Loads of Links

I have been surfing the world wide web for just over a year. The first thing I learned how to do was to use a search engine. These are so interesting. Just plug in whatever you are interested in learning more about and, lo and behold, up pops oodles of websites which contain that information. However, caution and discernment must be used with these searches as sometimes pages which contain your item of interest may contain or link onto totally undesirable pages.

Since our interests are various, I have a slew of different links to pages about these interests. I have many, many links related to homeschooling. I made another page just for homeschooling links.

Click to get to that page.

Search Engines
Alta Vista
Four11-a search engine for email addresses.
GOSHEN Homepage-a Christian search engine.

Message Boards

Biblical Impressions Board for Homeschoolers-an active Christian board that emphasizes support in the homeschooling lifestyle.
Christian Homeschool Fellowship Message Board
Homeschooling with Diana Waring-a wonderful Christian community hosted by noted homeschool author, speaker and curriculum developer Diana Waring.
Unschooling Message Board
Vegsource Homeschool Board-an active board that also has other homeschool resource boards linked from it. This board has more of a secular slant.
Homeschooler's Curriculum Swap-has various homeschool related boards linked from it besides the buy-and-sell swap board. It has a Christian slant.
Kaleidoscapes-also has many other boards on this site, all related to homeschooling. This too has more of a secular slant.
Five in a Row Message Board-a great resource and support board for those using the Five in a Row curriculum.
Robinson Curriculum Discussion Board-a support board for those using the Robinson Curriculum.
Charlotte Mason Message Board-for those who follow the teachings of this homeschool pioneer.

Creation Links

Christian Research Society
Creation Science Homepage
Christian Answers

Entertainment Review Links

ScreenIt! Entertainment Reviews for Parents-covers movies, music and videos.
Family Style Movie Guide-has charts that provide detailed information about film content.
Freeze Frame-contains lists of all possibly offensive materials in movies.
Movie Mom's Guide to Family Movies & Videos
The Movie Reporter-movies guaranteed to be family friendly.
PG-14-a newsletter written by parents and teachers providing an indepth review into the adult content of all PG and PG-13 movies.

Family Interest Links

Best of the Christian Web
Family Life Today
Focus on the Family
Official Promise Keeper's Homepage
World's Best Clean Humor Precept Ministries

Gardening Stuff

Culinary Herb FAQ
Gardening with Herbs
HerbNET Main Page
Horticulture Guy
Ithaca Garden Herb Search
Square Foot Gardening BBS
Rambler's Herb Garden

History Links

Index of Resources for Historians
Someone in Time
The American Experience - The Presidents
The History Channel

Home Ec Links

CopyKat Recipes
Diana's Kitchen Recipes, Links, Crock Pot Recipes and more.
Meals For You
Recipe-a-Day Homepage
Searchable Online Archive of Recipes (SOAR)
Food Network's Cyber Kitchen
Once a Month Cooking
Home Maintenance and Repairs
The Dollar Stretcher
Kathy's Pattern Page-Sewing patterns

Quilting Links

A Quilter by Design
Block of the Month Drawing
Patchwords Lotto
National Online Quilter's Home Page
Patchwords Quilting Newsletter
PC Piecers
Quilt block Patterns
SunShine Quilt Guild
World Wide Quilting Page

Craft Links

Bluebonnet Village Craft Network
CraftNet Village
Country Memories (Scrapbooking)
Creative Memories
Crochet Cabana
The Crochet Network
Cross Stitcher's Project Index

Online Book Links

Online Books Page, Listed by Author
Chapter One Books
Children's Literature Resources for Teachers
Library in the Sky

Reference Sites

A Collection of Word Oddities
Bartlett's Familiar Quotations
Biographical Dictionary
Casey's Snowy Day reverse Dictionary-type in the definition & this site will give you words to fit it! Cool.
Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
Local Times from Around the World
Measurement Conversions
MEL Children's Resources-an excellent links site from the Michigan Electronic Library
OneLook Dictionaries
US Census Bureau

Personal Homepages of my "Cyber" Friends

Laura E's HomePage
Christine and Bob Stout's Conservative HomePage I don't know these people, but I find the site interesting.
Fiona's Fashions
Kris/Huskerbabe's HomePage
Our Home, Our School
SaSSafraSS Grove
Clipner Family HomePage
Lord's Harvest Christian Home School
Valder Learning Systems
Deborah's Homeschool Page
Charity Lovelace's Home Page
Allbritain Home Page


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