
Star Wars nickname: Chewbacca

Daniel was the middle child, and although he no longer is, he still sometimes seems to suffer from Middle Child Syndrome!! LOL Daniel is ten years old now. He was always the quiet child. We were afraid he was not learning to talk soon enough, but now we can't get him to shut up!! He is as bright as a shiny new penny. He loves to play on the computer and is very good at it, he also likes to play his Game Boy, Nintendo, and the Play Station. He is in his third year of homeschooling. My daughter, Angela, decided to place Daniel and Melissa in the same grade level because they are so close in age. They are only eighteen months apart. Ashley and Jennifer will only be fifteen months apart! Daniel used to want to be just like his big brother David but lately he has developed a very distinct personality of his own and he does not rely on David as much as he did. David and Daniel are true brothers and often fight and wrestle around like brothers do. Daniel finished one season of Tee Ball, after a somewhat shakey start he did great! Daniel seemed to really enjoy playing Tee Ball, and he listened to his coach better than most of the other kids but he decided it was not the sport for him. Daniel played several seasons of soccer and he has a great time playing. Daniel has also played several seasons of basketball at the YMCA and is currently playing another season of basketball. Daniel is a very sweet young man and he is a very loving person. Daniel is always the first grandchild to give me a hug! Daniel also calls me on my days off from work and he seems to know my work schedule better than I do at times. Daniel also has a keen sense of the value of money and he has quite a bank account saved. Unfortunately David and Melissa spend their allowance as soon as they get it. Daniel is a very serious young man and he saves his money so he always has cards and gifts for the family on birthdays and holidays. If you give him a job to do, you can be sure that he will try his best to get the job done. Daniel does have a stubborn streak a mile long in him! Daniel is not as shy as he used to be and he enjoys spending time with his own friends spending the night at their house, and having them over for sleep overs. I expect great things from Daniel in the future, I think that whatever tasks he sets his mind to he will reach his goal.

Daniel Daniel Daniel
Shy Guy Just Chillin' Strictly Business

Daniel on The Tornadoes Daniel and David together!
Daniel's first TeeBall Team
The Tornadoes!!
My Baseball Boys
Daniel on The Tornadoes Daniel and David together!
Daniel 2002 Coyotes! Daniel Basketball 2003

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