On this page, you can read about the way the Romanian Justice applies the Law nr. 10/2001 and its norms outlined in the HG 498/2003  which deal with the restitution of the property that was nationalized during the Communist regime.  Echivalentul in limba Romana a acestei pagini poate fi citit aici.


In order to place this case of corruption in the right context, please look for Romania in the Corruption Perception Index for 2003 compiled by the organization Transparency International – Romania is tied with India and Malawi on the 83rd spot (lowest number represents the least corrupt country)!


I consider that making public the entire process to take possession of the house that was illegally taken from my grandparents by the Romanian State in 1950, will help eliminate any future influence of the Romanian corruption in this case.  I wish to make sure that the Romanian laws are correctly applied during the Judicial process contrary to the influence exerted by important people from Romania who are trying to protect the financial gain that can be drawn out form the illegal actions that took place.


The people implicated in this case (incomplete list):




I will timely update this page and the corresponding Romanian one, with the latest events in the course of this laborious process to get back the house that was illegally taken from my grandparents in 1950!  I present this case to the Romanian and International community as a test of the will of the Romanian Government and of Romanians to fight the CORRUPTION!  The Law nr. 78 bis of 08/05/2000 that deals with the prevention, discovery and punishment of corruption can be read in the Romanian language here.


You can help me in this quest by forwarding this Web address to your friends or to publications that are willing to reveal the corrupt actions of people that teach the law in various Romanian Law Universities.  Up to this day, different aspects of this case were covered in three Romanian newspapers and one Canadian newspaper, but more effort should be placed in actually revealing the illegal actions committed by “respectable” members of the Romanian society.  This page offers not only my view, as PwC likes to state, but also the documents that prove my accusations.  It is highly subjective that my accusations proven to documents signed by PwC are presented in a similar fashion to the official PwC response that contains only claims and no proof!


I would like to invite you to read about this case from the chronology of events, offered in chronological order below, with all its legal considerations and to continue with the analysis of the current court case (presented in a blog, reverse chronological order format).


For comments, please use the guestbook.  The guestbook entries can be seen here.


This page will be updated today October 31st, 2004 with the latest development from ROMANIA!!!


A quick preview of events: - on July 22nd, 2004 with the help of a bailiff and the Romanian Police, against the opposition and slimy maneuvers of PwC and their partner Agrotorvis, I took possession of the house!!!  One goal was attained, two more to go!

Also, a follow-up story to a year old article (read here page 1 and page 2) in today’s Ottawa Sun by Tobi Cohen!


The Corruption in Romania, live on the Web

in blog format



Ř      May 20th, 2004 – The result of the expertise is presented to the Court by ing. Zeno Oltean.  The result of this report reads « The house located in Timisoara str. 7 Aprilie 1929 nr. 1, registered in the title deed (CF) nr. 425 Timisoara nr. Top 1098, comprised of a building with semi-basement, ground floor and 1 floor and an one level building annex in the courtyard, is not a new house based on the art. 13 c of Law 10/2001 as in conformity with the methodological norms nr. 498/2003 for the even application of Law nr. 10/2001, art. 18.3 and 18.4, to the two buildings there were no new walls or building volumes that were added that would comprise more than 50% of the initial existing surface.  The percentage of the new additions represents 21.5% and the partioning of the building, converting it from a residential building into a office space building, does not constitute a new house ».  The trial is postponed until June 10th, 2004 allowing the parties to read the report.


Ř      May 12th 2004 – The daily Prima Ora does a one page special (scanned version) on this case, presenting in a correct chronological order the actions taken by PwC with the house, stressing the privately signed contract between PwC and Agrotorvis SRL, through which Agrotorvis bought the litigious rights to the house for 80.000US$!  The newspaper article contains parts of memo that I sent to Romanian President in which I ask Mr. Ion Iliescu “to ensure that this case is a model attesting to the success of the anticorruption measures in Romania and not the success of corruption.”

In PwC’s response to my accusations presented in the article, it claims „PwC has never refused the restitution of the house that was claimed by Eugen and Gratian Szekely.”  This falsehood (lie) is disproved not only through Emilian Radu’s letter of August 2001 (page 1 and page 2) but also in numerous documents submitted to the Courts.  The most recent one was made by the lawyer of COMTIM, Florin Scrieciu on March 18th, 2004 who claims that „response letter…represents the clear and unambiguous response to the plaintiffs’ notification (request for restitution my note), in the sense that the restitution is not possible”.

Making use of the strategy to cover illegal actions with falsehoods, PwC continues to falsify the truth by insisting that our request for restitution did not contain enough documents proving our right to the inheritance.  Through this claim, PwC ignores deliberately the fact that Emilian Radu’s letter, in response to our restitution request, sent in August 2001, makes no reference to such a lack of proof (in reality this issue was addressed in Court in January 2000!).  Furthermore, PwC contents that “only on March 18th, 2004 the Judge reached the conclusion that Eugen and Gratian Szekely have the legal right to inherit the house”.  Another PwC falsehood as at that date, as it can be read in the official minutes, „the Court observes that, in its response, the holder of the house did not contest the right to the inheritance of the plaintiffs…” declining in this way the exception raised by COMTIM in this trial!


