Happy New Year!!!
Welcome to the new Millennium!

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"Auld Lang Syne"

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*Hello everyone! I hope that if you are seeing this web page before January 1st.that you are prepared for the Y 2 K bug! And if you are seeing this after January 1st., then you were apparently not too bothered by the millennium bug! I hope that everybody had a safe and celebratory New Year's Eve! I also hope that no one thought about drinking and driving this holiday season! The life you saved could have been my own!
*On to a much lighter subject. Does everyone have their New Years resolutions in place? Do you have them listed in order of importancey? Or according to your ability to follow through on them!! HA! HA! I personally don't usually set any resolutions for myself, simply because I know myself well enough to know that come January 2, I will have forgotten all about them in the rush to return to work and get on with everday living. This year I thought that I owed it to myself, and to the people that I love, to set some resolutions in place and to try and follow through on them! Below is my simple but telling list of the things that I need to try to accomplish this year! If they are in print for the world to see, perhaps it will modivate me to try harder to get them done!
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* To try with all my might to stop this terrible habit of smoking!

* Try and spend more quality time with my grandchildren!
* Tell my grandchildren everyday that I love them! Okay I slipped in an easy one!! HA! HA!

* Try and be more patient with those around me,and realize that not everyone does things like I do them!

* Tell my husband everyday that I love him. And especially be more patient with him!

* Tell my daughter that I love her, and how very proud of her that I am! Reading this does not count!

* Take better care of myself so that I can be around another 42 years!

* Trust people outside my family more, sometimes I am very cynical of others!

* Stay in closer contact with long distance family members. Especially my mother-in-law!

* Don't judge people so easily!

* Do 1 thing a day that I can feel proud about having done!

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*Okay if I can do these 10 simple things, it may not get me in the Guiness Book of Records, but it sure would make me a better person. And I am sure that someone of greater importance will have it recorded in their BOOK of RECORDS!

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