~ One Hour Page ~ If you are JUST starting
out ~ Enter File Manager ~ Uploading ~
~ Inside File Manager ~ Tips
/ Proceedures ~ Inside Basic Editor ~ Sample Page Basic Editor ~
~ Subdirectories demo'd and explained ~ Geocities Help Links ~
On Roxy's Sites: Free graphics
= clipart, seasonal, holiday, other themed web-page-sets| Tubes |
= using web graphics info, graphic and other web/Internet | Web Page Help = HTML help
beginner information + more | + awards
4 You | 'One Hour Page' = tutorials using Geo's Editors |
Roxy's Renditions http://autumnweb.com/Roxys/
Roxy's Place http://www.oocities.org/roxys-place/
NOTE: This is NOT a working Basic HTML Editor Page !!
This is just to show you what it looks like as you go through the 'One Hour Page' instructions and examples.
My buttons and accessories here look similar to what is at the Basic HTML Editor, but they are non-working buttons.
Most of the links are disabled, but if it WAS a link in the operating File Manager, I made the text blue.
Working links are black and underlined.
All MY comments on this page are in green text, would not show up in YOUR actual File Manager,
and html tag examples are in blue text.
By the way - this page prints out to four pages --
cheap -- for the use of an exact example you can use when you are working on your page!
Welcome to Yahoo! GeoCities Basic HTML Editor. You can use this form to design your own customized HTML Page. We have developed a preview capability so you can look at your page as it will actually appear on the Web. Take a look at what other people have done to give you some idea of the flexibity and power of our Basic HTML Editor. If you find yourself a little stuck, you may want to visit the HTML Help Page [http://www.oocities.org/Athens/2090/]. Also, you may want to take a look at the Yahoo! GeoCities Resource Guide for more advanced help with your page. HTML tags are also on my other site on the HTML tags page at: http://www.oocities.org/roxys-place/WebPageHelp/4HTMLtagsBasics.html Good Luck! Please do not use HTML tags anywhere except the body and the footer . For help on adding background images, please see the HTML help page [Athens2090]. HTML tags are also on my other site on the HTML tags page at: http://autumnweb.com/Roxys/2WebPageHelp/4HTMLtagsBasics.html
Check here if you do not want to use the following custom color boxes. By the way, choose a nice background color, and nice looking 'divider' lines as you go along here. The 'default grey' that will be there if you don't is yucky. <grin> yucky is a technical word my grandson often uses! Background Color:
Text Color: Unvisited Link Color:
Visited Link Color: NOTE: do NOT choose the same color for boxes of 'Text', 'Unvisited' and 'Visited' Link color as you did for the background color - or you won't see it against the same color background !! Icon code: (Optional image at top of page. Choose from these images.) {'images' is linked, you can go look at now if desired} Page Title: Title Line: Second Title: Separator:
(Choose from these Separators ) |
Body Text: (HTML {http://www.oocities.org/Athens/2090/} tags are allowed) 'HTML' is linked, you can go look at now if desired. HTML tags are also on my other site on the HTML tags page at: http://autumnweb.com/Roxys/2WebPageHelp/4HTMLtagsBasics.html When you get to the big box for the 'body text', that's where you will put in whatever you want to 'say'. Play with a paragraph or two before you go over there. The only thing else you need to know there, is that you will need to put <P> at the beginning of each paragraph, and </P> at the end. You can even do that as you type it in your word processing program, playing and experimenting with what you want to 'say' on your web page. Then, when you're in there, you can open your Word Program from your start bar, open your program and file, hilight and 'copy' it, then shrink or close Word. Then, do a 'paste' into the large text box. And if the lines all run together in there, don't worry about it, as long as you've already added the 'P's' at each paragraph, and at the end! If you have uploaded images, and want to place them on your page - choose
where you want it (between two paragraphs?) and write: <P><IMG
SRC="name-of-image.gif" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=_? WIDTH=_?"></P> If you want to use an image as a link to your page, example, file name "photos.html", you would write: This appears in the body text box: Separator:
(Choose from these Separators)same choices as above If you want to have a link on your page TO the cartoon places (not from some page to yours), have the URL handy before you go to do your page. You will type in 'www.what-ever-it-is' in the left hand box (do NOT put in 'http://' !), and 'name-of-cartoon' in right hand box. You don't have to have a link to anything right now if you don't want to. There are six spaces there for links, just to start, you don't need more than that for now. By the time you want to add more links, you'll know more HTML language and you will be able to add them in the 'body' part of this page. If you really want to make a list of all of your links in the body part of the page and skip the next area for links, you can use the method mentioned above - for linking images, or buttons, or you can write "text links". with would look like: <A HREF="photos.html">See My Photos</A> and the words "See My Photos" will be a link to your page with the file name "photos.html" <A HREF="http://www.oocities.org/roxys-place/OneHourPage/">I
learned how to do this at Roxy's Place!</A> You can also link graphics to someone else's page. After you upload the graphic you want to use, type this: Uploading how-to w/images covered on another page. |
you want to make a link to your second, third, etc page ... it is easily done here. Put the link, including your page name in the box on the left,
and then your page's title "About Me" (or whatever it is) in the box on the right - and be sure you have already made that page! Otherwise
people will get the "oops - we couldn't find that page" page.
