Trip to Uganda
These are some pictures from my Mom's recent trip to Uganda in August/September 2009. She has been supporting many children and ministries in Uganda for a number of years. While she was over there she taught in some villages and met some of the orphans. She loved it even though she missed the comforts of home, like electricity, running water and toilets. She is ready to go back some day.
This is Margaret teaching some of the orphans.
This is my Mom with Patience, one of the orphans.
This is Mom with Micheal, one of the orphans.
This is a group of the workers that distribute the "Book of Hope". They were given some soccer uniforms from North Shore Community Church where my Mom attends.
This is Pastor Godfrey and Pastor Nathan with my Mom.
This is the 8 orphan kids that live with Greg and Sandy (caucasian people that have adopted them). They were given the uniforms from the church in Canada along with the little footballs.
This is my Mom with Patience and Rachel who are wearing some dresses sent from Canada.
My Mom with the orphans. Back row right to left, Sam, Samuel, Rachel, Patience, Micheal. Front row right to left, Dickson, Pias, Derick and Nabbi.
My Mom teaching at a Sunday service with an interpreter named Moses.
One of the many anthills in Uganda.
A young man named Benjamin attended church 4 weeks in a row and was given an English Bible.
Workers loading the "Book of Hope" from truck to storage. Two days later the boxes are back on a truck to be distributed. "Book of Hope" is about integrity, morals, basic living training, gives the gospel and an opportunity to accept Christ as Savior in the back. Government wants 16 1/2 million students in Uganda to receive them from Kindergartners to University students.
One of the shacks in the refugee camp.
A picture of an adult class learning English taught by a refugee teacher.
A native transporting water in jerry cans on head that weigh 40 pounds, and a baby strapped to her back.
A church service in the refugee camp. There are 23,000 refugees from Congo, Ruwanda and Kenya.
Pastor Bernard was given a new bike to deliver the books with.
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