Update 06-24-01: When I wrote the following paragraph I didn’t know about MP1152 problem that alot of people are having. Stay away from the switch closest to the mountain! Its best to use the outside track going up the Pass.
This Route is fun and very challenging. Took me 7hrs and 30min to go from Whitefish to Shelby! I used 2 SD9’s and a GP38 with a 35 car mix. Everything was fine till I hit Marias MP 1152. The cars would uncouple at a switch their and I had the hardest time getting them thou it with out uncoupling! I even took a string on 10 cars to the next switch and left them and came back for the rest. I could only get 5 more before I gave up! So I left 20 their after more than 1hr trying. All together I had cars uncouple 4 times on this route!!! Very fun.
I ran with Derails on, and I pretty much keep the speed about 10 MPH below the limit the hole route.