From one of the most wonderful gals out there in cyperspace....
or the universe for that matter. Catt, your one of the best!

This gift means so much to me because it comes from the heart
  of my very best cyber friend, Shari.
May your love be returned to you tenfold!

Isn't this just the greatest! If you want your own Zodiac Doll, just go see Misty.
  Click on the link below. Thanks so much Misty.

This is by far the most special gift I have received over the internet. 
An entire page made just for me by my very special friend Diana. 
She is one wonderful angel. Just click on the golden heart below 
to go see what she did for me.
Thank You Diana
I love you.




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This site has been created and is maintained by Ruth Ann Elliott, Webmistress.
All graphics  are copyrighted and owned by her unless otherwise stated and credited, if possible.

If I have not given credit where it is due, please let me know and I will correct this as soon as possible.

All rights reserved....Copyright 1999-2001



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