Welcome to my Guestbook!

11/24/00 05:08:28
Name: The Crowley Cats My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Texas, USA Town/City: Wise County (rural area) How did you find our site?: a friend
Favorite animal: kitty cats How many cats do you have?: there are five of us What are your other pets?: two humans, one d*g

We enjoyed visiting your site and meeting your family very much! We loved your Thanksgiving page and we think your meowmie is really sweet to share her recipes. Our meowmie especially liked the "Corn with Cream Cheese" which she prepared today. We liked your suggestion about adding catnip, but she wasn't in the mood to experiment. Maybe next time ... *mewgrins* Purrs to all ... Shibui, Dobbin, Midnight, Bogey & Frenchie

11/22/00 23:44:45
Name: Marcia My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Town/City: Chicagoland, USA How did you find our site?: Purrs 'n Stuff - but we've been here before :) Favorite animal: cats, of course!
What are your other pets?: 1 d*g

Hi Pepe. Loved your Thanksgiving page. I'm sure you are a big helper when your meowmie is cooking! Have a Happy Thanksgiving, and thanks for sharing. MMMMMMmmmmmm! Potato Casserole!

11/03/00 02:03:17
Name: Sassy and Shadow My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Indiana How did you find our site?: Through Furship Favorite animal: Cats
How many cats do you have?: There are 2 of us

Mews Pepe! We had a wonderpurr time visiting mewr site. There's so much to see and do. We're off to explore some more :) Purries, Sassy and Shadow

11/02/00 23:32:08
Name: Amber My URL: Visit Me
Home State/Country: Mass How did you find our site?: A Birdie told us!
Favorite animal: Cat How many cats do you have?: Not enough

My sister jamie visited your site a while ago and I am here to see it. What I have seen so far, it is wonderful! Your kitties are very pretty. Wish we could have that many! Good job!

10/26/00 04:40:08
Name: sh My URL: Visit Me
Home State/Country: singapore How did you find our site?: by link

You have a great site!

10/19/00 17:09:07
Name: Caty My URL: Visit Me
Home State/Country: Canada How did you find our site?: friend
Favorite animal: cat

Hi Mona got your site from Toby thought I signed your guest book when I was here before must have slipped my mind, anyway great site, they are all sooooooooooooo cute.

10/19/00 17:09:00
Name: Caty My URL: Visit Me
Home State/Country: Canada How did you find our site?: friend
Favorite animal: cat

Hi Mona got your site from Toby thought I signed your guest book when I was here before must have slipped my mind, anyway great site, they are all sooooooooooooo cute.

10/15/00 22:37:31
Name: Lucille My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Illinois Town/City: Chicago area How did you find our site?: webring
Favorite animal: my hoomans How many cats do you have?: 3 offurs What are your other pets?: da d*g!

Hello dere! I tink Pepe is just like me and rules dis place like I do mine. I rule wif an iron paw and jello--tee!hee! Wuved you Halloween page. Stop by and see me and da offurs--we are in da Oscat contest. If you like us, purrlease vote fur us.

10/08/00 07:37:17
Name: Shell My URL: Visit Me
Home State/Country: USA How did you find our site?: web ring
Favorite animal: my rescued cats

Wonderful web site! I've enjoyed meeting your purr babies.

10/08/00 03:37:36
Name: Linda Elliott My URL: Visit Me
Home State/Country: Canada How did you find our site?: in my guestbook
Favorite animal: cat

Your site has gotten much better since my last visit in January 2000. (not that it was bad before, it has always been great!) I love the work you are doing on your site; I enjoyed my visit tremendously. Keep up the marvelous work.

10/04/00 15:19:09
Name: Runtell My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find our site?: webring
Favorite animal: cat


Wow! What a wonderful site you have here!
Sure did enjoy my visit!
I have bookmarked your site and will be back again
Very Soon! Meows&Purrs!!

09/28/00 22:14:09
Name: Jason My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Pennsylvania Town/City: Newport How did you find our site?: viewing another's guestbook
Favorite animal: CATS! of course How many cats do you have?: 2 cats What are your other pets?: 1 little doggie

Jason was here...he enjoyed your site..the pages gave him such delight...now that he's seen all there is to view...there's just one thing that he must do...he'll leave his paw print in your book...to show he was here and he had a look!!

09/26/00 06:07:29
Name: WhiteHorse My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: CA USA How did you find our site?: On my unicorn Favorite animal: HORSES
What are your other pets?: 1 dog

Surfed Your Site & am impressed!
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09/24/00 23:59:51
Name: PuffiePooh* My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find our site?: Im mew winkie hehe
Favorite animal: meow kitty * What are your other pets?: doggie

Meow mewmeow I knew I would find mew here hiding.. hehe Meow its timz to play hide and seek at da Castle, We hiding in da dugeon and its scary down dar...Hehe mew no whats ? I luff mew and I fink mew is burutifulz.. mew wink wink Puffie Pooh*

09/20/00 12:51:46
Name: Amber My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Home State/Country: Mass
How did you find our site?: webring Favorite animal: cat

My mommy and me just had lots of fun looking at your site! The kitty pics are soooo cute! We'd love for you to come add your kitty site to our Top 50 Pet List! I will bring my sister back to your site after school today! Purrrrrr!

