Lessons Learned

This is all about Lori's Good Ol School Days way back when she was a child growing up on a farm and never missed a day of school. Lets just say that if we did decide we were sick for the day all we got to do was sleep til noon and then we would have to either go out to the sawmill or pick some 3,000 eggs as we also had a chicken barn.

I wasnt the smartest in school but I was pretty lucky as I think I had a photographic memory and could recall almost all I needed for the quizzes and tests I usually did not study for any tests be cause it seemed to confuse me if i did. I tried that once with a algebra tests and thought I was prepared until the next morn when i got to class and poof - blank mind - I looked at that test paper and drew a complete blank! I had no idea as to even how to start figuring out the problems then. *S*


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