Written and researched by Kelli McChesney
Copyright © 1997 Kelli McChesney
Please contact Kelli for permission to use or reprint any portion of this article...thank you!

Clogging is an American folk dance that is similar to tap dancing. It is making rhythmic tapping sounds with the feet. Special shoes are used to emphasize the tapping sounds. These usually are soft leather shoes with hard soles and attached metal taps.

Clogging is influenced by many of the European dance forms, as well as Canadian step dancing and breakdancing. It is done to almost any kind of upbeat music. Country and traditional bluegrass music are the most popular, but cloggers today also dance to pop, rap, hip-hop, anything with a fast beat.

Clogging is becoming more and more popular. Today, workshops are held almost every weekend for cloggers, group directors, and anyone who loves to clog. Instructors from around the world teach their original clogging routines at these workshops. Clogging has become so popular that it has spread not only throughout the U.S. and Canada, but also to many countries in Europe, to Australia, and even to Japan!

Clogging is a great form of exercise as well. Here is a quick list of some of the health benefits in clogging:

  • helps coordination and gracefulness,
  • develops flexibility,
  • lowers blood pressure,
  • increases endurance and strength,
  • increases lung capacity,
  • relieves stress,
  • and is great for weight loss (burns around 400 calories per hour).

As you can see, clogging provides a great aerobic workout.

Many television dance shows spotlight clogging groups. The next time you tune in to watch one of these shows, look for a clogger! You never know when you might see someone clogging up a storm!

Copyright © 1997 Kelli McChesney
Please contact Kelli for permission to use or reprint any portion of this article...thank you!

Health information from:
Moreno, Bobbi. "Footloose: Clog dancers hoe down in the 90's." American Fitness May-June 1994: pages 20-22.

What is Clogging? Clogging Bio Choreography Scrapbook
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Last Updated: August 2, 2009
Site Debut: January 1, 1997
© 2007-2009 Kelli McChesney
(Disclaimer and Credits)