
Slav Cross


Romance with a Secret Agent

Love Songs Two wineglassesLove Songs

The paranoid American intelligence people were so intent on catching spies they followed me everywhere, but could never catch me doing anything improper. (I had absolutely no interest in or thought of doing anything of the sort!) But I had by chance told a Berlin travel agent about a trip I had made to East Germany and my adventures there. She happened to be the wife of the chief Berlin spycatcher, CIA agent Armando Parada, and she told her husband about my story. Parada suspected I was a spy.

He often worked with a Turkish National in the auto craft shop, Huseyin Yildirim, who had contacts in East Germany, and Mr. Parada asked him to have me checked out to see if I was an agent, and to get into my motorhome to search it for documents!. Of course, I wasn't an agent or a spy!

I was, however, often in the auto craft shop trying to learn how to maintain my car without being ripped off, and I took 12 semester hours of automotive mechanics, which I called my "self defense course". I wanted to learn all the parts of the engine and what was needed for maintenance so I would know if someone pointed at the master cylinder and said I needed a new carburetor - or something equally ridiculous. Mr. Yildirim helped everyone, and he helped me. Mr. Yildirim had me checked out by the East German intelligence contacts he had, and told the Americans that I had no absolutely connection with any foreign intelligence services whatsoever. Immediately the harassment stopped. I was still unaware of what was going on, and could never understand why they were persecuting me and giving me such a hard time, as I never committed any offense whatsoever. I was struck with how nice the Germans were to me (both East and West), and how nasty the Americans were to me. After all, I was a law abiding American, and the widow of an Air Force Officer. I certainly wasn't the enemy, but they surely spent the tax payer's money trying to make life hell for me! For nothing except that they were "sick with hate" against supposed enemies.

Mr. Yildirim and I became good friends, saw each other almost daily, and we gradually fell in love. He would bring me breakfast in my motorhome, and take me to see sights in Berlin in the evenings. He was sorry for the way the military had been persecuting me, and thought I was "a very clean lady", which was true. We had wonderful times together, and a few months later he came to my parents' home in Florida for a two week visit. My mother really liked him, and there was a good reason for that. He is the most polite and considerate person I have ever met, always trying to do nice things for everyone. I never met anyone else with so much old fashioned respect and gentlemanliness.

Yildirim was a lovely humanitarian who always did good for everybody. He was obsessed with the idea of helping bringing peace and avoiding a war. All the East Germans I knew were like that. Numerous banners hung across buildings in East Germany saying, "Frieden, Frieden", which means "Peace, peace." Many East Germans asked me "Why does your government want to kill us?" (This isn't what the press was telling us in America.) The government line was that these people were demon communists. When I first went there I was afraid. But I found out they were just all prisoners behind a big wall, and they thought of themselves as prisoners, nothing like our government propaganda made out. These people were all in the same bad boat, and tried to make the best of what they could not control. They were good Christians for the most part, and very good to a novelty like me - an American. They all watched "Dallas" and "Dynesty" on TV, which they could pick up from West German broadcasts. Nothing about these people threatened the United States. But the USA was certainly a threat to them.

America had placed nuclear weapons on west German soil pointing at East Germany, and the Russians had placed similar weapons in East Germany aimed at West Germany. Both Germanys were terrified that the US and the Soviet Union would have a war that would not hurt their own citizens and countries, but which would annihilate the two Germanies. The German intelligence agencies, for their own state security, conceived the idea of saving themselves from this threat by uniting the two Germany's. That would change the balance of power, the Warsaw pact would collapse, and the threat of nuclear war would be averted. Both Germanys worked toward this end secretly, not asking either super power's permission. Actually, the Germanys, by uniting, won the cold war, not America! But this truth never came out in the American press. Do you remember, back in 1989 when so many East Germans were fleeing to various embassies in the east block, trying to emigrate to east Germany following the fall of Honecker? That was set up and planned by the german intelligence agencies. So were the uprisings. When the signal went out, all the people showed up. They wanted the wall down more than we did.

