Here are some links I happened upon, during my search for information.
I do not necessarily endorse all views listed within these pages;
I am only supplying them to help you find answers and information.
General Resources
Legal Issues / Advocacy
Therapy / Intervention Ideas
Products / Stores
Vaccine Information
ABA - CIBRA Homepage - Child Injured By Restraint and Aversives
Apraxia Kids Web Site
Aspergers Disorder Clinicians List
Aspergers Disorder Homepage
Aspergers Syndrome - The Family Village / Library
Attention Deficit Disorder Association
Attention Deficit Disorder/ADHD Information & Assessment Services
AutFriends - IRC Channel for People with Autism, Their Families, Friends and Caregivers
Autism Arts
Autism Center
The Autism Home Page
Autism Information Center, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, CDC
Autism National Committee
Autism Research Institute
Autism Society of America Home Page
The Autistic Spectrum Resources By and For Persons On the Autistic Spectrum
CAPD (Central Auditory Processing Disorder) - Autism Information Library
Center for the Study of Autism
Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (CHAT) - The National Autistic Society
Checklists - Developmental Checklist/Milestones
Checklists - Diagnositic Criteria for Autism - PDD/ Autism - The Pediatric Neurology Site
Cure Autism Now Foundation
The Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism, Inc.
Florida - CARD (Center for Autism and Related Disabilities) of/Gainesville
Fragile X - Center for the Study of Autism
Georgia Resources
Homeschooling Kids With Disabilities - Message Board
HunnyBee's ® Autism Support Australia & International
Internet Resources for Special Children - Worldwide Resource for Disabilities & Other Health Related Disorders
Iowa & Worldwide Autism Registry - Autism Awakening
Kansas - AAPC - Autism Asperger Publishing Company
Kansas - Univ of Kansas Med Center - Autism Asperger Resource Center (AARC)
KidPower Family Support Resource, Inc. Cerebral Palsy
List of Links - IRSC - Autistic Spectrum Disorders
National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth Homepage
National Head Start Association Website
One Mom's View  - For Parents of Children With Autistic Disorders
Ooops... Wrong Planet! Syndrome Master Link Page
PACT - Parents of Autistic Children Together
Parents United Together
Police and Autism: Avoiding Unfortunate Situations
Police - Self-Advocates - Know Your Rights If You Get Arrested
Siblings - Siblings Of Autism
Siblings - NAS -Support for Siblings of People w/Autism and Asperger Syndrome
Siblings- Living w/ Impairment: Effects On Children Having An Autistic Sibling
Siblings- Sibling Resources/ Nine Things Parents Can Do To Help
Special Needs Family Friendly Fun Portal Links
Welcome to Untangle Autism!
What is Autism?  AOL Health
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A Guide to Disability Rights Laws
Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice (CECP)
Child Advocacy 101
Education Advocacy: Self-Help Tutorial for Parents
FAPE Home Page - Helping parents and Advocates Improve Educational Results for Children With Disabilities
Group Homes, Housing, Residential Schools & Other Related Links
IDEA '97 Law & Regs - This is VERY IMPORTANT to bookmark and keep handy!!!
Ideal Lives Project - Home
The Ideal Teacher (and Parent) for an ADHD Child
IEP - Checklist (Annotated) - (.pdf format)
IEP - Developing Standards-Based IEPs
IEP - Guide to Individualized Educational Programs
IEP - IEP Assistance For Parents, Advocates and Educators (FAPE Solutions)
IEP - IEP Center - Untangle Autism
IEP - IEP4U Objectives
IEP - Issues - BBB Autism
IEP - Pop-up IEP
IEP - Seven Habits of Highly Effective IEP Teams
IEP - Using General Education Standards with IEPs (Printable)
IEP - Writing an Effective IEP for a Child on Yeast Free Diet
LD Online: The Law and Your Rights
Mediation in Special Education and Section 504
Mothers From Hell 2 - Advocacy For the Rights of Individuals With Disabilities
NECTAS Home Page
New York - Bills
OSERS Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)
Parent Handbook
Parents Compensated for providing ABA Intervention to Their Children
President Bush Issues Executive Order Regarding Community-Based Alternatives for Individuals With Disabilities
Prof. Development for Schools & Human Services - Norman Kunc & Emma Van der Klift
Quackwatch Home Page - Your Guide to Health Fraud, Quackery, and Intelligent Decisions
Reading Upgrade On-Line Intervention Course: The online course for struggling readers
Self-Advocates - Know Your Rights If You Get Arrested
Special Education Law & Advocacy - Reed Martin, J.D
TalkAutism: Virtual Speaker
U.S. Senate: Contacting the Senate - E-Mail Addresses (sorted by State)
Wrightslaw - Special Education Law - Another VERY IMPORTANT site to have handy!