Ř      April 29 th, 2004 – The technical expert, appointed by the Court, requests a postponement in order to finalize the expertise.  The Court grants a 3 weeks postponement.   We submit the following two documents: analysis of the COMTIM’s request for the expertise and the impact of the decision relative to the illegality of Romanian state title and we request the Court to impose the restitution and the transfer of the house by COMTIM and PwC as it is mandated by the law.  The lawyer for COMTIM, claims, without elaborating, that the decision to change the title deed to the house in our favor does not represent the restitution of the house!  The Judge postpones this discussion until the following date, May 20th, 2004.


Ř      April 23rd, 2004 – In the trial based on the civil law that has as object whether the Romanian state took possession legally (by the laws in effect in 1950) of the house, the Court through the civil decision nr. 347, part of the case nr. 8532/2000 at the Appeal Court Timisoara, the Court rules in favor of the plaintiffs against the accused (COMTIM through PricewaterhouseCoopers and the Local Administration of Timisoara in the name of the Romanian State).  Through this final and unappelable decision it is ruled that the Romanian State took illegal possession of the house in 1950 and it is imposed the changing of the title deed of the house in our favor (the initial decision of the lower Court that was confirmed through this recent final decision can be seen in Romanian page 1 and page 2).


Ř      March 18th, 2004 – The Judge Lidia Barac declares that it is irrelevant that Ionas Klein was married before he married Agneta Klein (in other words, admitting the obvious, that the marriage certificate presented is valid!!).  This way, the Court declines the exception request raised by COMTIM, declaring (as it can be read from the minutes of the session) that PwC did request us to provide proof of our right to inherit the house in their refusal of the restitution of the house (as this matter was proven in front of the Court as far back as January 2000), and moves to the analysis of the complaint (in other words after 5 months of desperately trying to prove that we have no right to claim the house, the Court rules that PwC couldn’t even raise this exception in 2003 as they didn’t do it in 2001!  Although PwC and the Court managed to delay the restitution of the house by 5 months!!!).  The Judge Barac, declines a second exception raised by PwC and COMTIM, claiming that PwC should not be part as the accused in this trial (through this exception, PwC was attempting to evade responsibility relative to the actions and decision that it made relative to the house).   The third exception raised by COMTIM, relative to the delayed modification of the object of the current case was postponed by the Judge until the discussion of the main object of the complaint (through this exception COMTIM claims, against the illegal nature of their refusal, that we had to sue them within 30 days of the date when we had received their refusal and we couldn’t sue them to issue a law complying decision as we did.  This is in other words, another desperate attempt to falsify the truth and to distort the obvious cause-effect link between their illegal actions in the past).

In the same session, the legal representative for COMTIM submits a written and verbal request maintaining the necessity of a technical expertise in order to prove COMTIM’s point that the improvements that they made during their 27 years of rent free usage transformed the house into a new house relative to the one that was nationalized by the state in 1950 (http://www.oocities.org/coruptiainromania/exper1.jpg and http://www.oocities.org/coruptiainromania/exper2.jpg).   In the request, COMTIM claims that it requested this expertise as well on March 27th 2003 but forgets to mention the article of the law 10/2001 that they used in that initial request (the initial request can be seen in Romanian http://www.oocities.org/coruptiainromania/scr_mar_2003-7.jpg).  This lapse can only be interpreted as the intent of the lawyer Scrieciu to the test the memory and the judges’ knowledge of the law 10/2001 and HG 498/2003 (for more details see the article invoked by COMTIM in the legal part of this blog – art 18 c).  Although, Scrieciu, as it can be read from COMTIM’s document, uses arguments that are invalid by the law 10/2001 and HG 498/2003, the Court accepts the request and demands a technical expertise!  The Court allows us, at the request of our lawyer, to submit a list of objectives for the expert (the document that we submitted contains the objectives as outlined by the HG 498/2003, emphasis being placed on the question if the additions to the building represent more than 50% of the already existing surface) and the name of our expert to assist the Court appointed expert.  The case is postponed until April 29th, 2004.  The minutes of the meeting in Romanian can be seen here – page1 and page 2.


Ř      Memos were submitted requesting a criminal investigation in the actions of the Syndic Judge Rodica Marghescu and those of the PwC Partners and employees which as the liquidators of COMTIM transacted the house requested in accordance to the Law 10/2001, selling the litigious rights to Agrotorvis SRL.  These memos were submitted to PNA Bucharest (Anti-Corruption Commission – Parchetul National Anticoruptie), PNA Timiş and the District Attorney’s (the US equivalent of Parchetului de pe langa Tribunalul Timisoara) and present proof of illegal premeditated actions in breach of the Law 78/2000 by the participants in the transactions.  The memos, underlining the corruptor character of PwC’s actions and the intention of extending the fraud against me to the Romanian state (as in PwC’s intent the State was responsible to pay the equivalent of the value of the house to us as damages for the PwC’s refusal to return the house to us), were sent to the following Romanian politicians: the President of Romania, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Control and the General Prosecutor of Romania.


