Nashville By Night
Nashville by Night is a play-by-email game based on the Vampire: the Masquerade game. The chronicle is set in Nashville, Tennessee, the Music City. The storyline and all characters are fictional and reside within the minds of the storyteller and the players.
Click on the Clan symbols
for their story
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group's posting. We are looking for a new member now, so if you're interedted, drop the storyteller a line..
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more about the chronicle
Current Chronicle
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Chronicle Map
Player Characters
Circles of Power
Nashville by Night
Yahoo! Group
Area Maps
Historical Timeline
Non-Camarilla Kindred
Coming Soon:
* The Sept of the Eternal Spirit
* The Growing Mage Presence
* Sabbat Activity
* Antidiluvian Sightings
Click here to email the storyteller!
Copyright White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
Copyright White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
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