Hymnal Treasures List
Each of the following hymns was sequenced directly from the noted sorce and orchestrated and/or arranged by me.  I entered each note by mouse and selected unique voicing for each verse.  These arrangements were optimized for thr Roland Sound Canvas(TM), but should work equally well on any General Midi sound card that uses wavetable synthesis.  If your sound card uses FM synthesis, you'll miss the full impact of this music.  I hope you enjoy listening to these as much as I did creating them.
Tune Name First Line Source Year Hymnal Reference Occasion
Adore Devote Humbly I adore Thee, verity unseen Benedictine Plainsong 13th century 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #204 Holy Communion
America My country 'tis of thee In Thesaurus Musicus 1740 1940 Episcopal Hymnal, #141 National Days
Ar Hyd Y Nos God, that madest earth and heaven Traditional Welsh Melody -- 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #169 Evening
Arise I will arise and go to Jesus Walker's Southern Harmony 1835 1975 Baptist Hymnal # 197 --
Austria Glorious things of thee are spoken Franz Joseph Haydn 1797 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #385 General Hymns
Beecher There's a wideness in God's mercy  John Zundel  1870  1940 Episcopal Hymnal #304  General Hymns 
Bunessan Morning has broken Gaelic melody; harm. Alec Wyton -- 1982 Episcopal Hymnal #8 Morning
Caswall Glory be to Jesus  Freidrich Flitz  1847  1940 Episcopal Hymnal #335  General Hymns 
Crucifer Lift high the cross Sydney Hugo Nicholson 1875-1947 1982 Episcopal Hymnal #473 Jesus Christ our Lord
Down Ampney  Come down, O Love divine Ralph Vaughan WIlliams 1872-1958 1982 Episcopal Hymnal #516 The Holy Spriit
Easter Hymn (MP3/CD) Jesus Christ is ris'n today from Lyra Davidica 1708 1982 Episcopal Hymnal #207 Easter
Ebenezer Once to ev'ry man and nation Thomas John Williams 1890 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #519 General Hymns
Engelberg (MP3/CD) All praise to thee, for thou, O king diivine  Charles Villiers Stanford  1904 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #366 General Hymns
Eudoxia Jesus, gentlest Savior Sabin Baring-Gould 1868 1940 Episcopal Hymnal, #348 General Hymns
Evening Prayer Jesus tender shephard, hear me John Stainer 1898 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #241 Hymns for Children
Forest Green I sing the almighty power of God English Melody arr. by R. Vaughn Williams 1906 1982 Episcopal Hymnal #398 Praise to God
Gardiner All things are thine; no gift have we William Gardiner's Sacred Melodies 1815 1940 Episcopal Hymnal # 227 Consecration of a Church
Grand Isle I sing a song of the saints of God John Henry Hopkins 1940 1940 Episcopal Hymnal, #243 Hymns for Children
Hanover O worship the King William Croft 1708 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #288 General Hymns
Heinlein Forty days and forty nights M. H., in Nurnbergisches Gesangbuch 1676 1940 Episcopal Hymnal, #55 Lent
Hyfrydol Alleluia! sing to Jesus! Rowland Hugh Prichard 1830 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #347 General Hymns
Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring (MP3/CD) Come with us, O blessed Jesus Melody by Johann Schop arr. an har. by J. S. Bach 1642 1940 Episcopaly Hymnal, #211 Holy Communion
Jesus, All My Gladness (MP3/CD) Jesus, all my gladness Johann Crueger har. J. S. Bach 1653 1940 Episcopal Hymnal, #453 General Hymns
King's Weston (MP3/CD) At the name of Jesus R. Vaughan Williams 1925 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #356 1st General Hymns
Kingsford When Jesus left his Father's throne  Traditional English Melody, arr. by R. Vaughan Williams --  1940 Episcopal Hymnal #331  General Hymns 
Kremser We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing  Traditional Netherlands Melody, arr. Edward Kremser 1625  1940 Episcopal Hymnal #315  General Hymns 
Lancashire Lead on Oh King Eternal Henry Smart 1836 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #554 General Hymns
Land of Rest Jerusalem my happy home Annabel Morris Buchanan  1889-1983 1982 Episcopal Hymnal #620 The Church Triumphant
Lauda Anima Praise, my soul, the King of heaven John Goss 1869 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #282 General Hymns
Laudes Domini When Morning Gilds the Skys Joseph Barnaby 1868 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #367 General Hymns
Leoni The God of Abraham Praise Traditional Melody, arranged by Meyer Lyon 1770 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #285 1st General Hymns
