Tahanan ng Globalpinoys

Gabay sa Pagkilos

Mga Kasapi


Discount Para Globalpinoys


Ugnayang Globalpinoys

Hatid-Sundo sa Airport

Regalo Express

Paano Sumali

Sulat sa Establishments 

Certificate of Incorporation with Securities & Exchange Commission

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Globalpinoy Privilege Card



We will promote your business at NO COST to you.

We wish to enjoin our effort with you for accreditation of your establishment with us so we can provide our members and their beneficiaries with convenient discounts and savings. In return, we shall recommend to our card bearing members to patronize your establishment. Globalpinoy Chamber of Small and Medium Enterprises, Inc. in coordination with Pinoy VIP Council, will provide accredited establishments with the advertisement and full promotion to our card holders, clients and associates worldwide as well as free webpage advertisement in the internet..

When you accommodate our members, all transactions are in cash. It simply means more cash transactions for your business.

So with Globalpinoy,

              you are not only protected...

                                       ...you are a Privileged Pilipino!

                        M  A  B  U  H  A  Y  !  !  !

       Globalpinoy Chamber of Small and Medium Enterprises, Inc.  will also advertise accredited establishment to their members and in their website www.oocities.org/globalpinoys and allot for each member establishment a free webpage to advertise in the internet.

 If you are business establishment owner and you wish to join our program as one of the accredited establishments, view the Letter Offer (Please click "Letter Offer" and choose "Open" to view this document or  "Save this file to disk" to download the document).

To confirm your participation in the Globalpinoys program, please fill up the Accreditation Agreement, affix your signature and email to globalpinoys@serbisyopilipino.org or call +639204259973 (Click "Accreditation Agreement" and choose "Save this file to disk" to download form.)

Contact Us

A program of Globalpinoy Chamber of Small and Medium Enterprises, Inc..
Globalpinoys Office : No. 6 Bayanihan Drive, Project 8, Quezon City 1106, Philippines