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ABA - CIBRA Homepage - Child Injured By Restraint and Aversives
Autism Coach
Baby BumbleBee - Freebies and Funstuff - Teaching Tools For Your Child
Behavior - Indiana Resource Center for Autism/Behavior Table of Contents
Behavior - Positive Behavior Plan Samples and Templates
Behavorial Issues -
CARN-AWARE - Nervous System Support Agent
Christina Burk, M.A. Consulting Behavior Analyst
Dr. Mac's Amazing Behavior Management Advice Site
Functional Behavioral Assessment
The Georgiana Institute
Home of ABAconnections Web Site
Kirkman Laboratories - Supplements
Parent's Guide to Chateau Meddybemps
PECS - Talking With Pictures
Room5Autism - Classroom and Home Ideas
Social Stories - Autism Awakening
Social Stories - Carol Gray
Social Stories:  Teaching Children with Autism
TEACCH - Structured Teaching
TeachingLD: Information and Resources for Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities
Top Picks Educational Programs for Autistic Children
Understanding and Teaching Friendship Skills - Tony Attwood
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AAPC - Autism Asperger Publishing Co. | Bookstore
Abilitations - Home Page (Lots of Therapeutic Products!)
Autism Cards - Autism Awakening
Autism Cards - VIAH Site
Autism Coach - (Software, Supplements, Dietary Products, and Advice)
Autism Online Store
Baby Bumblebee - Educational Products for Infancy and Early Childhood
Bumper Stickers, Buttons and Awareness Ribbons
CARN-AWARE - Nervous System Support Agent
Children's Education & Resource Store
Disability Awareness Posters - AACCASA
Easy Access Photo Bands
Future Horizons - World Leader in Autism / Asperger's / PDD Publications
HenryOT Products
PECS - Talking With Pictures
Safety - Buckle Guard
Safety - Emergency Alert Window Decal
Safety - E-Z-ON Products: E-Z-ON VEST
Safety - Protecting the Child or Adult with Autism
Say It First On A Button At
Sensory Resources
Speech/Language Therapy & Software - Dimensions Speech, Language, and Learning
Top Picks Educational Programs for Autistic Children
Undergarments -Drymids - Protective Undergarments for Children
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Autism and Vaccines (3/7/01)
How to Legally Avoid School Vaccinations & Immunizations
How to Write a Vaccination Religious Exemption Letter in the USA
Thimerosal Homepage
Mercury and Vaccination Information
Vaccination Information & Choice Network - State Exemptions for School Vaccinations
Vaccine Injury Compensation Program - HRSA
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A Tiger By The Tail - Autism, Maternal Rejection, and Therapy
Asperger's Syndrome - Tony Attwood
Autism and the Reptilian Brain - David Icke (E-Magazine)
Beyond Autism
Cajer's Crackersoup
Children of Destiny
Homepages of People Who Have a Disability - Autism
Kind Tree Autism Gateway
Lars Perner, Ph D.
MoMA - Moms On A Mission For Autism
Ooops... Wrong Planet! Syndrome - Autism Spectrum Resources
The Tim Nickson Site
Webrings - Google Directory - Autism Spectrum
Welcome to Autism Family Circle
Welcome to Kathie's Good Speech
Welcome to Our Special Kids!!!
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