Spiritual Gift Analysis Text

Song Playing is
"Lift Your Name On High"

Spiritual Gift Analysis for Melissa

I thought this was really interesting, when I took this Spiritual Gift Analysis at our church in 1999 (Believers Christian Fellowship). I was also surprised at how close it came to fitting me and saying what Spiritual Gifts I was strongest in, in the Body of Christ.

I wanted to share my results and maybe your church has or would like to have and offer something like this to the Members. Members can see what their gifts are in the Body of Christ and what job catagory they would best fit under.

In order to take the Spiritual Gift Analysis, your church home must offer it and do the testing. You may share this information (This URL so they may visit here) with your Pastor(s), and if they would like further information, I will get them the contact information for GiftQuest.

It was really fun and interesting to take and get the results back! :)I will share my top 3 that I scored the highest in with you. My husbands was serving (and I need to add, he took the test first and convinced me to take it *S*, and he guessed I would score the highest in Exhort:) he was right! I am a talker and relational person:)

The test was to help me function and identify my motivational gifts as identified in ROMANS 12.

In The Name Of JESUS, Lord, I pray that Spiritual Giftings be stirred up in people. Lord, I pray that others will rise up and put their hands to the plow. I pray that others will hear from you clearly, what you want them to be doing Lord, for your Kingdom and Kingdom purposes.

I pray that those that have sat wondering what to do, or maybe have been scared to rise up and be used in their Gifting...I pray that the Spirit of fear is removed in the Name of JESUS. I pray that the Spirit of doubt is REMOVED In The NAME OF JESUS. I pray whatever hindrance, whatever has been stopping them Lord, will be gone in the name of JESUS. I pray for people to MOVE out of their comfort zone. I pray if you are wanting to move them out of that comfort zone Lord, that they will stand up and be obedient to what YOU are wanting to do Lord. I know that you want to use people for your Glory and Kingdom in a mighty, mighty, mighty way. I pray for people to move out of their seats...I pray for ANY obstacle to be MOVED and CANCELED in the NAME OF JESUS.

I pray for Spiritual Giftings to be LOOSED in the Name of JESUS. I pray that Giftings are stirred up Lord. Stir up the Giftings in your people. Stir them up, stir them up, stir them up Lord!!

I pray for Blessings. I pray that those that have stood up and put their hands to the plow are BLESSED LORD. I pray for everything that they touch to prosper Lord. I pray that you bring to Pass a Blessing in their life. I stand in agreement for whatever they have been believing you for Lord.

In the Name above all names---JESUS. AMEN!! :)

I really felt the Lord asking me to sit down and write this Prayer, for ALL visitors. Even if you are a new born again Christian, GOD still wants to Use You! He desires for others to know their Gifting(s) and to be Operating in those Gifting(s).

Every part of the Church is "Important"
*Each* person who volunteers and helps is "Important"
There is a need for people in ALL areas in the Body of Christ, From Greeters to the Office Administration and People Employed. People behind the scenes are Just as Important!
My *First* Position in Church was a Greeter:)
Often, it is when the Lord sees that we are Faithful and True in a small area, HE will move us to other areas that Require More Responsibilty, Maturity, and Accountability on Our Part>(1 Timothy 3)
*GOD* knows what you should be doing and when.

It is when *Everyone* uses their "Spiritual Gift(s)" as a "Whole" in the Church, the Body of Christ functions at it's Very Best!

I know that we are NOT all "Gifted" Or "Called" to be a Preacher, Pastor, Evangelist etc..We ALL have a Spiritual Gifting (Romans 1:11) God has placed different Spiritual Gifts in each of us (Romans 12)However,
We can ALL Proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to others, in our own way. USE YOUR TESTIMONY. Your Testimony is "YOURS" It is supposed to be shared and bring others to Jesus Christ. There are people out there that ONLY YOU are going to meet and know and be able to touch with the
Love of GOD.

* The beginning of the test says: * This test is not a test with "right or "wrong" answers. Do not compare yourself with others in determining your selections. Select on the basis of what is "personally fulfilling". Do not select on the basis of what you "think" you should be doing or what you wish you "had" been doing.

Exhort: I scored a 93%. My highest score, It says:
You are first and foremost an exhorter. You are a relational person, a communicator with others when interacting with them reguarding their growth, walk/and or maturity as a person, a believer. You have an inner sensing of spiritual achievement and goals appropriate to realize such achievement. You are focused on promoting acceptance and harmony among others. In this light you may be able to deal with diverse groups, showing loving, understanding, acceptance, and diplomacy in dealing with others. You seek face-to-face involvement with others, and may frequently be involved in counseling situations. You are good at gaining insight reguarding people and life through lifes experiences. When you are focused in this motivation, you have alot to say. You are a verbal person. When you function with this primary gifting, you may be likened to the mouth in the body of Christ.

Perceive: I scored a 72%. My next highest score, It says:
You have a strong inner prompting and ability to percieve what is right versus wrong, good versus evil, or true versus false. You are gifted to perceive, proclaim, promote and pray about the will of God. You have an intense desire to correct what you see as wrong. You are usually quick to come to and express your perceptions, thoughts and ideas verbally. You tend to be whole hearted in your involvements. You are willing to suffer for what you percieve as right. You have an intense desire that justice be done. You are willing to terminate existing relationships to remain loyal to truth.

Mercy: I scored a 65%. My third highest score, It says:
You identify with the distresses and joys of others.You desire to take action to remove hurts, (especially emotional hurts) and bring healing to others. You are frequently able to discern the emotional status of others and can view life through that intuitive sensing. In this motivation you are drawn to people in distress. You have a vulnerability to hurts from those who fail to demonstrate sincere love to yourself or others. You have a tendancy to avoid firmness until you see it necessary to aviod greater hurt. You have a sensitivity to hurtful words and actions. You may tend to close your spirit to those who are offending you or others. You show significant loyalty to friends.

In the Church Ministry, the Ministries in my top 3 gift areas for me were:

Junior high Teacher 97% (Working with Youth)

Altar Counselor 91%

Ladies Prayer Minister 90%

Counselor-Family 90%

In the World my top 3 Jobs that I seem to be gifted for are:

Substance Abuse Counselor 99% (Which I have changed my career direction *S* to a Counselor of some sort, undecided as of this time...*S*.

Counselor Personal-Family 95%

Therapist-Speech 92%

Lawyer 92%

There were also the gifts of Administration, Giving, and Serving. I did not include them on here; I dont want to bore anyone. I just wanted to share, and maybe you could do this to one day at your church *S*. Please email me anytime, if you would like to talk or would like the explanation of the other gifts I did not list here or if we have many things in common. Even if not, it is wonderful to hear what others feel and think.
I always believed we all have our own special gifts, and we all have something wonderful to share, WHEN we use the gifts that GOD has given to us.
Have a Blessed Day!

Corinthians 12:1-31


*NOTE* Since Pastors and Church Administration have emailed wanting the information to order this test for their church,
I wanted to make a note about obtaining the information.
Please email me, and I will get the information to you "As Soon As Possible" so that you can order these for
your Church. :)

In Christ Jesus,

Deuteronomy 11:13-15 "And it shall come to pass, if ye shall harken diligently unto my commandments which I command you this day, to love the Lord your God, and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul, That I will give you the rain of your land in his due season, the first rain and the latter rain, that thou mayest gather in thy corn, and thy wine, and thine oil. And I will send grass in thy fields for thy cattle, that thou mayest eat and be full.


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