Ř      March 4th, 2004 – the response to the request sent by the Court to the Civil Registry Office arrived only after the end of the session, as can be seen to the session’s minutes!  And yet, the Judge Barac names an expert for the eventual technical expertise although the expertise has not been decided by the Court?  We submitted a document to the Court presenting the responsibility of PwC in this case, stressing the transaction that took part between PwC and Agrotorvis SRL.  As well, we submitted a document showing that PwC did not prove any of the improvements to the house which that use as arguments in order to categorize the house as a new house relative to the one that was nationalized by the state in 1950 based on art 18 alin. C of Law 10/2001 and the corresponding art of HG 498/2003 (the new additions should be more than 50% of the existing house). The trial is postponed for two more weeks, until March 18th 2004 – the minutes can be read in Romanian here – page 1.


Ř      February 12th,2004 – Although on the previous court date, Scrieciu requested a postponement for sick reasons, he does not show up but sends in a substitute!  The surprise comes from the Judge Lidia Barac, who declares that she has doubts (stressing that she is allowed to have doubts) relative to the marriage between Agneta Klein and Ionas Klein due to the large difference in age between the two (not only this aspect is irrelevant but it is highly inappropriate coming from the Judge that is supposed to rule in this case)!

Furthermore, invoking the right to participate actively in the trial, the same Judge Barac, outlines the theory that due to the fact that Agneta Klein and Ionas Klein could have had different addresses would mean that they might have been divorced at the instance of Ionas Klein’s death.  Although, our lawyers explain that the addresses that were mentioned by the Judge were addresses were Agneta Klein lived after 1958 (the year when Ionas Klein died) and they only represent three address changes over a span of 35 years, the unmoved Judge requests a confirmation from the Civil Registry Office that Ionas Klein was not married before (indirectly claiming that Ionas Klein was a bigamist and questioning the veridicity of an official act) and that Agneta Klein and Ionas Klein did not divorce before Ionas Klein’s death.

In an absurd ending of this surrealist Court session, PwC’s commercial lawyer, Ovidiu Covasala mentiones that he was about to raise the same issue to the attention of the Court, but he couldn’t find the document which shows that Eugen Klein was married in 1931 (so lucky that the Judge was impartial!!!)

The Judge requests from the Civil Registry Office : - a copy of the entry in the Civil Registry noting the marriage between Ionas Klein and Agneta Klein (multiple copies of the registry entry were introduced in the case’s file in different format all presenting the same thing), - to verify if the marriage was not dissolved (verification already done by the notary and introduced months before in the file) and if Ionas Klein was married before (what can be the relevance of this information? The notary had already inquired if there were any oter claims to the inheritance) and – strict verifications based on the birth certificate of Ionas Klein to establish if he was previously married (repeat – irrelevant).   The case is postponed until March 4th, 2004.  The official brief minutes of this session can be read here – page1 and page 2.


Ř      January 22nd, 2004 – The lawyer Scrieciu submits a doctor’s certificate and requests a sick postponement (in the previous lawsuit, where we requested that PwC responds to our request for restitution in compliance with the law, Scrieciu has requested 11 postponements)!  The trial is postponed until February 12th, 2004.  The official brief minutes can be read here – page 1


Ř      December 18th, 2003 – The notary’s file manage to find its way to the Courthouse (a few hundred of meters away) and we submit a document proving that Eugen Klein built a house on the land that he acquired through public auction.  COMTIM requests a postponement claiming that their lawyer, Scrieciu Florin is elsewhere!  The Court grants a postponement until January 22nd, 2004 in order to study the documents submitted in this case.  The official brief minutes of this session can be read here – page 1


Ř      November 27th, 2003 – The notary’s file containing the inheritance documentation did not reach the Courthouse although was sent by the notary’s whose office is about 400 meters from the Courthouse.  Judge Prohorov requests proof that the house was purchased (although the topic is on the right to the inheritance??)  The trial is postponed until December 18th 2003.  The official brief minutes of this session can be read here – page 1


Ř      November 6th, 2003 – COMTIM’s lawyer Scrieciu claims that on our inheritance certificates, stating that we are the heirs of our paternal grandmother, the name of our father is missing.  The Court requests the notary’s file from the notary that did the inheritance.  The trial is postponed until November 27th, 2003.  The official brief minutes can be read here – page 1 and page 2.


Ř      October 23rd, 2003 – The first Court date of the second phase of the trial based on the Law 10/2003.  The trial is postponed until November 6th, 2003 in order to review the submitted documents.  The official brief minutes can be read here – page 1 and page 2.


