So with Globalpinoy,
you are not only protected... are a Privileged Pilipino!
M A B U H A Y ! ! !
Globalpinoy Chamber of Small and Medium Enterprises,
Inc. will also advertise accredited
establishment to their members and in their website
and allot for each member establishment a free webpage to advertise
in the internet.
If you are business establishment owner and you
wish to join our program as
one of the
accredited establishments, view the
Letter Offer (Please click "Letter Offer" and choose "Open" to view this document
or "Save this file to disk" to download the document).
To confirm your participation in the Globalpinoys program, please fill up the
affix your signature and email to or call
+639204259973 (Click "Accreditation Agreement" and choose "Save this
file to disk" to download