08/27/00 18:30:46
Name: Renee My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Florida How did you find our site?: Been there before Favorite animal: Cats of course!!
What are your other pets?: Quaker Parrot

Love your site. Been a while since I've been in here. My computer was down for a while. Good to be back. hugs Renee

08/27/00 18:29:25
Name: Renee My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Home State/Country: Florida


08/24/00 22:26:19
Name: Precious My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Ohio Town/City: Columbus How did you find our site?: Contest
Favorite animal: Cats What are your other pets?: 1 dog


08/08/00 16:21:01
Name: Cleo^..^ My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Canada Town/City: Montreal How did you find our site?: we are friends:)
Favorite animal: cats

dear Pepe, thank you for visiting my birthday page:) The next party we will have more fun! when it`s your birthday? meows and purrs Cleo

08/08/00 16:19:05
Name: Cleo^..^ My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Home State/Country: Canada
Town/City: Montreal How did you find our site?: we are friends:)


08/04/00 04:52:11
Name: Knightess Dreamer My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Home State/Country: Fantasy Fights

Hi there, I must say that you have done a wonderful job on your site and I thoroughly enjoyed my stay here, I thank you for sharing it with me... Have you ever thought about placing your site into a Fun & Friendly Website Competition? Well, my name is Kn ghtess Dreamer and I would like to invite you to come over and visit us here at the Fantasy Fights, we have a team here called "Mystical Felines" and we are currently in need of new fighters and I feel that your site would fit in perfectly with our team, r you may wish to choose one of our many other teams.. You truly deserve recognition for all you have done here and here at the Fantasy Fights you have the wonderful opportunity of making many new friends and also increasing your site traffic at the same time... So please spare a moment of your time, come on over and visit us, I'm sure you won't be disappointed..

08/02/00 04:03:42
Name: Lorelei My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: North Carolina Favorite animal: cats How many cats do you have?: two
What are your other pets?: no others right now, but I'd like to have a bird someday

Love your site, I bookmarked it the other day and just coming back to look around more. Where ever did you mind the Jellicle Ball midi? I've looked all over, whenever they say "Cats" they mean the song "Memory", which I love, but would love to get other m dis for say "MacCavity", "Mr.Mistofelees", "Heavyside Layer", etc.. You've got lots to see and I think you've worked hard. I'll be putting your banner (per your e-mail) on my site tomorrow!

07/31/00 18:03:10
Name: Tuff Puff* My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite animal: My PepePooh*

Mew mew Pepe pooh* I told mew I was cominz over to play wif mew.. Meow I rassled wif Stormy whiles I was here, hehe.. I slap himz and tell hmz I is Tuff Puff* and he betterz alwayz rememberz, so he be goodz, fur mew meomie.. I luffz mew..xxxooo, mewrTuffPuff* who is not tuff aroundz Pepe Pooh* only sweet, hehe

07/27/00 22:30:00
Name: Amy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Florida, USA How did you find our site?: Signing another book Favorite animal: Dolphin
How many cats do you have?: Two now What are your other pets?: none now, but a bird soon

You have made a great site. My cats enjoyed it too. Come by and visit my kitties soon.

07/27/00 16:26:26
Name: Smokey CoolCat My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: North Carolina, USA Town/City: High Point How did you find our site?: My guestbook!
Favorite animal: Cat How many cats do you have?: I am a cat! What are your other pets?: 4 humans, 3 dogs, 2 birdies, 5 hermit crabs and fish

Pepe, I really enjoyed browsing through your site. It was designed furry well and interesting! I'm glad I got a chance to visit. By the way, thank you for signing my guestbook!

07/09/00 22:43:14
Name: Laura, Nigel and Isis My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Texas, USA Town/City: Ft. Worth How did you find our site?: Link from another site
Favorite animal: cat How many cats do you have?: 2 cats--Nigel and Isis What are your other pets?: 2 mice and 2 hamsters

Hi Pepe and kitties! We loved your page--it is so cute! All the pics were so great and we loved reading all the stories too. We will be back to visit you again. All of you are very gorgeous kitties! headbutts and kitty kisses, Nigel and Isis

07/03/00 23:15:52
Name: Annie R. My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Catifurnia Town/City: El Cajon How did you find our site?: mewr a furriend
Favorite animal: CATS How many cats do you have?: lots What are your other pets?: none

Meow Pepe, It looks like mew really had fun on mewr vacation. It's good to get away sometimes.

07/02/00 15:17:38
Name: nala My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Norway How did you find our site?: Surfed right in Favorite animal: Cats
How many cats do you have?: two brother cats

I love your site! It's purrrrrrfect! Love, Nala

06/25/00 18:21:38
Name: Kay My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Alabama How did you find our site?: Pepe Favorite animal: Cats
What are your other pets?: Those darn Golden Retrievers that have wiggled their way into my heart.

Mona and Dennis, It's been months since I have sat down and gone through EVERYTHING on your wonderful site. Oh all right, I omitted Rainbow Bridge but you know how I am. Loved the New york Vacation and hope you had a great time. Oh and Mona? The kitty litter cake was TOO REAL looking!! You really had me guessing until you listed the ingredients. It's been a year since you started your site and I am impressed by the number of visitors and the hard work you have put into it. Keep it up. Your Pal, Kay

06/18/00 20:33:55
Name: Mom My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find our site?: relative

Hi Kids, Tried to call today but no answer. Talk to you soon. Love, Mamma

06/05/00 21:54:55
Name: WinkWink Puffie Pooh*
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Pepe , my widdle Pepe, I miss mew... I hadz to comz offur I feel likz crying on mew furr.. I hadz bad dayz missing mew.. wundering what next,, mew are furry bestest furiend . I dont fur sure effurr want to lose mew.. mewr luff puff Puffie pooh*

05/31/00 18:22:22
Name: cleo My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: canada Town/City: montreal How did you find our site?: surfing
Favorite animal: cat!

