Result Analysis III |
Males are more positive towards cohabitation, giving reasons such as freedom and good opportunity to build up experiences. On the otherhand, females are rather negative towards cohabitation because of their religion (e.g. the Bible), for marriag. |
I asked this question to the respondents, who are not against cohabitation but have no experience of it. Females care more about their parents when they consider cohabitation, and religion and future partner are the second considerations. Also, males care about their religion and future partner but they are not concerned about parents as much as females are. |
Except for small differences, men and women think about the advantages of cohabitation in the same way. A number of both males and females agreed that cohabitation is good for testing before marriage. It is interesting that only one in ten males and females think that satisfying their sexual desires is the best advantage of cohabitation. A recent social research showed the number of people who choose cohabitation for sex and economic reason are growing. |
Males are most worried about too dependent relationship, but females are about fewer responsibilities to the relationship. In addition, some female respondents suggested other disadvantages, which are not in the choices, such as children born during cohabitation and lack of privacy. |
Considering the first question about attitudes toward cohabitation, females who might be against their own cohabitation are generous regarding their friends' cohabitation. It shows that females are more conservative about themselves than others. |