this is pretty cool! Click the picture to go to a great Daffney site and adopt your own pyscho for your web site!

Daffney Unger

Click on Daffney's face in the four pictures below to go to different Daffney sites. In the picture right below, the belt also links to WCW's web site. Not very good and doesn't have many pictures, but look at it if you want anway! Also, you can click on the banner following the pictures for yet another site!

Daffney Unger is a WCW valet. She is crazy, weird, and best of all she is a Goth! She is so cool!
She is the coolest and most attractive women of wrestling (this is ofcourse, my opinion, some may
feel differently). Daffney is very cool!

Go to a cool Daffney Unger Page


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Click to go to WCW's Site Click to go to a Daffney Web Site Another Daffney site Yet another Daffney site Still another Daffney web site