Ř      September 17th 2003 – The First Court of Timisoara (Judecatoria) in the civil decision nr. 7436, decision that is final and unappelable, concludes that Ionas Klein and Eugen Klein are the same person.  The decision in Romanian can be seen here: http://www.oocities.org/nationalizarea/nume1.jpg and



Ř      June 24th, 2003 Appeal Court Timisoara case nr. 8532/C/2000.  Although the Law 10/2001 allows only the owner (of the house) the possibility to suspend a trial aiming to find if the title of the Romanian State is valid or not, the Judge in this case, before COMTIM’s lawyer submitted his arguments, decide to suspend the trial.  The official brief minutes of this session can be read here – http://www.oocities.org/nationalizarea/resuspendare.jpg



Ř      June 13th, 2003 The First Timis Court – file nr. 648/C/2003 concludes in the civil decision nr. 529 that we have not proved that we have the right to the inheritance of Eugen Klein and the right to request the restitution of the house based on the Law 10/2001 agreeing with the exception that was raised by COMTIM.   In the motifs of the decision the Court mentions that we brought as proof the copy and an extract from the Civil Registry which shows that Ionas Klein and Eugen Klein are the same person.  And yet, the decision is motivated on admission of the exception raised by COMTIM (as shown below financed by Agrotorvis SRL) noting that we did not bring proof of Eugen Klein and Ionas Klein being the same person.   This appalling decision can be seen below:










Cronologia evenimentelor legate de restituirea imobilului nationalizat din strada 7 aprilie 1929 nr.1 (fosta Galati), fostul sediu COMTIM (societate in lichidare prin lichidatorul PricewaterhouseCoopers management SRL)

Explanatory note – the underlined dates refer to contacts with the PricewaterhouseCoopers offices in the UK and the US while the others refer to the PricewaterhouseCoopers Romanian office

·        December 1989 – the Romanian "revolution"


·        1995 – the new law 112/1995 compensates the nationalized property owners with a capped amount.  The return of the property is not possible.


·        June 1999 – COMTIM is forced into bankruptcy


·        July 1999 – PWC takes over the judicial liquidation procedure of COMTIM's assets


·        September 1999 – PWC publishes an add for the sale of my grandfather's house


·        September 1999 – we initiate a lawsuit against the Romanian State and COMTIM for the correction of the house's deed based on the illegality of the 1950's nationalization


·        January 2000 – a meeting is initiated by PWC's representative, Radu Bufan, to find "an easy and expedient solution to this trial" – no such solution was offered, but rather PWC's intent was to size-up the opponent!


·        January 2000 – we win in the first court!


·        January 2000 – the Romanian State's counsel and the COMTIM's counsel (PWC's) appeal the decision


·        September 2000 – we lose the appeal!  The judge ignores the fact that my grandfather was a small business owner, exempt under the nationalization decree, and "judges" that he was a "house exploiter" (perceived a rent from tenants) renting 7 of his 9 apartments as proven by the 1950's documentation (reminder – the house had only 2 apartments of 3 rooms each as it can be seen in the blue prints!).  In addition the same judge, Romulus Proks, assumes that my grandfather agreed with the decision, as he didn't appeal it in 1955 (this is the post Stalin era in a Communist country!)


·        October 2000 – we appeal this decision  


·        January 2001 – the law 10/2001 (in Romanian) is passed through the Parliament and signed by the Romanian President


·        March 2001 – PWC's lawyer initiates a second contact with the promise of a mutually satisfactory solution to the problem.  This turned to be an intimidation session.  Mr. Bufan was offering to sell the house through the liquidation procedure and split the financial outcome.  Upon my refusal to discuss any such joint venture and being adamant about my request for the return of the house he implied that he could tie me down for years to come in courts or he could even sell just the judiciary right to the house which will make my goal impossible (see the November 16th, 2001 entry).


·        March 2001 – the court action initiated in September 1999 is suspended for the procedural alternative given by the law 10/2001


·        March 2001 – we send a notification for the return of the house to Timisoara's town hall


·        June 2001 – we send a second notification to the COMTIM legal representative, PWC, as we were unofficially told by the town hall's representative that it is not their competence to address our request, but, as the law 10/2001 ambiguously states, to the current tenant that the notification is to be addressed.


·        June 2001 – letters describing the situation in Romania were sent to the Chairman’s Offices in the US, UK and RomaniaNo acknowledgment or reply was ever received.


·        August 2001 – With complete disregard for the Law 10/2001, using ridiculous arguments, PricewaterhouseCoopers Romania, as the named liquidator for COMTIM, through the authority of Emilian Radu (PricewaterhouseCoopers Partner, Head of Corporate Finance & Recovery Services – biography can be seen here http://www.pwcglobal.com/ro/eng/about/press-rm/partners/), refuses the restitution of the house although this is not allowed by the above mentioned law.  The main argument used is that the house needs to be used in the liquidation process

Original Romanian document can be seen here http://www.oocities.org/pwcromania/raspPWC1.jpg and http://www.oocities.org/pwcromania/raspPWC2.jpg while its English translation was provided in my previous correspondence and can be found on the main Web page.


