Islam - Introduction
Islam is the world's second most followed religion.

It began in its present form 1400 years ago in Arabia, but swiftly become a world faith, and now has around 1,200 million adherents.

There are between 1.2 and 2.6 million Muslims in the UK, about 600,000 of whom are active in the faith. Those who are not active still regard being a Muslim as an important part of their identity.

"Islam" is an Arabic word which means surrendering oneself to the will of God, and achieving peace and security by doing so.

A person surrenders to the will of Allah by living and thinking in the way Allah has instructed.

Islam is more than a system of belief. The faith provides a social and legal system and governs things like family life, law and order, ethics, dress, and cleanliness, as well as religious ritual and observance.
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Basic Islam Menu
Introduction to Islam
Basic Islam
The Begining of Islam
The Life of Mohammed (PBUH)
The five Pillars
God and Islamic Scriptures
The 4 Caliphs