Hi I have really enjoyed visiting your site! please come visit us soon! meow:)))

05/26/00 01:07:53
Name: Mel My URL: Visit Me Home State/Country: Australia
How did you find our site?: another gb Favorite animal: kittens How many cats do you have?: unfortunately, none, we are renting and pets aren't allowed
What are your other pets?: check above

What a fun and interesting site you have here :) I have enjoyed visiting :P

05/22/00 11:08:23
Name: Mr. Mooch & Anita My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Home State/Country: NY
How did you find our site?: friend Favorite animal: Cat

Pepe you are a purrfect tour guide, we just love your site. It is very catfriendly and we will come back often for a visit. Purrs Mr. Mooch & Anita

05/19/00 22:08:05
Name: Levi & Dusty My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Home State/Country: Florida
How did you find our site?: Furship Favorite animal: Cat

Happy Bifday! We enjoyed your party and are enjoying the rest of our visit too. Great Site! Purrrs, Levi & Dusty

05/16/00 23:26:50
Name: Treabhar My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: NM, USA Town/City: Albuturkey How did you find our site?: Mew are on kittychat
Favorite animal: Kitties of course How many cats do you have?: Technically 3 although 2 won't be here til July

Meows! Great site! I loved wandering around here and will come back soon! This was lotsa fun! Purrs, Treabhar

05/13/00 11:20:00
Name: Claudette Letendre My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Maine USA How did you find our site?: surfed in Favorite animal: cat
How many cats do you have?: 1 Tobie What are your other pets?: no

Hello I've enjoyed visiting you and your site very much.... you've done a great job! I will be sure to visit again!

Petit's House
The World Harmony & Hug Movement

05/09/00 21:35:35
Name: Sissy G & Annie R. My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Catifornia Town/City: El Cajon How did you find our site?: Cats
Favorite animal: Horses How many cats do you have?: alot What are your other pets?: none

Meow Pepe, Sissy came to sign mewr guest book and visit mewr Birthday Party. She said I could come too. Meow Pepe, Mew will have to visit me for Furship too.Sissy

05/09/00 14:11:39
Name: LuvKittys and Nic*,, hehe FurShip*
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

mew Pepe Pooh* we was herez todayz to da Partys and mew potz iz growinz mew mew ,,I luff mew Puffie Pooh*

05/06/00 22:53:22
Name: LuvKittys My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite animal: Kittys
What are your other pets?: D-gs chickies..


05/04/00 14:28:37
Name: Aeriel & Jazmine My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Kansas , USA Town/City: Kansas City How did you find our site?: Brat Cats Top 50
Favorite animal: Cats of course How many cats do you have?: 2 Cats What are your other pets?: fish... & lots of them.. yummy

This is a return visit to your site... not sure if we signed the guestbook the first time... It still looks great... and Pepe... you are such a cute thing.. Keep up the great work... we will be back.

05/03/00 01:19:46
Name: Buster and Sugar My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Home State/Country: Connecticut
Favorite animal: cats, of course!

Hi Pepe! We just stopped by to say hello and tell you that we love you. You are a good friend.

05/02/00 22:05:34
Name: Misty, SnowPuff, Keedie, and Tang My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Rhode Island Town/City: Providence How did you find our site?: kittychat mailing list
Favorite animal: cats What are your other pets?: 2 dogs

Happy Birthday Pepe and mewr brofurs and sisfurs! We just went to mewr birthday page and enjoyed seeing it! We also saw mewr website listed in da Furship mewsletter so we decided to come to da main index so we could sign mewr guestbook and wish mew a furr happy birthday! Love, Misty, SnowPuff, Keedie, and Tang

05/02/00 17:19:08
Name: Pepper Mille' My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Florida Town/City: St Petersburg How did you find our site?: furship
Favorite animal: cats

I came offur to visit mew and didn't know mew lived with so many purring furiends. I just got a new brofur, but I'm not sure I like him yet.

05/01/00 21:17:54
Name: Its me Puffie Pooh*
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Mew Pepe I comz to da burfdayz Party ,Weeeee I luffed da litterz cakes oh myz it lookz so realz I almost hadz accidentz in dar..hehe Mew haz da most wunderfuls party Pepes mew all lookz real nice.. Luff mew Puffie Pooh*

04/25/00 11:51:53
Name: Troubie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Furida Town/City: Micco How did you find our site?: furship
Favorite animal: cat of course How many cats do you have?: 1 brofur 1 sisfur What are your other pets?: 2 humans 1 bird

Mew Pepe Wink in law. I enjoy mewr site efurry time I come. I was in CLAW and saw the page about virtual vacations so I was looking at mewr furry cute one and ended up here again. Purrs, Mewr Furrend Troubie

04/19/00 19:58:02
Name: Harmony My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Colorado Town/City: Colorado Springs How did you find our site?: Cosette's lair
Favorite animal: cats What are your other pets?: dog, 2 budgies, 2 finches, and a gerbil

Great website! Your cats are so-o-o-o cute!!!!! I hope you will visit my cat's website. My cat's name is Zelda. Keep up the awesome work!!! -Harmony

04/19/00 14:25:23
Name: Sue Birtch My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: N.Y ,U.S.A Town/City: Binghamton How did you find our site?: Friend
Favorite animal: cats What are your other pets?: 1 dog


04/19/00 03:22:44
Name: Phaedra My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Canada Town/City: Vancouver How did you find our site?: My Mum showed me Mickey's Easter picture.
Favorite animal: kitties of course What are your other pets?: tropical fish

Your site is very beautiful and certainly stays with the cat theme. Even the music is Cats. You have obviously put a lot of time and effort into your pages. I loved visiting here and will come back to visit your kitties. Best wishes, Phaedra

04/17/00 21:14:36
Name: Carole My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Massachusetts USA Town/City: Franklin How did you find our site?: from another site
Favorite animal: cats!!! What are your other pets?: husband

Loved my visit - you have a great site! Hope you can visit me sometime.

