 4, 1825. They are married in their native country in the spring of 1851, and thereafter imigrated to the new world, living for a time in New York City, where Jacob H. was born July 3, 1853.

Two years later, in 1855 , they removed to Johnson County, Iowa, where the remainder of their lives was spent. Father Hotz died April 1, 1870, and his wife November 26, 1908.

Seven children were born to them, of whom four grew to maturity. Our subject and Mrs. Herman, a widow, both residents of Iowa City and Frank, living in Portland, Oregon, survive. Another son lived to manhood and was an honored citizen of Iowa City, where he died, having held various positions of trust in Johnson County."

Jacob was listed in Holland's Iowa City Directory 1868-1869 as Jacob Hotz, "Carpenters and Builders" on Davenport St. between Gilbert and Van Buren. He was also a City Councilman (3rd Ward) and "President of Iowa City Fire Co. No. 1"

Agnes Rosenstein



In August, 1825, Agnes Rosenstein was born in a small town (Waldorf Coeln) about 25 miles south of Bonn, Germany, where her parents were married. At the age of 26 (1851) Agnes married Jacob Hotz. According to some she had worked as a maid in his household.

A year after her husband Jacob died (1870), in Iowa City, she married Samuel Baker, a grocer in Iowa City and was widowed again before 1890. The Hotz family called her "Grandma Baker".

Jacob J. Hotz

Leading Events in Johnson County, Iowa History. Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Western Historical Press, 1913:

"Jacob J. Hotz was seventeen years of age when his father died. Having secured a fundamental education in the public schools of Iowa City, and feeling a desire to add to his book of knowledge the valuable education of travel and experience he devoted seven years to an itinerary including Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis. Cincinnati, Pittsburg, Baltimore, Boston, and New York City. Four of the seven were devoted to carpentering and contracting in the seven cities last mentioned, and the concluding three years to newspaper work in Chicago.

Mr. Hotz places great value upon the training and knowledge of men and affairs which he obtained during these years spent in the great commercial cities of the nation; they gave him the enlarged vision and the broad understanding of affairs which were a distinct advantage in after years.

On his return to Iowa City, in 1878, he took up the business of contracting, but in 1882 was persuaded to relinquish his avocation temporarily in order to fill the position of recorder of Johnson county, to which he had been elected. This office he held four years. At the expiration of his term he again took up the business of contracting, in which he has continued to the present, and which he regards as his life's work.

He, however, intermingles in profitable side lines when advisable; for example, the Coralville ice fields, of which he is the owner and active director - a business which reaches an exceedingly strenuous stage in midwinter, at which time extensive storage of ice is made and large shipments are sent to various points.

While a resident of Chicago, in 1875, Mr. Hotz was married to Miss Dehlia Crawford, who only survived her marriage nine years, dying in November, 1884. Four sons were born of this marriage, Charles C., Frank W., Guy J., and J. Walter, all living except the first named.

Mr. Hotz married again in November, 1886, his bride being Miss Frances A. Englert, daughter of Louis Englert, of Iowa City. Of this union there were born five sons and one daughter, as follows: Louis Lee, born September 12, 1887; John Jacob; borm July 3, 1889; Arthur Melville, born May 26, 1893; Henry Joseph, born June 7, 1896; Margaret, born February 18, 1899; and Ralph, born December 23, 1901.

Mr. Hotz is the owner of considerable business property in Iowa City, as well as of "Idlewild Park," a beautiful tract of ten acres near the city. His home at 630 North Dubuque street is one of the finest in the city. Catholics in faith, his family and himself are faithful adherents of St. Mary's church. In politics he is a democrat, and has represented the Second ward in the city council since 1892. He is a member of the B. P. 0. E., and the German Aid Society, P. 0. E., and Fraternal Bankers. He is at present chairman of the park commissioners of Iowa City."

Historical Stories about Iowa City Vol. 2 by Irving B. Weber, Pg. 277:

"Jacob J. Hotz, 1878 - Amateur comedian, weighed 300 pounds; contractor; drove one-horse buggy, job-to-job. Constructed scaffolding, St. Mary's steeple when cross replaced (about 1912); steeple reshingled, same time; buttresses added to side walls to stop buldging. Operated pickle factory, northeast corner, Gilbert College; ice company Coralville - supplying Rock Island refrigerator cars. Constructed beautiful lodge, Idelwood, on river opposite City Park; lived southeast corner Dubuque, Ronalds."

(about 1900)

Names in yellow are children by Dehia Crawford;
green by Francis Englert.
(about 1924)


Standing (L to R):Zimmerli, John J. Englert, John Dalton
Seated (L to R): J. Holub, Jake (Jacob J.) Hotz, J. J. Stack, J. Slavota

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