McHardy/MacHardy of Ordachoy Genealogy
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Genealogy of the McHardy / MacHardy family that farmed Ordachoy in Corgarff, Aberdeenshire, Scotland.
Includes family charts, transcriptions of original source documents, articles, and research status reports.

Ordachoy Farm, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Site Last Updated:    March, 2008                What's New?

March, 2008

Links page updated. Sorry folks; it's not much to add. Time to spend on family history has been at a premium lately with the latest leaf on the family tree taking up most of my time, especially since she's now walking and refusing to take naps during the day. Further research will have to wait until she's a wee bit older.

April, 2006

New article posted by Fenton MacHardy on "Reverend William McHardy, Priest at Braemar 1804-1809," most probably brother to James of Ordachoy. Fenton researched the Catholic archives to try to discover James' parentage through William the Priest and uncovered a fascinating individual history. A valuable addition to the web site and a must read for anyone trying to take James' lineage back past 1804!

New links added.

August, 2005

What's new? Everything! The site has been given a new look, almost every page has been updated to some degree, and new material has been added.

Some highlights —

Found! Family of Alexander McHardy, eldest son of James and Ann of Ordachoy; family of John McHardy and Helen Sinclair; mother of Helen Gordon, wife of James McHardy who was the second son of Charles McHardy and Janet Bowman; and the parentage of Jean McGregor, wife to Alister of Auchallater.

Charted Family Tree: A number of new charts have been added, and all the old ones have been redone and updated.

Sources: A new category. Find here a detailed description of the sources listed below each chart, access to the downloadable OPR, RC Register, and Census file transcripts, new transcripts of testament datives, and the address for the Windsor Castle Archives with a summary of what they have on file for the McHardys and Bowmans.

Photo Gallery: A new category making it easier to find photos of the family and of Ordachoy.

Reports: A new category grouping research reports and essays. Find a new report by Fenton.

Links: New links have been added and old ones have been updated.


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