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since 01/02/01


Ivor Hope welcomes all trouble Jehovah's Witnesses

Pyramids and Pastor Russell

Another amazing aspect of the origins of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society is the beliefs of it's founder Pastor Russell.

Whilst many Jehovah's Witnesses know that the time prophecies relating to 1914 were actually taken from the Seventh Day Adventists, and were not original ideas from Russell, what they don't know is the means Russell used to "confirm" these dates.

Russell was a "Pyramidologist"! He claimed measurements from passages and chambers in the Great Pyramid of Gizeh to symbolised the "Divine Ages of Man" and proclaimed that the Pyramids had been designed and built by Jehovah God to determine His will to mankind.

I had great difficulty in accepting this until I saw it for myself in some of the old literature I recently aquired.

Russell's grave in the shape of a pyramid
Divine Plan of the Ages - Series 1 in Studies in the Scriptures published 1907
The WAtchtower Society highlights the importance of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh

These are scanned pages from the "Studies in the Scriptures - Series 1", entitiled "The Divine Plan of the Ages". You will see from both the full page image and the zoomed image of the relevant text that the book, still held in esteem by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, that the Great Pyramid of Gizeh was an intregal part of Watchtower prophecy and doctrine!

Russells Grave

The extent to which the Pyramids were involved in Rusells life and beliefs can be seen by the photos below of his grave illustrated below.

With this information to hand, honest hearted people must ask themselves, would Jehovah be telling His people on earth via this then acknowledged "faithful and discreet slave", that the Pyramids of Egypt were His way of foretelling events on earth? You decide!

Pastor Russell's Headstone
A page from THe Divine Plan of the Ages

Russell's Grave

On the left is the headstone of Pastor Russell referring to him as the "Laodicean Messenger". Right is a close up of the Pyramid at his grave. Below displays another side of the Pyramid showing the words "Russell with Christ".

The Pyramid Memorial with the inscription
The Pyramid Memorial at Russell's Grave

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Updated 17/04/01

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