Do you remember when, in 1984, Ronald Reagon sent planes to bomb Libya and to kill Khadafi? Only England backed him up. Why? That was because the Europeans knew that the disco that was bombed in Berlin was NOT an action planned by Libya. It was planned by Syria. And the disco that was bombed was NOT frequented by American soldiers. That was propaganda. This was a disco frequented by Turks and Germans. Only one American soldier was there, and he was specifically targeted by Syrian intelligence agents. I knew the girl the soldier was with, who was also targeted and killed. She lived in an apartment directly under mine, and I frequently rode in the elevator with her. The disco was only a block away, in the Tiergarten near Potsdamerplatz. It was about as far away from the American sector as you could get. The truth about this event being engineered by the Syrians was in all the European papers, but never in the American press. We lied, said Libya did it, and tried to use it as an excuse to convince the American people that we should bomb Khadafi. That's how the political press works in America folks. I watch the news "to see what lie we're telling our citizens now". This is all a political power struggle game. Don't fall for it. The media is owned by the people (European bankers) who are pushing for the New World Order. They finance our huge financial debt, and in fact financed both sides during the cold war. The bankers made huge profits and nearly bankrupted both superpowers. Of course, they didn't want to completely bankrupt them, as they want interest payments on the debt from both sides. (But I digress!)

Mr. Yildirim and I became engaged, and were planning to leave Germany and start a mining business in Sierra Leone, Africa. I never knew he had worked for the East German Intelligence, although I knew he did something secret over there. He mentioned having a "partner".

In October 1987 he quit all his jobs in Germany, including the intelligence work, and went to Africa to check out business possibilities. We were planning to start a new life together. We came to the States for my daughter's wedding in San Leando, CA, bought mining equipment, and had it sent to Africa. Huseyin loved America. He told me he had been offered German citizenship, but that the only country in the world he would give up his Turkish citizenship for was his beloved America.

Back in Germany I had met an Army officer in the Frankfort airport named James Hall. Huseyin had told him that he had retired from all his jobs in Germany, was going to visit America, and wanted to marry me. Hall said he was going to be in Germany for the next two years and did not know where he would be stationed after that. But he gave me the name and phone number of his mother, and said to call her in about two years and she would know where he would be stationed. He told me to use the name "Mike Jones", because his mother was "hard of hearing" and would not be able to understand "Huseyin Yildirim". He said it was possible that he might have funds to invest in our new business then, for he knew how good Huseyin was as an auto mechanic. I kept the note and the instructions, "just in case."

We did need additional funds a couple of years later, so I called his mother in New York. She said her son had just returned stateside and was living in a small town near Savannah, Georgia. But she didn't have the address and phone number handy. She promised she would give Hall the message when he called. I left my phone number with her. I want to make it extremely clear that Huseyin had NOT asked me to call her, as the prosecutor later said in court. Huseyin did not even know I had done so until after the fact.

It turned out that Hall was suspected of being a traitor and of selling secret documents, but I did not know that. The FBI was tapping his mother's phone, and got my number that way. Hall's courier or liason from East Germany had just been paid a million and a half dollars to defect and implicate Hall. There was a sting filmed by the FBI in which Hall mentioned Huseyin's name. A few days later the FBI conducted a raid on my mother's home in Florida like the Patty Hurst raid - about thirty agents in bulletproof vests with guns. It was unreal. This horror story will be covered in a later link.