04/17/00 07:23:06
Name: Cosette My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: FL, US How did you find our site?: Can't remember Favorite animal: cats and dogs
What are your other pets?: 4 dogs

puurfect page keep up the great work, I luff it. Puurs to you

04/02/00 01:14:36
Name: Annie R. & Sissy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Ca. USA Town/City: El Cajon How did you find our site?: E-mail
Favorite animal: Cats How many cats do you have?: just a few What are your other pets?: none

We just found out , it is mewr Birthdays, so, we wanted to wish mew both a very Happy Birthday and many more. Purrs to mew

04/01/00 15:04:33
Name: KittyKapers & Chloe My URL: Visit Me Home State/Country: Indiana
How did you find our site?: Webring Favorite animal: CAT CAT CAT How many cats do you have?: 1 grandkitty
What are your other pets?: couple of strays in the neighborhood

Chloe and I are so glad we stopped in for a visit...we had no idea Micki and Simba were celebrating their birthday's. Here is a little gift for both of you...hope you like it!!!


04/01/00 01:49:56
Name: keith dumas My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: mass. u.s.a. Town/City: s.yarmouth How did you find our site?: cats and kittens club
What are your other pets?: golden retriever


03/29/00 01:56:49
Name: Buddha Gill My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Australia Town/City: Melbourne How did you find our site?: Mew sent it to me thank mew!
Favorite animal: I love all animals! How many cats do you have?: Just me! a FIK (furry important kitty) What are your other pets?: Jacques a German Shepherd (my furry best furriend) and Yang a Budgie - we "respect" each other

Pepe & Family, Mew have a really wonderful page - so much to read and see - I just love the neat way mew have shown us around! Mew will find me visiting mew often. Mew are furry clever! Big Purrs Buddee

03/24/00 16:42:26
Name: Vonnie Matheny My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Texas Town/City: San Angelo How did you find our site?: guestbook link
Favorite animal: toss up between dogs and cats What are your other pets?: 3 dogs

Wonderful Site.!! I enjoyed my visit so much. Great graphics and great cats.

03/22/00 18:07:17
Name: Lynn Wager My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: CA Town/City: Igo Favorite animal: dog
What are your other pets?: I do not think there is room to list them! :)

Hi Mona! I finally got around to signing your guest book. Maybe someday I will make a webpage about my dogs!That would be fun. Or Jon could make one about his chickens! Well , have a good day! Love , Lynn

03/14/00 13:52:18
Name: Puffie Pooh* My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Home State/Country: OK
Town/City: Elgin

Meow Pepe Pooh*, me and my brufurs camez offer to da burfday partys fur mew brufurs,, we sure hadz funz.. I see mew meomie iz back homz now,, we kin playz..We stopped in fur da Pattys Party tooz.. mew haz such sweet homez, I wanted to stayz longerz, but eomie say, we haz to go finich readinz mail,den Pay billz.. Luffer,,Puffie Pooh*

03/12/00 05:40:34
Name: Skylar & Sylvia My URL: Visit Me
Town/City: Tennessee How did you find our site?: surfing
Favorite animal: CAT

Enjoyed your site..Great music & photos!

03/02/00 06:35:58
Name: Sassy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Home State/Country: Indiana USA
How did you find our site?: Furship Memfur Page Favorite animal: Cats

Meows! I love your site. I'll be back for lots more visits! Purrs and Furship, Sassy

02/28/00 02:48:16
Name: Pat Timmler My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Mississippi USA Town/City: Gulfort How did you find our site?: Mona
Favorite animal: Cats - naturally How many cats do you have?: 17 (almost 18) What are your other pets?: Just chickens

Mona, I just love your website. Really great. Love the music that you picked too. Seems that you can do wonders with a computer. By the way, Pepe is absolutely georgeous. Take care. Love and Hugs. Pat and Cats

02/28/00 02:33:46
Name: Teresa My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Idaho How did you find our site?: Surfed in through another kitty page Favorite animal: the Cat of course!
What are your other pets?: one dog who wishes he were a cat

Beautiful pages! I enjoyed thumbing through them! Teresa and the furgang
Visit Teresa's Cyber Home with special appearances by the critters
American Red Cross, Mountain River Valley Chapter Idaho Don't be a victim...Learn how to avoid crime!

02/26/00 06:43:05
Name: Chavalah My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Maryland USA Town/City: Baltimore How did you find our site?: signed guestbook
Favorite animal: CAT!!!! How many cats do you have?: three, including me :) What are your other pets?: none, (besides the hoomins.)

Wow, Pepe, how can you stay so involved in Furship and all of those other guilds at the same time? I look forward to revisitng your CLAW pages, to see what else you have acheieved! Isn't CLAW just so grand in size?

02/25/00 12:43:23
Name: Puffie Pooh*w My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: OK Town/City: Elgin How did you find our site?: mewr my WinKWink..hehe
Favorite animal: Kittys of caorse..

Mews Pepe Pooh, it doz lookz nice on mew page,,hehe.. mew are great hunter...Iz so happyz mew dontz eat da mice, I dontz evfur,, I dontz like da hair..Butz I luffs ta chase dem..Weeee datz funzzz. Mew Pepe, its warm here mew couldnt wearz mew coat.. We ha z a scary storms at 330 dis morninz, Scared us all..We wokes up and turned tv onz, to see if dar was a tornado coming,, said torando watch,, so dat is scary too. in da middle of nite,,Not noin nuffin.. But it is ofur fur nowz. so we is happyz.. I luffz me Pepe,, I see mew soon, maybe in kittychat.. Meomie is going to town today, sayz Nicolascage needz new catnipz,, hehe hes a old luch, when it comez to his nipz,, I likz it a little, but I dontz go hay wires like NIC,mol. Luff mew Puffie Pooh*

02/22/00 20:37:50
Name: Holmberg My URL: Visit Me
Home State/Country: Denmark How did you find our site?: just did !!


