Home page Index of all pages Information about SAMS Missionalia, the SAMS journal Articles from Missionalia African Initiated Churches Links to other sites

Articles from Missionalia

This page has links to articles published in previous issues of Missionalia, the journal of the Southern African Missiological Society. The articles deal with various aspects of Christian mission, including evangelism, church planting, inculturation, contextual and liberation theologies, women in mission, anthropology, church and society and social justice.

We hope that providing links to these articles on the Web will make them available to a wider audience, and also that those who read them and find them interesting might consider subscribing to Missionalia, or joining the Southern African Missiological Society.

SAMS has a new web site

Since August 2007 SAMS has had a new web site at Please go there to see the latest news and information about SAMS. The material on this site will be retained to preserve links and search engine listings, but, with the exception of the AIC pages and material, it will no longer be updated.
Yahoo! is closing Geocities on 26 October 2009
This page will not be available after that date
and all links to it will be broken

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Missiological Forum

Steve Hayes - Webmaster

If any articles published in Missionalia are not listed here, please check the new site.

An index of all the pages on the SAMS web site
The home page of the SAMS web site
About SAMS
Information about the aims and objects of SAMS and how one may become a member.
The Southern African Missiological Society publishes the journal Missionalia three times a year, with articles, reviews and abstracts dealing with Christian mission.
African Independent Churches
African Initiated Churches (AICs) are the fastest-growing Christian groups in many parts of Africa. This page gives some introductory information about them, a list of AIC researchers, and links for some articles where more information can be found.
Missological discussion forums
There are several electronic forums for discussing missiological topics. These are available both as e-mail mailing lists or as BBS echo conferences.

Links to mission-related web pages in Africa and around the world.
Making contact with SAMS
You may find more information about how to get in touch with the committee on the SAMS information page. You may use the following addresses for e-mail enquiries:

  • Administration - for information about membership, subscriptions to Missionalia, annual congress, etc.
  • Webmaster - for comments on these web pages, suggestions for links or improvements etc.

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List of articles

Missiological Discussions

If you would like to discuss these (or any other) missiological articles, you are welcome to join one or more of our missiological discussion forums.

For more information about African Christianity, see Christian network links for Africa. This is a series of links to church web pages in Africa, or ones that have substantial information about Christianity in Africa. This can be easier than using a search engine, because search engines often produce too many irrelevant hits.


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Home page Index of all pages Information about SAMS Missionalia, the SAMS journal Articles from Missionalia African Initiated Churches Links to other sites

Maintained by
Steve Hayes

Started: 27 January 1998
Updated: 6 August 2007