This is a long story, and you will have to come back to read a real life spy story that has never been told. Let me guarantee you that Mr. Yildirim had absolute no connection with the East German intelligence at that time. But the FBI and prosecutors wanted blood and refused to believe any statement I made. They said he was the biggest spy against the United States in history. That was a bald-faced lie, as was probably every other allegation the government made. Do you think Richard Jewel had it bad at the Atlantic Olympics? That was nothing compared to the lynching that occured to Mr. Yildirim in Savannah. I was the main witness, but when the prosecutor heard the truthful detailed statements I was making to the FBI, they cancelled the three subpoenas they had given me to testify before the grand jury. "Don't let the jury hear the truth!" My statements completely discredited the government's "scenarios." But the prosecutors weren't about to allow the grand jury to hear the real truth from the one witness who knew the real truth.

Somehow Yildirim was indicted based on lies, had a three day trial with a defense attorney from the prosecutor's office (of which 1 1/2 days was jury selection). His court appointed attorney offered no defense, but later told another attorney "it was my civic duty to see that my client was convicted." But folks, he was not guilty of the charge! If you are ever on a jury, don't believe what prosecutors say. They want "glory" to win a prosecution, and will tell many lies to get a conviction. Be warned, their statements are not evidence, they are merely "possible scenarios". Look for PROOF!

Huseyin was not defended by his attorney, was convicted, and got a sentence of life without parole. The soldier who was a traitor to the United States is already eligible for parole. The charge was one count of conspiracy to commit espionage with this soldier in Savannah, Georgia.

How do I know? Because I set up the meeting, and was present, and it was only about asking Hall if he wanted to invest in our African mining business. This is a long story of prejudice and a frameup by our justice department. When you see a charge of "conspiracy", unless there is a witness to the conspiracy, that means "We have no evidence." If you're ever on a jury, don't be taken in by the lies of the prosecution. Look for real testimony and evidence. Stories told by lawyers is NOT evidence.

Mr. Yildirim is the only "Cold War Spy" in the world still in prison. Every other country has released them all, because the war is over. He was no worse than any intelligence officer in our CIA, DIA, or FBI. He has never committed a violent act nor harmed another human being, nor has he committed any type of treason. Why should a non-violent idealistic foreigner still be locked up? He was no mercenary and he was no thief. He was and is an idealist for peace and preventing war. He merely tried to find out information about a country which was a threat to the country he was working for. For selfish reasons the hard-hearted government has never been able to admit their mistake. They say he is still in prison because he is hiding the names of other secret agents. That is a bald-faced lie. The East Germans never told their agents each other's names. We have that in writing from their former chief of intelligence, Markus Wolf, who has also written letters on Yildirim's behalf. So has the Turkish government and others.

Our record with prisons here in America is worse than that of any other country in the world. There are some shocking truths in this case. Be sure to bookmark this site and come back to read a story of TRUE untruth and injustice. It's a long story of lies, denial of wrongdoing and coverup by our government. It will take some time for me to write down the "whole truth" and put it into "links", but I will do so. There is currently a clemency petition for Yildirim pending before the U. S. Pardon Attorney, Margaret Love, and President Clinton.

Maybe some letters by some readers would help (and above all, prayers!) I will be posting names and addresses to write to in the next few months. Mr. Yildirim is a kind humanitarian who will turned 70 years old on March 10, 1998. He did a lot of good for America, and reported serious terrorist attacks to save American soldiers lives. He was never a Communist, but he wanted to help avert a threatened nuclear war in Europe. He never committed treason or any violent crime. He always tried to good to everyone, above and beyond the call of duty. You will be shocked at some of the stories about what the prisons did to him to make him suffer - out of prejudice against the "KGB", with which he never had any contact whatsoever.

I have tried to stick by him and keep his spirits up. I sat outside his various prisons in my motorhome for five years, making frequent visits. Finally, an FBI friend (?) told me I should do something more with my life, like work for a hospice or something, so I cast about for some kind of ministry to do.That led to the biggest scam of my life. I was scammed out of all my assets by an ordination mill "pseudo-bishop" named Edward Francis Vaisvilas (pronounced Vice-vilas).The state attorney doesn't want to prosecute him because of "freedom of religion!" More prayers are needed to stop this crook. Read on.

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