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Melissa is eight years old now and no longer the baby. but when she was the baby she would say "I am NOT a baby, I am a BIG GIRL!" She is a very beautiful young lady, and she is so very bright! She has a wonderful personality. Melissa is very fun loving. She is the family comedian and will probably end up being the class clown even though she is home schooled! She makes funny faces and uses silly voices. Melissa truly is a "Barbie Girl" living in a Barbie world! She loves everything Barbie and pink pretty things. She has a collection of Barbie Dolls that even her Granny envies! She is not about to let her 2 older brothers get the best of her! I think that we all spoiled her pretty much because she was the baby for so long. What can I say she is just so precious to all of us! And she knows this! Several years ago I decorated Melissa's birthday cake in Barbie Pink complete with a full sized Barbie doll on it, the dress was made out of cake and it had lots and lots of roses and rose buds, per the request of a certain little princess! She looked up at me with her Big Blue eyes and said, "Thank You Granny!" Well what more could I say, she has stolen my heart! Although Missy is 100 % Girl, she still loves to play sports, she has played several seasons of soccer, as well as basketball. She did great and she had lots of fun. Melissa is a real cutie, I feel a special attachment to her because she was the baby for so many years. This little girl is a heart stopper, and I am sure her mom and dad are going to have fun in those teenage years! I am sure Melissa will never lack a Saturday night date! And Boys you better watch out, she does have 2 very protective older brothers! Now Melissa has two younger sisters. little Ashley is three years old and Jennifer is two years old. Melissa finally got the little sisters she always wanted. All three girls share a room together which has begun to be a hard task for Melissa because she would really like her own room again. Melissa is very much into horse back riding and western cloths although she still likes to dress like most girls her age in blue jeans and cool cloths. Melissa's sisters Ashley and Jennifer think their sister Melissa is just the best and Melissa is very good with both little girls and she is very patient with them. Melissa, Ashley, and Jennifer are very beautiful little girls and I know their parents will never get a moments rest with these three beautiful, smart, little girls to have to chase the boys away from! Look out world here comes my "GIRLS"!



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