Thai QRP HAM Club

Why QRP ?
For example, if the other station gives you a signal report of 20 dB over S9 when you are using 100 watts,
he should give you a report of 7 dB over S9 when you QRP to 5 watts. If you reduce your transmitter power to 1 watt,
your report should be on the order of S9. You have lost 20 dB when reducing the power from 100 watts to 1 watt.
RIG : [ VFO 1 ] [ VFO 2 ] [ X-Tal review] [ VFO kit 2] [ smallest VFO ] Hotest | COOL ! [with freq. display] [Listing of QRP Rigs by K3WWP] [reviews]
RIG (kits) : entry level Xtal(cheapest !) [ VFO kit 1 ] [VFO kit 2] [5 bands kit] [single board] [SSB] [DDS] [with freq. display] [VFO 3] [in a box]
Project : SSB
Transmitter : [Tuna Tin : by njqrp] Tuna Tin II
Ant:Some Rules of Thumb for Beginners
[ DIPOLE ] [ G5RV ] [G5RV] [Dipoles] [Trap Dipole] [Dipoles2] [PL-259] [etc.]
Home of Quality QRP Antenna Baluns Made in the USA | MULTIBAND FAN DIPOLE | DIPOLE ANTENNA | ANTENNA BASICS by | Wire Antennas
ATU : [ portable ] [ tuner 2] [ tuner 3 ] [ lowest price ] [Automatic]
Others : LED "Digital Dial" Frequency counter [memory keyer] [ keyer ] [ paddles & keys ] [Mini-Paddle] [kits] [used rig] [used rig 2] hamgadgets [QRP kits and projects for the low power Amateur Radio Enthusiast ]
Solar panels : [ battery chargers ] [SIEMENS ] [Photowatt] [Total Energie]

Clubs : [ QRP ARCI ] [ QRP world ] [ Deutscher QRP ] amqrp [ NJ-QRP Club ] [ Colorado QRP] [CW Opertor's Club] [ Thai QRP club] [ S5 QRP club ] hfpack
QRP links : [ Best links ] [ good links ] [ links 1 ] [ links 2 ] [ links 3 ] [ links 4 (with homebrew)]
[Morse Express] [5watts]
QRPer : [ HA8LGA ] [ K2PGB ] [ K3WWP ] [ K3WWP (new site) : ] [N1FN] N4XY [KB5KHR] [JA9MAT]
Home brew : KC6WDK HomeBuilder page

DX : [ DXer ] [ DX bands ] [ DX news ] [Contest/DX page]

DX-spots : [ QRP ] [ IOTA ] [ 1.8 MHz ] [ 3.5 MHz ] [ 7 MHz ] [ 10 MHz ] [ 14 MHz ]
[ 18 MHz ] [ 21 MHz ] [ 24 MHz ] [ 28 MHz ] [ 50 MHz ]
Propagation : [ weather] dxatlas : near-real time ionospheric maps
Society : [ ARRL ] [ JARL] [ RSGB ] [ DARC ] [ RAST ] [] [ Thai HAM club] [ AMSAT ] [ ham clubs ]
links : [ Best links ] [ (576) links ] [ links] [ HF radio ] [SWL] [Antenna] [ gears ] [Software ] [ Australian hams ]
[ International Amateur Radio Information] [good links] [links2] [Heathkits 1] [Heathkits 2 ] [ ham's pages ] [QRP plus] [webrings] smallwonderlabs [ramseyelectronics] | PIXIE 2 g3tux datasheetlocator
lentini [HRO] [universal-radio] [RadioShack] partsexpress [mouser] [amidoncorp] coilws [micrometals] [FAR CIRCUITS] [auction]
Books : [QRP 1] [ QRP 2 ] [ etc.] [ bookstore]

Back up site : HSQRP [] []

SEANET : SEANET 2001 [WWW.SEANET2000.COM] [ SEANET CONTEST 2000] [ SEANET 1999] [ seanet ] [ welcome to seanet] [ club]
Thai ham's site : [ Thaiham] [Thai ham directory] [E21DKD] [DXer's group]

scoop :
Dear OM, I have not much time to write my page more beautiful than this.
But I try to add new interesting sites as much as I can.
For being one-stop-surfing on QRP.
Don't forget to add this site into your bookmarks or favorites .

Wanna add your favourite QRP site (or your QRP page) ?
Which interesting site or links to be added here ?

QSL : Direct and/or via BURO
QTH : Laemthong Hotel 44 Thammanoonvitee Rd., Haadyai, Songkhla , 90110, Thailand
E-mail : hs9xp(at)
Telephone : 66 74 352301-4
Fax : 66 74 352307

Public Transport, Bicycling, Walking and QRPing
slow down Global Warming !
Each piece of jigsaw made beautiful picture complete,
Each hand of us made this world be what we need.
Green Piece
Greenpage : [ WWF ] [ Thai Whaleshark ] [ Green Peace]

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[ Launched : June 17, 2000 ] , [ last Updated : June 24, 2000 ] , [ last edited : Sep 04, 2006 ]
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Sep 8, 2008

N5ESE's Ham Radio Page
QRP Transceiver for less than $10
The Rock-Mite files
N5ESE's Version of KA8MAV's Tiny-Tornado Kit
The Flying Pigs QRP Club International, W8PIG