Margaret Thou didst leave thy throne Timothy R. Matthews 1876 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #321 General Hymns
Materna O beautiful for spacious skies Samuel A. Ward 1885 1975 Baptist Hymnal, #508 --
McKee In Christ there is no East or West Negro Melody adapted by Harry T. Burleigh 1939 1940 Episcopal Hymnal, #263 1st Missions
Morning Song Awake, awake to live and work! The union Uarmony 1848 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #156 Morning
Moscow Come, thou almighty King Felice de Giardini 1769 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #271 General Hymns
National Anthem O say can you see John Stafford Smith 1771 1940 Episcopal Hymnal, #142 National Days
National Hymn God of our fathers, whose almighty hand George William Warren 1892 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #143 National Days
Nettleton (MP3/CD) Come Thou Fount Weyeth's Repository of Sacred Music, Part Second 1813 1975 Baptist Hymnal #13 --
Nicaea Holy, Holy, Holy! John B. Dykes 1861 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #266 General Hymns
Nun Danket Now thank we all our God Johann Crueger, adapted by Felix Mendelssohn, 1840 1647 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #276 General Hymns
Passion Chorale (MP3/CD) O sacred head, sore wounded Hans Leo Hassler Arr. J. S.Bach 1601 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #75 Passiontide
Picardy (MP3/CD) Let all mortal flesh keep silence Traditional French Melody 17th Century 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #197 Holy Communion
Praise To The Lord (MP3/CD) Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Stralsund Gesangbuch 1665 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #279 General Hymns
Psalm 6 O Food to pilgrims given from Les Cent Cinquante Pseaumes de David 1564 1982 Episcopal Hymnal #308 Holy Communion
Rockingham When I survey the wondrous cross Arr. by Edward Miller 1790 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #337 General Hymns
Royal Oak All things bright and beautiful Traditional English Melody -- 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #311 General Hymns
Salve Festa Dies (MP3/CD) Hail thee fesitval day R. Vaughn Williams 1906 1940 Episcopal Hymanl #86 Easter
Sicilian Mariners Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing Sicilian Melody 1794 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #489 1st General Hymns
Sine Nomine (MP3/CD) For all the saints, who from their labors rest  R. Vaughan Williams 1906 1940 Epicopal Hymnal #126 2nd  Saints' Days and Holy Days
Slane (MP3/CD) Be Thou my vision Traditional Irish melody, har. David Evans 1927 1975 Baptist Hymnal #212 --
Sleepers Wake (MP3/CD) Praise the Lord through evry nation Melody , Philip Nicolai, arr. and har. by J.S. Bach, 1731 1599 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #351 General Hymns
Spires (MP3/CD) The glory of these forty days J. Klug's Geistliche Leider Harmonized by J. S. Bach 1543 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #61 Lent
St. Anne O God, our help in ages past William Croft  1708 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #289 General Hymns
St. Bees Jesus! Name of wondrous love! John B. Dykes 1862 1940 Episcopal Hymnal 323 2nd General Hymns
St. Columbia The King of Love my shephard is Traditional Irish Melody - 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #345 1st General Hymns
St. Christopher Beneath the cross of Jesus Frederick C. Maker 1881 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #341 General Hymns
St. Elisabeth Fairest Lord Jesus Silesian Melody -- 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #346 General Hymns
St. Patrick (MP3/CD) I bind unto myself this day Traditional Irish Melody -- 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #268 General Hymns
St. Vincent O saving Victim, opening wide Sigismund Neukomm -- 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #209 Holy Communion
Terra Patris This is my Father's world Franklin L. Sheppard  1915 1975 Baptist Hymnal #155 --
Tidings O Sion, haste Mary Ann Thomson 1870 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #261 Missions
Vigiles et Sancti (MP3/CD) Ye watchers and ye holy ones Cologne Gesangbuch 1623 1940 Episcopal Hymnal #599 General Hymns
Ville Du Havre It is well with my soul Philip P. Bliss 1876 1970 Baptist Hymnal #339 --
Wondrous Love (MP3/CD) What wondrous love is this William Walker's Southern Harmony 1835 1975 Baptist Hymnal #106 --
Woodbird Hail to the Lord's Annointed Traditional German Melody -- 1940 Episcopal Hymnal # 545  General Hymns

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