02/21/00 22:47:04
Name: ~Flo~ My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Alberta, Canada How did you find our site?: guestbook Favorite animal: =^-^= Yep! CATS !!
What are your other pets?: 1 dog

Hi There, Love your terrific pages..You cats are absolutely georgeous! *SmileS*...The humans are pretty nice too.. Any time i can see pic's of cats on people's pages, I just sit and enjoy them. I don't have my cats on my pages, but will be creating a bit of a family picture page and will include them then. My cats are wonderful companions and really keep me company. Usually one is in my office sleeping when I'm Working. *S* 'Course she woke up t take a look today when i was looking at your pages. Take care and God Bless...Sincerely, ~Flo~

02/19/00 21:48:16
Name: Misty, SnowPuff, Keedie, and Tang My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Rhode Island USA Town/City: Providence How did you find our site?: From Kittychat mailing list
Favorite animal: cats What are your other pets?: 2 dogs

I love your website! It's wonderful and Pepe is sooooo beautiful! I'm in love with him! Love, Misty (and SnowPuff, Keedie, and Tang)

02/19/00 19:51:08
Name: Elsa and Sara My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Florida How did you find our site?: Mona Favorite animal: Cats (of course)
How many cats do you have?: just us


02/18/00 02:08:11
Name: Misty, SnowPuff, Keedie, and Tang My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Rhode Island USA Town/City: Providence How did you find our site?: the kittychat mailing list
Favorite animal: cats What are your other pets?: 2 dogs

Lovely site! Pepe is such a pretty cat! We enjoyed our visit with you. We'll come back again often! Mew! :)

02/16/00 12:09:47
Name: Puffie Pooh* My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Home State/Country: ok
Town/City: elgin How did you find our site?: diz is my winkwinkz house

Mews my Luff mew globs lookz luffley, I hadz her put Balintines on it cause datz da day we officialy became winkz..hehe. mewr so burutiful... Im going now to putz my mask onz, so we can gitz to da partyz..Luffinz only mew my Pepe Pooh*..

02/15/00 18:33:14
Name: Robin Lincecum My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Louisiana, USA Town/City: Georgetown How did you find our site?: webring
Favorite animal: cat What are your other pets?: 2 dogs, and 10 goats

Your Site looks GREAT! We would love to have you join our CHARM ONES CLUB! IT IS A GREAT WAY TO MEET NICE PEOPLE AND RECEIVE CHARMS IN RETURN!! To join the CHARM ONES CLUB you may go to http://www.oocities.org/Wellesley/Veranda/8177/charmedones.html

02/08/00 13:34:23
Name: The CatsonFive My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Kentucky, USA Town/City: Louisville How did you find our site?: viewing another guestbook
Favorite animal: Anything that purrs

Usually we don't like music on websites, but yours was so nice! It didn't even scare Callie out of my lap. Pepe was such a great host, too!
My favorite things - picture of the polydactal paw and your cat proof fence!
Don't tell the others, but Call e thought Stormy was the cutest.
Happy Valentine's Day

Happy V-Day!

02/05/00 14:48:17
Name: Maxine & The BratCats My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Town/City: New York City How did you find our site?: From a friend Favorite animal: Cats
How many cats do you have?: Three

Hi Mona! We found your site from Ellie of Cats and Pink Cadillacs and can't believe we haven't found you sooner. Your site is just wonderful and I especially loved the stories of how your kitties came to live with you. Keep up the great work. Can't wai to see the rest of your seasonal pages. The BratCats invite you to visit their site and sign their guestbook.

02/05/00 14:03:30
Name: Laura My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Ireland How did you find our site?: From your signature! Favorite animal: Cats, of course! :)
How many cats do you have?: 2, Smokey & Sparky What are your other pets?: A few Sea Monkeys!

This is such a great site! I love all your pages and your graphics are really cute and nicely arranged on your site! :)

02/01/00 03:38:39
Name: Donald My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: TN Town/City: Memphis How did you find our site?: WebFerret
Favorite animal: Weasel, my best beloved How many cats do you have?: seven What are your other pets?: dog, gray squirrel, flying squirrels

You've a very pretty site. Thanx for sharing ...

01/28/00 03:39:19
Name: Linda Elliott My URL: Visit Me
Home State/Country: Canada How did you find our site?: Viewing another guestbook
Favorite animal: cat (of course!!!)

What a creative site! You have done a fine job, keep up the good work. I truly enjoyed my visit.

01/25/00 22:05:48
Name: Troubie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Florida How did you find our site?: Mew visited me. Thank mew Favorite animal: cat
How many cats do you have?: 1 brofur 1 sisfur What are your other pets?: cockatiel

What a lofurly family mew have Pepe. I leowve mewr site. Mew did a beautifur job. I am glad mew visited me so I knew to come meet mew. Purrs. Troubie.

01/23/00 20:42:17
Name: Ev and Marie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Kentucky Town/City: Louisville How did you find our site?: Found your link on someone else's page
Favorite animal: Cats, of course How many cats do you have?: 2: Calvin and Sabrina

Just wanted to say how much we liked your web site. It was very interesting and informative. Your cats are adorable too!

01/21/00 16:51:44
Name: LuvKittys My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite animal: Kittys

Mew Precious Pepe.. I cantz wait till da big Valintines party.. Puffer

01/19/00 15:19:05
Name: Bonita My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Calif Town/City: Lee Vining How did you find our site?: Told by Cousin
Favorite animal: Birds What are your other pets?: 1 dog =2 toads

I enjoyed your seasonal pictures, very handsome cats, Pepe is sure a prize and Tinkerbell is very sweet looking.

01/14/00 09:34:40
Name: Marion My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: uk How did you find our site?: guestbook entry Favorite animal: cat
How many cats do you have?: lots

This is a super site, well done . A CATS-R-US caring award is on it's way.

