Hour Page" This section's pages:
~ One Hour Page ~ If you are JUST starting
out ~ Enter File Manager ~ Uploading
~ Inside File Manager ~ Tips
/ Proceedures ~ Inside Basic Editor
~ Sample Page Basic Editor ~
~ Subdirectories demo'd and explained
~ Geocities Help Links ~
>Sample Using Basic Editor - large textSample Using Basic Editor - regular italic textJust writing a few lines and including <P> in the brackets at the beginning of each paragraph, and </P> at the end of each paragraph. When using Geo's editors, you can hit your return button as you type, but that won't break your text into paragraphs, even though it looks like it will. The editors will automatically wrap the text to show in the editing boxes you see. Also, notice the different Separator/divider line choices I have used here. Some are transparent on the background, some are not. Some Separator/divider lines look better than others on the background color you choose. You will have to experiment with what you like, change them until you get it the way you want them. Later, when you learn a little more HTML, you can use other background colors, background images, other divider lines, put your family pictures up, etc. Every graphic image {other than the choices here in Basic Editor} that you want to be in your files at GeoCities will have to be uploaded in the File Manager, or uploaded via FTP. But that's another lesson and example - see the beginning page of the "One Hour Page series! Links to other sites on the Web Heartland Information and Help |
When you type something in the "Footer Text" area, it can have a different "look" here. You can write HTML in here, like using the Paragraph designations. Also, you can enter in an email link here, INSTEAD OF checking the box below this Footer Text area. That box (Include E-Mail Address on Page:) will enter the email address that you used to "get" your page at GeoCities. Here, you can write: This page was created by Roxy on 8-23-97, To get those two lines to show up like they are above, type: <P>This page was created by Roxy on 8-23-97,<BR> If you want to add the coding for a counter, the GeoGuide, or Internet Link Exchange banners - you can do so here, also! Just copy and paste (or retype in from their examples) the coding required (EXACTLY - remember typos are unforgiven in HTML) - and you'll be all set! AND, just to show you what "weird" things can happen when writing HTML and not putting an "end" tag for each "start"
tag. It will depend on your computer's resolution, but - I purposely will NOT put the "end-paragraph" HTML tag in this Footer Text area.
Depending on where/how your text ends, and the resolution of the monitor of your visitor, the Separator/divider line is next to the last
line of text instead of going "under" it when viewed at the higher resolutions. |
It does ...
"One Hour Page" This section's pages:
~ One Hour Page ~ Enter
File Manager ~ Uploading ~ Inside File Manager ~
~ Tips / Proceedures ~ Inside Basic Editor ~ Sample Page Basic Editor ~
~ Subdirectories demo'd and explained ~ Geo Help Links ~
"Roxy's-Place" at Geo ||
http://www.oocities.org/roxys-place/ ||
|| One Hour Page tutorials using Geo's Editors ||
Awards Rec'd ||
|| WebRings:
H'lnd Select, H'lnd Good Citizen, Woman's Ring ||