Dashie throwing his toast. Photos - Our Pets

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Beautiful Barney Pookah.
Our beautiful Barney Pookah resting on the rug during his daily indoors run with us … every day we carefully cover all gaps behind the couch, and all electrical wires, with rugs and cushions, and he races back and forth, jumps in the air with joy, and then rests on his tummy, sometimes right against our feet if we’re lucky … happy, or what!

Bunny rabbits love to feel safe in their homes.
Pookie loves his burrow, and stretches out and rests and relaxes … cosy, or what!
We named him for the James Stewart movie, “Harvey”, where Jimmy Stewart has a rabbit friend named Harvey … at one point he says that Harvey is a “pookah”, a mischievous Irish fairy spirit in animal form … this is where we got the name Pookah, Pookie for short. And Barney Pookah truly is a pookah, such a little character, definitely a mischievous fairy spirit in animal form!

Pookie, Squeaky our beautiful canary, and me!
Precious Pookie giving me affection … and if you look, you can see our beautiful little canary, Squeaky, too … she’s nine years old this year, and she’s also SO affectionate … she gazes into our eyes and sings to us.

Pookie soaking up the affection!
Pookie enjoys receiving affection too, and rests his little chin on the ground, completely relaxes his whole little body, while enjoying a grooming!

In the garden together!
Having a cuddle in the garden.

Sitting and relaxing.
Sitting on the couch together … he gets so relaxed.

And relaxing and grooming!
Pookie gets so relaxed, that he’ll groom right next to me.

And here, isn't this absolutely beautiful? This gorgeous card, or "digi-scrap" as known in France, was created for Pookie and us by our very good friend, Gavotte - thank you so very much, Gavotte, for your wonderful presents - merci beaucoup, Gavotte, j'adore tes super cadeaus, et ta belle amitie! You can see more of Gavotte's creations on her great website too, at http://tygavotte.fr.

Our Darling Dasher.
Our Darling Dasher … isn’t this a perfect photograph of him … you can see how gorgeous he is.
We had our beautiful Dashie from 1994 to 2000.

Affection from Dashie.
Affection from Dashie … he always loved and adored cuddles.

Dashie happy in his burrow.
Dashie … happy in his burrow, too.

Dashie playing in the curtain!
He loved to play in the curtain and peep out from behind it!

What a gorgeous face!
What a beautiful, bright little friendly face!

Affection from Dashie.
Dashie was also SO affectionate, liked to kiss and groom us, as well as receiving affection.

Dashie looking angelic!
You might recognise this photo from other pages of my web site, including my home/splash page … this is the original photo, with Dashie looking just angelic!

Our first Netherland Dwarf bunny, Sweetnin.
Our first Netherland Dwarf bunny, Sweetnin, had a whole room to herself … since we weren’t always there with her, she unfortunately didn’t see us as part of her “warren” the way that Dashie and Barney do.
We had our Sweetnin from 1990 to 1994.

Although she did relax around us too.
Sweetnin was happy also, and did relax and groom around us too.

Find the living toy!
Okay … who’s the cutest?! Can you find the real, living toy, in amongst these poor imitations?

Gorgeous bright face!
Sweetnin - what a bright, pretty face!

Sweetnin in our back garden at St Kilda. She loved stretching out on the fresh grass.
Sweetnin in our previous back garden in St Kilda ... she loved relaxing, in the sun, or on the fresh grass in the shade.

Sweetnin in our back garden at St Kilda. And we grew the cosmos from seeds.

Bunny Rabbit Health, Treatment, Care
Digestive & Stomach Health - Constipation & Diarrhoea
Version française : Santé du système digestif des lapins
Bunny Safe Food
The Dangers of Heat Stroke
Happy Indoor House Rabbits
Bonding With Your Bunny
Cleaning Bunny Bottoms
Trimming Bunnies’ Nails
Bunny Rabbit Links
Bunny Message Boards - Ask, Learn!
Bunny Veterinarians

A Little About Canaries

Our darling Squeaky.
Our darling Squeaky, who turned nine years old this year.

Our canaries Peachy and Scrumpy.
And what an incredible photo of our beautiful Peachy.
That’s Scrumpy sitting in the nest!

Our beautiful little canary, Sparky.
Our precious, beautiful little Sparky.

And here, two more of Gavotte's beautiful digi-scrap creations, presents made especially for us and for Squeaky - encore j'adore tes super cadeaus, Gavotte!
This one was a present for Squeaky's eighth birthday:

And this one includes movement! Encore merci beaucoup, Gavotte!

Back to Top - Photo Gallery - Our Pets

Photo Gallery - Our Garden

Wildlife Care
Article: Tinky the Australian Magpie Lark’s Story
What You Can Do To Help
Help for Wildlife Contacts

Bunny Rabbit Health, Treatment, Care
Digestive & Stomach Health - Constipation & Diarrhoea
Version française : Santé du système digestif des lapins
Bunny Safe Food
The Dangers of Heat Stroke
Happy Indoor House Rabbits
Bonding With Your Bunny
Cleaning Bunny Bottoms
Trimming Bunnies’ Nails

Bunny Rabbit Links
Bunny Banners
Bunny Veterinarians

Article: A Little About Canaries

Favourite Links & More
Loss - Grief - Pantheism
More Favourite Links:
Victims of Crimes Assistance
Astronomy Links
Popular Science Links
Animals & the Natural World
Science Fiction & Fantasy Links
Gardening & Horticulture Links
Libraries, Museums, Translations
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© Our site created 23rd May 2001, and last updated 30th April 2009.
Site maintained by our Webmasters - contact us via email.

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