01/13/00 13:30:59
Name: Mike Lambeth My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: north carolina,usa Town/City: fayetteville How did you find our site?: was given the link by dennis
Favorite animal: cats(but the wild kind like tigers) How many cats do you have?: none,but my mom has one

pretty nice site dennis,you and mona are definitely into your cats,huh?

01/09/00 02:32:37
Name: Darlene My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Texas, USA Town/City: Austin How did you find our site?: you signed my guestbook
Favorite animal: cat What are your other pets?: none

Thanks for visiting my site and signing my guestbook. You have a very cute site!! I enjoyed looking through all of your kitty pictures. I can tell that you have put alot of hard work into your site and your award is on its way.

01/04/00 21:51:14
Name: Lori, Autumn and Moustache My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: CO, USA Town/City: Denver How did you find our site?: Please Remember Me WebRing
Favorite animal: Cat! What are your other pets?: Are there other types of pets?

Great site! We all enjoyed our visit and we will be back! This is a big site, it takes a while to see all of it.

01/03/00 20:51:14
Name: Minky,Tiffany, Sam and Kipper My URL: Visit Me Home State/Country: England
Town/City: Lancashire How did you find our site?: From another web page Favorite animal: Cats (and Dogs)
How many cats do you have?: Four

Lovely page for us feline's. Please come and find us in our mum's little bit of England

12/26/99 04:33:16
Name: Yvonne Howie-Cruz My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: ca Town/City: yucaipa How did you find our site?: friend
Favorite animal: cats & dogs What are your other pets?: 2 dogs

I would to get more information on this package. I would like to send this information to other people that I know.

12/26/99 04:30:47
Name: Yvonne Howie-Cruz
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


12/16/99 11:42:35
Name: Flora My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Portugal Town/City: Lisbon How did you find our site?: I come here often
Favorite animal: Cats of course How many cats do you have?: Only three


12/13/99 04:07:24
Name: Linda My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: SC, USA How did you find our site?: Hope's Pampered Princess Favorite animal: pig (don't tell the cats)
How many cats do you have?: four What are your other pets?: pig, dogs, goats, turkey, chickens, cockatiel, fish

This is a really nicely done site. beautiful cat.

12/11/99 22:29:37
Name: Gayle Thames My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Beautiful Oregon USA Town/City: Beaverton How did you find our site?: You signed our guestbook!
Favorite animal: Cats, of course, especiallly Meezers How many cats do you have?: Two--but I don't have them, they have me What are your other pets?: Koko has tropical fish

Enjoyed your site. You have some interesting things here. Thanks for stopping by and looking at our site and signing the guestbook! Hope you will check back again, and we'll be sure to check you out, too!

12/11/99 13:32:59
Name: Linda My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Florida - The Sunshine State Town/City: Brooksville How did you find our site?: Monkey Boys Guest Book
Favorite animal: CATS! Are there any others? How many cats do you have?: 11

Hi! Loved visiting with your babies. I remember when I only had 7 cats! Stop by and visit with the Kitties 11 and "sit in the sun" nd escape the winter! Linda

12/09/99 05:20:32
Name: Missie and cats.....Fatboy, Psych and LOVE My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: USA Favorite animal: cat of course!!!!!!!!! How many cats do you have?: 3 cats own me
What are your other pets?: and 1 ferret

Great site........really love the music. (it's that song from lion king isn't it) Glad you emeowed us. Our site is coming along great, check it out soon. Purrs and headboinks, The O Kitties and Missie

12/03/99 04:35:09
Name: Mary My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: FL/USA Town/City: Orlando,FL How did you find our site?: Thru another guestbook
Favorite animal: Cat Dieter specifically) How many cats do you have?: 3 officially, but counting "guests"--10 What are your other pets?: Well, there are my fictional friends--

What a beautiful site! The graphics are charming, and the music is most appropriate! Am going back for another helping! :-D

12/01/99 15:17:20
Name: Flo My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Florida Town/City: Sebring How did you find our site?: guest book
Favorite animal: cat What are your other pets?: all

What a great site you have here!!! We love our visit here. We bookmarked it and we will be back. We also will tell all our kitty friends to visit you. We also love your fense. We have a screened room, it's like our giant window. Purrrs, Levi, Dusty & Flo

11/12/99 21:59:24
Name: LuvKittys
My URL: Visit Me

Hi Pepe,We were here peeping around today..

11/12/99 01:52:44
My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
How many cats do you have?: four What are your other pets?: one dog

I'm really impressed by this site.

11/12/99 01:49:48
Name: Frances Wheaton My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Home State/Country: Oregon
Town/City: Wilsonville How did you find our site?: you told me

Well, finally made it. Thanks for the Halloween card. Love, Mamma

11/12/99 01:47:11
Name: Tamara My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Home State/Country: Alabama
How did you find our site?: Furship


11/12/99 01:42:43
Name: Kitty Kapers
My URL: Visit Me
How did you find our site?: guest book entry

Thanks for stopping by and visiting...Pepe makes a great hostess. You are one special lady and I enjoyed reading the stories on how each and every one of your furrbabies came into your life. Thanks for being such a caring person.

11/12/99 01:39:30
Name: Gianna
My URL: Visit Me

Hello...your site is just beautiful. Pepe is so cute, and such a great hostess, what a charmer. I totally enjoyed my stay.

11/12/99 01:36:25
Name: Marilyn My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find our site?: You signed my guest book

Thanks for coming to visit my kitty web site, The Cat House, and for signing the guest book. The counter shows how many pass through, so I know how few ever take the time to leave a comment. Your pages are absolutely great, and I have thoroughly enjoyed all of them. Thank-you for inviting me to visit.

