Inland Container Depot, Delhi Customs | |||
About Delhi ICDs
ICD Tuglakabad ICD Patparganj ICD Ballabhgarh ICD Gari Harsaru FPO Delhi
from ICDs
Exporting from
Transfer of Residence
Notifications/Circulars 2002
ICD Patparganj, commenced operation in 1984 as a Container Freight Station (CFS) with Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC), a Govt. of India Undertaking, as the Custodian. Initially, it handled the work of export cargo and Import cargo on LCL (Less Container Load ) basis. It was then working as an extension of the ICD at Tughlakabad and transportation of containers was only through ICD:TKD. In 1994, CWC was granted permission for movement of Full Container Load (FCL) and export reefer containers from this port to Delhi Gateway port by road transport.
In April, 1995 this station was upgraded to the status of full fledged ICD