·        September 2001 – I reply to COMTIM, offering to keep the current activity in the house and pointing out that their refusal is illegal.  No reply was ever received.


·        At the same time, PwC Romania is negotiating the sale of the „litigious rights” to the house with S.C. Agrotorvis S.R.L. publishing in November 16th, 2003 a public advert in the local newspaper Renasterea Banateana (the advert can be seen here in the Romanian original - http://www.oocities.org/nationalizarea/renasterea.pdf).  The sale of the “litigious rights” is listed at the F. paragraph.


·        26 noiembrie 2001, following the publishing of the advert we notified all the parties (Syndic Judge, COMTIM, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Agrotorvis) about the illegality of this transaction. The letter, in Romanian, to the Syndic Judge can be seen here http://www.oocities.org/pwcromania/sindic.jpg.   Following this notification, COMTIM’s lawyer, Mr. Scrieciu declared in Court that this transaction will not take place; however no official reply was received from COMTIM or PricewaterhouseCoopers.


·        December 2nd, 2001 – urgent fax to the office of Mr. James J. Schiro, the CEO of PricewaterhouseCoopers about PwC’s Romania illegal attempt to sell the judicial right to the house.  No acknowledgment or reply was ever received.


·        13 decembrie 2001, as the Contract of Cession of Credit proves dupa cum dovedeste Contractul de Cesiune de Creanta the same PricewaterhouseCoopers Partner, Mr. Emilian Radu, sells the litigious rights to the house for 80,000US$ (nota bene – the minimum estimated value of the house is 500,000US$) to the same company S.C. Agrotorvis S.R.L. (the English translation of the original Romanian document can be seen here http://www.oocities.org/pwcromania/cession.html and the Romanian original here http://www.oocities.org/pwcromania/cr1.jpg http://www.oocities.org/pwcromania/cr2.jpg http://www.oocities.org/pwcromania/cr3.jpg http://www.oocities.org/pwcromania/cr4.jpg)   The entire amount of this contract was to be paid in the COMTIM’s liquidation account within 5 days from the date of the contract, December 13th, 2001.  Through this same Contract, Agrotorvis will pay the litigation and COMTIM’s lawyer’s fees in an effort to obtain the house.


·        December 16th, 2001 – a second fax was sent to Mr. James J. Schiro re-iterating the same concerns as outlined in the first communication and requesting a confirmation that the illegal sale of the judicial rights was aborted.  No acknowledgment or reply was ever received.


·        After December 2001 – as PricewaterhouseCoopers could not pay the maintenance of the house from the depleted funds of COMTIM, the same PricewaterhouseCoopers Partner Emilian Radu, sublets the house through an un-dated Protocol (the original Romanian document can be seen here http://www.oocities.org/pwcromania/protocol.jpg and the English translation here http://www.oocities.org/pwcromania/protocole.html ) to S.C. Agrotorvis S.R.L. and to S.C. Comtim Group S.R.L. specifying that Agrotorvis is to use the second floor and the annex while COMTIM (in liquidation) and SC Comtim Group SRL will use the rest of the house.  The utility and maintenance fees will be paid in exclusivity by S.C. Comtim Group S.R.L.

Note – This sublet contract is concluded until 2004 showing the confidence of PricewaterhouseCoopers in maintaining the control over the house until that date.


 ·         September 6th, 2002I contacted Mr. Ricciardi, US based attorney for PwC, and presented the current situation in Romania.  He forwarded my message to Mr. Vernon, UK based attorney for PwC, who was supposed to deal with complains that were related to PwC Romania.  My accusations and corroborating documents were posted on the Web site http://www.oocities.org/nationalizare created for this purpose.  Over the next few months I have called and emailed Mr. Vernon asking for the conclusion of his investigation and I was given vague excuses and new dates that were never kept.


 ·         December 18th, 2002 – the entire content of this site, at that time, (here in Word format http://www.oocities.org/nationalizarea/press.doc) exposing in detail the illegality of PwC Romania together with copies of original documents supporting my accusations was sent trough courier to: Mr. Samuel A. DiPiazza Jr. PwC’s Global CEO, Mr. Kieran Poynter, PwC’s UK Senior Partner, Ms. Barbara Kipp, PwC’s Global Leader, Ethics and Business Conduct.  An acknowledgment message was received from Ms. Kipp.


·         December 30th, 2002 – shortly after I sent the documents to the Senior PwC Partner in UK and PwC’s CEO in the US, I receive the conclusion of Mr. Vernon’s “professional Investigation” (http://www.oocities.org/pwcromania/vernon.html).  As the Web statistics of the page containing my accusations and corroborating documents prove, Mr. Vernon has not once accessed it being content with providing me with the English translation of PwC Romania official position.