11/12/99 01:31:00
Name: Melissa Friday My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: PA Town/City: Tyrone How did you find our site?: From You
How many cats do you have?: one

Great page for cat lovers. My son loves seeing his kitty under purr friends. I wish I had room for a lot of cats. They are all so cute. Stormy is a very lucky kitty to have such a wonderful home.

11/12/99 01:26:34
Name: Luv Kitties My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Home State/Country: USA
How many cats do you have?: four

Purrs Purr Babies. Luv Kitties says your site is looking wonderful. Did you find any costumes? Meowmie found some. She done us up in Pooh costumes and rabbit. She's putting us up on our page today with the costumes on if you want to peek. Also, if y u need help let her know. Purrs till we hear from you again.

08/11/99 09:16:41
Name: GEORDIE My URL: Visit Me
Home State/Country: South East Asia How did you find our site?: Sniff-sniff !
Favorite animal: Mummy and Dad-dad ! How many cats do you have?: I'm The Only Love Bug !

Pepe !!! Mummy and I think that you're really sooooo beautiful ! We are glad that you've found such a good home. The family photo albums here are real cool. Do drop by and see this brown mackerel tabby sometime. Warmest regards : GEORDIE

08/10/99 12:33:11
Name: Sandy Kline My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Illinois Town/City: Roselle How did you find our site?: CatNetwork Shelter
Favorite animal: Cat

I am glad I can across this site. It is very well put together and interesting to read

08/10/99 05:16:09
Name: Estralla, Destino & Senior Tex-Mex My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Texas USA Town/City: Tyler How did you find our site?: Furship
Favorite animal: CATS What are your other pets?: Fish named Blue Lightening


I enjoyed meowing around your site but now its time for me to go! I love to visit other furship members sites.

Come see us at Estralla & D stino's Home Pages

Join our webring called Furrballs on the Net

08/07/99 00:08:56
Name: Donna My URL: Visit Me Home State/Country: Canada
How did you find our site?: Kay Favorite animal: Cats, dogs How many cats do you have?: One big lovable baby
What are your other pets?: none

Very impressive site! Seeing all the pictures of those furry felines just makes me want more!!! There's nothing like the sound of a purr...

08/05/99 02:20:59
Name: Murphy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Georgia Town/City: Atlanta How did you find our site?: You signed my book
Favorite animal: Birds...yummy! How many cats do you have?: I am a cat! What are your other pets?: My human!

Meow, Pepe! Thank you for signing my guestbook and visiting my site. We Princes/Princesses of the Month need to stick together! *purr* Keep up the great work on your pretty site. See you around!

08/04/99 11:04:30
Name: Rachel My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: England Town/City: Chippenham How did you find our site?: Guestbook
Favorite animal: I dunno I like all What are your other pets?: dogs, parrets, turtle, fish

I like your page! Come and see mine!

08/04/99 00:21:25
Name: Ellen Lodgek My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Florida USA Town/City: Inverness Favorite animal: Kats
What are your other pets?: none

Your website is great. You deserve all of your awards! Sara and Elsa loved it too!

08/01/99 03:09:54
Name: Shirley Jones My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Ca. Town/City: Barstow How did you find our site?: You told me.
Favorite animal: Cats How many cats do you have?: None What are your other pets?: None

Dennis and Mona, I finally got to your web site and it is beautiful. I tried several times before and couldn't get to it. You did an outstanding job. I enjoyed it very much. Shirley

07/28/99 10:18:17
Name: RabbiddAnngell My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Florida Town/City: Polk City How did you find our site?: stray webring
Favorite animal: Siberian Husky...(woof!) What are your other pets?: my "Sibe" Atomajac and Reina, the Chihuahua mix

Such cute babies! This does it...hubby needs to let me bring home a kitty baby for Bruizer and Cuba-Marie to cuddle with! :-D

07/27/99 23:42:57
Name: Ruth My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me How did you find our site?: Pepe signed my guestbook!
Favorite animal: CAT! What are your other pets?: fish, turtles

Meow Pepe! Great site! You've done a purrfect job! Purrs, Ruth.

07/27/99 22:21:00
Name: Michelle Mealey My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: California Town/City: Lots of places How did you find our site?: Ms. Donna Erneta, my coworker
Favorite animal: CAT! What are your other pets?: my fiance!

One cat is named Hailey, after the Hail-Bop comet, for the year we got her. The other cat is Mr. Mostofelees (?), or Mr. M for short. He is named after that rascal from the play Cats. He looks just like the character and is just as wily. The only diff rence is that our Mr. M wieghs about 25lbs. I am so glad your mother turned me on to this site, it is so adorable, and, I finally got to see what her cats look like.

07/26/99 23:56:28
Name: diabella My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: NY Town/City: NY How did you find our site?: You requested my memorial tribute
Favorite animal: Cats What are your other pets?: None

Mona: Your site is beautiful and so are all of the kitties. I was not aware that you had taken in so many strays. I'll customize the memorial tribute graphic that you requested in a little while, and something extra will be coming your way for all of the good t at you have done. Keep up the good work. Diane

07/25/99 11:17:33
Name: Margaret Smith My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Manitoba, Canada Town/City: St. Francois Xavier How did you find our site?: Mona
Favorite animal: Cat! What are your other pets?: No

Lovely Page! Well done!

07/22/99 22:54:18
Name: muriel starr My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Florida Town/City: Port Richey How did you find our site?: other site JFK
Favorite animal: DOGS AND CATS How many cats do you have?: NONE What are your other pets?: 6MO OLD JACK RUSSEL PUPPY


07/21/99 22:52:21
Name: Karen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: PA USA Town/City: Lebanon How did you find our site?: Meow News! I am the "other" site recommended!! :)
Favorite animal: oh, let me see.........CATS!!!!! ^--^ lol How many cats do you have?: Just one, but she is the greatest! What are your other pets?: a husband! :)

Your site is very sweet. Love the pics and all the great things you have on it. Please stop by my site sometime and leave your paw print as well!! GREAT WORK, congrats!!