Link to URL: (omit http://) Description of Link Separator: (Choose from these Separators) {same choices as above Footer Text: (HTML[Athens2090] tags are allowed) 'HTML' linked -- as listed above {Now, the footer. For now, I would suggest just a short paragraph. I recommend something like: This page was created by YOUR NAME, on DATE, you can contact me at You now know another bit of HTML. To make a link, you need the 'A HREF' and the '/A'. For every HTML command, you need a BEGINNING and an END. The / always designates the end. The only space between those outermost < >'s is the one between the first A and HREF. The 'mailto:' one makes a clickable link, it opens the email window (for people visiting your page) on the latest versions of NN and MSIE browsers, and some of the others, as well. And the reason you will have your email address 'show' (the part between >these< will be for those people that have browsers that this DOESN'T work for, and they'll be able to see it and type it in themselves if they want to email you. Use this option if you want people to email you at the Geo/homestead email address, or another address that's different from the one you used to sign up for your page with.} If you want to add the GeoGuide Coding, or the Internet Link Exchange Coding
(you get the coding from ILE) using this Basic Editor, you can add them here, right after your "email line". For each item, start the
line with <P>
and end each bit of coding with a </P> Include E-Mail Address on Page: If you choose this one - it will show and use the email address that you signed up for your page with. Separator: (Choose from these Separators) same choices as above Right now, there seems to be a 'problem' when people choose the 'Preview' button - so don't and see note below
Now, you're just about done. At this time, I will tell you to JUST hit the SAVE button. Do NOT preview, even though that used to be okay. Since Geo has been doing some upgrading, I have heard from a couple of homesteaders that say that it is not saving their files when they hit preview first. After you do a save, AND I believe it will ask you at least twice, "you already have an 'index.html' file, are you sure you want to save this as an 'index.html' file?" - YES, YOU DO. Because the original 'index.html' file that is there now is the one that says: 'so and so signed up on ...' page. You want to replace that with your newly created 'index.html' page. Eventually, it will accept that you are sure of what you are doing and bring you back into regular File Manager. Next to the index.html file is a link that says 'view'. You can click on the 'view' word, and view your page then. When you're done, hit your 'back' button on your browser. If there's something you don't like, then you will check (click on to 'check') the little white box next to the file name and at the buttons below those, make sure 'Basic Editor' is showing again, and choose the 'Edit' button - and that will bring you back into it to edit. When you're happy with what you have written, hit the 'save' button again, and it will bring you back into the file manager again. Whenever you have done editing, when you go to view the page -- make sure you hit "reload" on your browser after each change that you make!! This will make sure that the newest version of your page is displayed. Unless YOU have changed the settings in your browser, it is probably set to bring up a copy of the page from the computer's cache file [memory from previous visit], every time you revisit the same page. Without hitting the "reload" button, you're NOT going to be able to see your changes and you will feel that something is wrong or 'not working'. If you feel these tutorials would help others, feel free to put one of these buttons on your page and link it to: |
"One Hour Page" This section's pages:
~ One Hour Page ~ Enter
File Manager ~ Uploading ~ Inside File Manager ~
~ Tips / Proceedures ~ Inside Basic Editor ~ Sample Page Basic Editor ~
~ Subdirectories demo'd and explained ~ Geo Help Links ~
Other helpful sections:
~ In The "Web Page Help" Area ~
Info ~ Page Control ~ HTML tags Basics ~ HTML tags Advanced ~ Tables ~ HTML colors ~
~ Browser Information ~ Resolution ~ Hints + Tips ~ AOL graphics problems ~
~ Links to More Helpful Info ~
~ In the "Heartland Section" you will find ~
~ Heartland Committees and Activities of interest to homesteaders ~
Everyone new to Geocities should also read:
~ Bits and pieces of information of interest to anyone with a page at Geocities ~
~ Some GeoLink graphics for anyone that wants to use them ~
Looking for graphics? I have some ... Roxy's Renditions
background + bar + tutorial images © 1997-2004 by Roxanne M. Flanagan; All Rights Reserved.
|| http://www.oocities.org/roxys-place/ ||
"Roxy's-Place" at Geo ||
http://www.oocities.org/roxys-place/ ||
|| One Hour Page tutorials using Geo's Editors ||
Awards Rec'd ||
|| WebRings:
H'lnd Select, H'lnd Good Citizen, Woman's Ring ||