·         January 19th, 2003 – I send my analysis (http://www.oocities.org/pwcromania/vernon.html#jan19_e)of Mr. Vernon’s reply to Mr. Vernon and I copy the following PricewaterhouseCoopers Partners: Mr. Samuel A. DiPiazza Jr, Mr. Kieran Poynter, Ms. Barbara Kipp and Mr. Ricciardi.


·         January 31st, 2003 - I receive a reply from Mr. Vernon (http://www.oocities.org/pwcromania/vernon.html#jan31_v)following my analysis of his investigation.  Although “more than satisfied with the work of the reviewers and the conclusions reached in the initial review”, Mr. Vernon has decided to further ask for a review of my accusations made by someone independent of PwC Romania.  The review will take place on the week of February 3rd and I was promised a conclusion by the end of the week commencing on February 10th, 2002.


·         February 14th, 200320 months after we have made the restitution request as mandated by the Law 10/2001. Mrs. Speranta Munteanu, Director of the Liquidation Department in an “offer for a quick resolution to the conflict” refers fro the first time in the procedure based on the Law 10/2001 the need to provide proof that Eugen Klein refers to the same person as Ionas Klein – an exception raised by COMTIM during the first litigation in January 24th, 2001 and eventually dropped in September 2000 by the same lawyer, Mr. Scrieciu (the corroborating documents and the analysis of this situation can be seen here http://www.oocities.org/pwcromania/redherring.html).

In the same “offer”, PricewaterhouseCoopers Romania, through Mrs. Speranta Munteanu claims that the house was modified into an office building by COMTIM in 1979, although the same house was an office building since 1967 and based on the previous argument, against the letter of the Law 10/2001 requests compensation for those “modifications”.


·         February 25th, 2003I receive Mr. Vernon’s conclusion to the second investigation (http://www.oocities.org/pwcromania/vernon.html#feb25_v)done by an “independent” reviewer.  The conclusion, voided of any arguments or references to my accusations, generically states that PwC Romania acted properly in this matter.   It further refers to the identified issues by the reviewer as to the proof of my relationship to Eugen Klein and I quote “has been advised by PwC Romania that it is up to you to prove to the satisfaction of the relevant Court, not merely PwC Romania, that you are the lawful heir of Eugen Klein” (nota bene – PwC Romania found this to be a problem only on February 14th, 2003 although this issue was addressed since January 2000!)


·         February 26th, 2003 – I sent my detailed review of Mr. Vernon’s second investigation (http://www.oocities.org/pwcromania/vernon.html#feb26_e)to Ms. Kipp, PwC’s Global Ethics Leader pointing out that this second review, like the first, ignores my supporting proof to the accusations against PwC Romania and uses just generic statements to proclaim the propriety of PwC Romania’s actions in this case.


·         March 4th, 2003 – Ms. Kipp endorses Mr. Vernon’s conclusion (http://www.oocities.org/pwcromania/vernon.html#mar4_k), declaring the matter close.  In reply to my accusations of impropriety of the second investigation, Ms. Kipp declares: “It is not our policy to share the details of any investigations with complainants”.   This matter is considered closed for PwC!


·         July 3rd , 2003I sent a letter to Mrs. Speranta Munteanu, containing the correct chronology of PwC Romania’s actions around the nationalized house pointing out the fraud commited and requesting an immediate correction of their illegal actions through the restitution of the house.  I informed Mrs. Munteanu that if PwC does not correct its position I will be forced to inform the Romanian authorities about this fraud.  No reply was received.


·         August 22nd, 2003 – I sent a fax to Mr. Samuel DiPiazza Jr. Global CEO of PwC informing him of the fraud committed by the PwC Romanian office and pointing out that PwC’s two internal investigations came out with blank statements of professional conduct in support of their Romanian colleagues.  After more than two years since I have contacted the main offices of PwC, due to their disinterest in dealing with their Romanian problem, I am forced to inform the Romanian authorities about the illegal act committed in the liquidation of COMTIM.






 Yet to be translated from Romanian below

Argumente legale pentru a releva neputinta (sau lipsa de dorinta) Aparatului Judiciar din Romania de a aplica prevederile legilor tarii.


- Articolul 20 aliniatul 1 din Legea 10/2001, după cum arata Ioan Adam in lucrarea sa de specialitate – Legea nr. 10/2001. Regimul juridic aplicabil imobilelor preluate abuziv - ediţia a III-a, pagina 342, „statuează fara putinţa de tăgada ca imobilele terenuri si construcţii desigur preluate abuziv, atenţie, indiferent de destinaţie, deţinute de entităţile juridice enumerate, care sunt acţionari majoritari, in mod obligatoriu vor face obiectul reparaţiei numai prin restituire in natura.  Observam ca aceste persoane juridice detinatoare nu au alta posibilitate juridica decât aceea de a emite decizia de restituire in natura…”  Ioan Adam subliniază inca o data, in acelaşi paragraf, menţionând ca aceasta obligativitate „rezulta fara echivoc din redactarea textului de lege in mod imperativ statuându-se „vor fi restituite persoanei indreptatite in natura”. 