07/17/99 19:00:54
Name: Dennis My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite animal: kitty

Enjoyed your site so much. It was just like something I might have done!

07/16/99 18:36:34
Name: Kelly Cat My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Pennsylvania How did you find our site?: Furship Favorite animal: Besides me?
How many cats do you have?: I *am* a cat! What are your other pets?: Two pet humans

MERAW Pepe! It was nice to visit you today. You have a fine homepage and it's clear you're very well-loved.

I have taken your banner and will post it as soon as I can. In return, I am offering one of ours:

3 Good Cats send purrs and Furship to Pepe

In Furship,
Kelly Cat

07/13/99 03:36:44
Name: BUDDY My URL: Visit Me
Favorite animal: BIRDS How many cats do you have?: ONE


07/13/99 01:36:46
Name: Tiger Magnificat My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: California, Town/City: Fillmore How did you find our site?: MEw invited me
Favorite animal: humans How many cats do you have?: 21 What are your other pets?: mewmie and goldfishes

Mewo, Dear Pepe, Mew have a lovely page, Thank mew fur inviting me fur a visit. Mewr new furriend. Tiger M, in furship

07/12/99 16:21:08
Name: Hope's Mom My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Ohio, USA How did you find our site?: You invited us :) Favorite animal: need you ask?
How many cats do you have?: one beautiful dilute calico What are your other pets?: does my husband count?

Hello Princess Pepe and siblings! And Hi to your Mommy too! I am really, really impressed by your new website. You and your Mom did SUCH a good job! It was so nice to finally get to "meet" her and the rest of your fur family. Keep up the good work. Hope sends whisker kisses to all of you too.

07/11/99 12:34:49
Name: Yourky My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: TN How did you find our site?: A friend Favorite animal: Cats
What are your other pets?: fish and an albino frog

Your page turned out puuurrfectly grand! We really liked the Legend of Maneki Neko, and all the kitties are soooo pretty! We will come bacl often!

07/11/99 12:31:19
Name: Valerie & furrkitties
My URL: Visit Me


07/11/99 02:57:27
Name: Pete N. & Garrett N.
My URL: Visit Me


07/11/99 02:49:13
Name: Lily and Donna
My URL: Visit Me


07/10/99 23:20:27
Name: Renee Smith My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Florida Town/City: Pasco County How did you find our site?: Mona
Favorite animal: Cat of course! What are your other pets?: a quaker parrot

Wow Mona....... Im impressed!! Job well done!

07/10/99 19:36:53
Name: Kay My URL: Visit Me Home State/Country: Alabama
How did you find our site?: YOU!! Favorite animal: CATS!!! How many cats do you have?: Grudgingly limited to 2.
What are your other pets?: Golden Retrievers& dwarf rabbit

Mona and Dennis, You've worked so hard and done such a fine job!! Pepe is a wonderful hostess and next time warn me what I'm getting into when I visit the Rainbow Bridge.I wasn't prepared! Got me all choked up. Keep up the good work and I'm glad the hard part is all ove . Kay

07/10/99 05:11:59
Name: Jana My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: U.S. Town/City: Memphis How did you find our site?: A link in my guestbook
Favorite animal: Cat! How many cats do you have?: None right now (sigh!) What are your other pets?: No pets at all, I'm sorry to say

It is truly a pleasure to visit such a loving and caring website that was clearly designed by a wonderful person. Pepe is an adorable host, and your kitties are too cute for words. You have done an excellent job here!

07/09/99 00:53:48
Name: Mysty My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Usa Town/City: Ocean How did you find our site?: Mews
Favorite animal: Cat How many cats do you have?: one What are your other pets?: d*g

Hi, Just had to visit your habitat. Enjoyed reading your story. Great page. I'm off to visit the rest of the site. Purrs, Mysty

07/08/99 23:46:42
Name: Miss Pinkerton My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Nevada Town/City: Tonopah How did you find our site?: From Pepe
Favorite animal: CATS! How many cats do you have?: I am a Cat... but Meowmie has 4 of us What are your other pets?: She also has 4 d*gs

Pepe.. your site is wonderfur! Mew should be proud. Watch mewr email...:)

07/08/99 21:21:45
Name: Christy & Mimi My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: Ca. Town/City: Los Angeles How did you find our site?: Pepe told Mimi
Favorite animal: cats

Hi Mona,Dennis & kitties~ You guys did such a great job on the site! It looks so good. The kitties are so cute. Have fun!! ~Christy & Mimi

07/08/99 11:00:48
Name: Toby My URL: Visit Me Home State/Country: Newfoundland, Canada
How did you find our site?: Pepe's mom told me Favorite animal: Dog Lover but do like cats too How many cats do you have?: None, just the occasional visitor my daughter brings home
What are your other pets?: English Bull Terrier named "Talulah"

Very impressed with your site Mona and Dennis (and Pepe). I'll have to get Talulah to look at it too! Congratulations on a job well done. :o)

06/29/99 02:28:14
Name: Missy, KiKi & Calli My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Home State/Country: USA Town/City: Burnet How did you find our site?: from our grandkitty
Favorite animal: kitties, of course! How many cats do you have?: 3 + 7 strays

Pepe, mew are really coming along wif mew pages... really like seeing mewr fur family... The large picture of Simba is not showing fur some reason.. Believe if or not... The FURST home page is the hardest... and each additional one gets easier!! When, m w get done wif this page.. mew will be pros!!! Love Grandmews, Missy, KiKi and Calli

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