Rett Syndrome
Association Scotland Tel: 01294 829100 Email: rettsyndrome@btconnect.com The Association is a Scottish Registered Charity No. SCO 16645, formerly known as the National Rett Syndrome Association, It offers support through correspondence, telephone and one to one contact where possible. It has a bereavement counsellor and holds Therapy Days and regular Open Clinics. It publishes a quarterly newsletter 'RS News' and has information available, details on request. The Association has over 100 members. Rett Syndrome Association Scotland (RSAS) exists to: Provide direct support to the parents and families of Rett girls and women. Collect and disseminate accurate and objective information regarding the cause, identification, treatment prediction, prognosis, analysis and prevention of Rett Syndrome. Encourage research into Rett Syndrome. Provide financial and material assistance and a caring and supportive environment for Rett sufferers irrespective of race, ethnic origin, religion or handicapping conditions. We invite the parents of Rett girls and women, professionals within the fields of health and education, friends and interested parties to join our Association so that together we may achieve an improved quality of life for our special children. RSAS is a non profit making organization. We rely heavily on donations to meet our objectives. ALL DONATIONS ARE WELCOME!