Legea 10/2001 - art. 20 alin 1  „Imobilele - terenuri si construcţii - preluate in mod abuziv, indiferent de destinaţie, care sunt deţinute la data intrării in vigoare a prezentei legi de o regie autonoma, o societate sau companie naţionala, o societate comerciala la care statul sau o autoritate a administraţiei publice centrale sau locale este acţionar ori asociat majoritar, de o organizaţie cooperatista sau de orice alta persoana juridica, vor fi restituite persoanei indreptatite, in natura, prin decizie sau, după caz, prin dispoziţie motivata a organelor de conducere ale unitatii detinatoare.”

- in HG.-ul 498 din 2003 care conţine normele metodologice de aplicare unitară a Legii nr. 10/2001 privind regimul juridic al unor imobile preluate în mod abuziv în perioada 6 martie 1945-22 decembrie 1989 se precizează prin art. 20 alin (1) înlăturarea imobilelor revendicate de la prevederile Legii nr. 64/1995, indisponibilizare ce operează începând cu data de 14 februarie 2001 (a se vedea mai jos).  In acelaşi articol se statuează, din nou, obligativitatea restituirii in natura in cazul in care unitatea detinatoare este o societate comerciala in care statul este acţionar (S.A.) majoritar.

20.1. Prevederea alin. (1) al art. 20 din lege are semnificaţii juridice multiple, respectiv:

- statuează indisponibilizarea imobilelor restituibile pe calea prevăzută de lege cu privire la orice alte proceduri legale care tind să înstrăineze imobilul respectiv către alte persoane, altele decât cele îndreptătite potrivit legii; ca atare, sunt înlăturate de la aplicare cu privire la aceste bunuri prevederile Legii nr. 64/1995 sau ale Legii nr. 213/1998, cu completările ulterioare;

- indisponibilizarea respectivă operează începând cu data de 14 februarie 2001 chiar dacă notificarea a fost făcută la o dată ulterioară;

- indisponibilizarea acestor bunuri are drept scop primordial îndeplinirea obligaţiei de restituire în natură către adevăratul proprietar;

- restituirea în natură este obligatorie în cazul în care unitatea detinătoare este regie autonomă, societate sau companie natională, societate comercială la care statul sau o autoritate a administraţiei publice centrale ori locale este acţionar (S.A.) sau asociat (S.R.L.) majoritar ori de către o organizaţie cooperatistă sau de orice altă persoană juridică (orice altă persoană juridică vizează si acele entităti de drept public - ministere, prefecturi, Agentia Domeniilor Statului si altele asemenea); ”

- in acelaşi HG 498 din 2003  in art. 1 pct. f) se statuează din nou in felul următor – masurile reparatorii prevăzute de lege prevalează asupra altor proceduri care tind sa înlăture de la restituirea in natura bunuri care fac obiectul acestuia – imobilele preluate in mod abuziv nu pot intra in averea debitorului in cazul declanşării procedurii falimentului

Art. 1 punctul f) prevederile legii au caracter de complinire în raport cu alte acte normative reparatorii speciale anterioare si, în măsura în care acestea din urmă conţin alte măsuri, prevederile legii se aplică cu prioritate în raport cu respectivele măsuri. De asemenea, măsurile reparatorii prevăzute de lege prevalează asupra altor proceduri care tind să înlăture de la restituirea în natură bunuri care fac obiectul acesteia (de exemplu: începând cu data intrării în vigoare a legii, imobilele preluate în mod abuziv nu pot intra în averea debitorului în cazul declansării procedurii falimentului, potrivit prevederilor Legii nr. 64/1995 privind procedura reorganizării judiciare si a falimentului, republicată, cu modificările si completările ulterioare; indisponibilizările generate de calificarea regimului de proprietate prin actele subsidiare emise în temeiul Legii nr. 213/1998 privind proprietatea publică si regimul juridic al acesteia, cu completările ulterioare, se menţin numai în măsura în care acestea fac obiectul procedurii prevăzute de art. 16 din lege).

-         citam din lucrarea lui Ioan Adam – Legea nr. 10/2001. Regimul juridic aplicabil imobilelor preluate abuziv - ediţia a III-a, paginile 342 si 343 in care autorul se refera la dispoziţiile legii 10/2001 si HG-ului 498/2003 de indisponibilizare a imobilelor revendicat analizând in mod precis o situaţie identica cu cazul de fata:


„Indisponibilizarea priveşte orice operaţiune juridica care sa vizeze dreptul de dispoziţie juridica asupra imobilului, cat si aplicarea unor prevederi din legi speciale, cum ar fi cele ale Legii nr. 64/1995 referitoare la procedura falimentului sau ale Legii nr. 213/1998, privind proprietatea publica.  Daca, de exemplu, societatea comerciala care are acţionar majoritar statul sau o autoritate a administraţiei publice locale sau centrale, este supusa procedurii lichidării judiciare, imobilul a cărui restituire este solicitata de persoana indreptatita nu va intra in compunerea masei credale tocmai pentru ca prin lege este indisponibilizat la dispoziţia acesteia.

Aşadar, este fara echivoc ca persoana indreptatita intr-o astfel de situaţie nu are decât posibilitatea formulării unei cereri de restituire in natura, iar persoana detinatoare nu are alta varianta decât cea a restituirii in natura a imobilului, neavând posibilitatea sa aprecieze asupra oportunităţii restituirii in natura si sa propună reparaţia prin echivalent.”


-         Din legea 10/2001 art. 18 din care alin. c este citat de catre COMTIM ca motiv pentru care a fost refuzata restituirea in natura a imobilului


Art. 18. - Masurile reparatorii se stabilesc numai in echivalent si in urmatoarele cazuri:

       a) persoana indreptatita era asociat la persoana juridica proprietara a imobilelor si a activelor la data preluarii acestora in mod abuziv, cu exceptia cazului in care persoana indreptatita era unic asociat sau persoanele indreptatite asociate erau membri ai aceleiasi familii;

       b) imobilul nu mai exista la data intrarii in vigoare a prezentei legi, cu exceptia imobilelor distruse ca urmare a unor calamitati naturale;

       c) imobilul a fost transformat, astfel incat a devenit un imobil nou in raport cu cel preluat, daca partile nu au convenit altfel;


-         HG-ul 498/2003 aduce precizari art 18 si esential pentru cazul de fata, o definitie prin care se poate evalua deca imobilul dupa transformare poate fi considerat nou in raport cu cel preluat.  De asemenea se precizeaza modificarile ce nu pot fi considerat in evaluarea unui imobil nou in raport cu cel preluat


18.3. Imobil nou în raport cu cel preluat este considerat acea constructie care, prin transformările survenite, are următoarele caracteristici:

- în raport cu forma initială i s-au adăugat corpuri de zidărie sau volume din alte materiale, ce reprezintă peste 50% din suprafata construită initial (etajări sau/si adăugări de corpuri noi pe orizontală);

- prin modificările aduse a rezultat o constructie destinată să deservească o activitate specifică (de exemplu, s-a amenajat ca sediu de bancă cu seifuri încorporate; s-a amenajat ca spital sau sanatoriu cu spatii si dotări medicale specifice; s-au efectuat lucrări subterane cu destinatie militară ori pentru siguranta natională si altele asemenea).


18.4. Nu constituie imobil nou în raport cu cel preluat acea constructie căreia i s-a modificat compartimentarea initială - din spatii de locuit în birouri si invers -, i s-au adus numai îmbunătătiri functiooonale (racordări de gaze, termoficare, consolidări sau alte lucrări de întretinere curentă, consolidări si altele asemenea).




Why is this case a case of CORRUPTION?


PwC, as the liquidator of COMTIM, by law represents the in calitatea sa de lichidator al COMTIM-ului, reprezinta organul de conducere al acestuia si in acest fel intra sub incidenta art.1 alin b al legii 78 bis din 2000, lege ce are ca obiect prevenirerea, descoperirea si sanctionarea faptelor de coruptie.   Potrivit acestei legi, prin art. 10 alin. a, „stabilirea cu intentie, a unei valori diminuate, faţă de valoarea comercială reală, a bunurilor aparţinând agenţilor economici la care statul sau o autoritate a administraţiei publice locale este acţionar, comisă în cadrul acţiunii de privatizare sau cu ocazia unei tranzacţii comerciale, ori a bunurilor aparţinând autorităţilor publice sau instituţiilor publice, în cadrul unei acţiuni de vânzare a acestora, săvârşită de cei care au atribuţii de conducere, de administrare sau de gestionare reprezinta o infractiune asimilata cu infractiunea de coruptie si se pedepseste cu inchisoare de la 5 la 15 ani.


Refuzul ilegal de restituire al imobilului, semnat in numele PwC-ului de catre Emilian Radu, a fost primul pas in realizarea tranzactiei de vânzare a acestuia catre Agrotorvis SRL contra sumei de 80,000US$, valoare mult diminuata fata de valoarea comerciala reala a acestuia (estimata la 700,000US$).

Astfel PwC-ul si persoanele implicate in aceasta tranzactie intra sub incidenta legii anticoruptie 78 bis din 2000, incalcand in acelasi timp si prevederile legii 10/2001 si HG-ului 498/2003, prin: 

  1. refuzul restituirii in natura al imobilului (art 20 alin. 1 din legea 10/2001) si prin
  2. introducerea imobilului in masa credala (prin aplicarea legii 64/1995 republicata, lege ce nu poate fi aplicata asupra imobilelor revendicate in cadrul legii 10/2001 asa cum arata in art. 20 alin 1 din HG-ul 498/2003)


Aceste incalcari ale legii 10/2001 au fost aduse la cunostinta instantei (4 martie 2003) in cadrul procesului de revendicare al imobilului dupa legea 10/2001 fara nici un fel de rezultat.