Saints and Seasons

List of articles in order of publication

in Western Light, monthly magazine of All Saints’ parish, Kabega Park, Port Elizabeth.



December/January            Why saints’ days?

February                            Martyrs: Who, what and why

March                                And miracles following . . .

April                                   “St George and Merrie England!”

May                                   Two Christian mothers

June                                   Two English apostles

July                                   Servants of God, not King Henry

August                                Looking at Jesus’ mother

September                         Angels and archangels and all the company of Heaven

October                              “The boy that driveth the plough . . .”

November                           Oh when the saints go marchin’ in

December/January             Apostle of the Far East



February                            Mary: Mother of God or mother of Christ?

March                                Martyrs old and new

April                                  Mad Catherine or holy Catherine?

May                                   The first of Canterbury

June                                  Mashonaland martyr (Part 1)

July                                   Mashonaland martyr (Part 2)

August                                Jesus our Lord

September                         The post-cart bishop

October                              Man from Assisi

November                          —

December/January            The original Santa Claus



February                            Ethiopian but Anglican

March                                Preacher to the World

April                                   God bless Africa

May                                   “Missionary among the Caffres and Hottentots”

June                                   Father of Bethelsdorp

July                                   Champion of slaves

August                                Missionary among his own people

September                         “The Pope of Cape Town”

October                              Beloved physician

November                          A day for clearing Purgatory

December/January            The first-called Apostle



February                            Mother Cecile

March                                Woodbine Willie

April                                   Witness against Hitler

May                                   Savonarola, enemy of corruption

June                                   The fugitive’s convert

July                                   Man of Monte Cassino

August                                Martyr of Auschwitz

September                         The bishop’s lady

October                              Silver bells and cockle shells

November                          A soldier of Christ

December/January            The miracle of light



February                            Apostles to the Slavs

March                                A Welsh Apostle across the sea

April                                   A scholar who stood up to kings

May                                   Beloved Disciple

June                                   Christ’s compatriot

July                                   The Mountain of Light

August                                “Get up, go ahead, do something”

September                         —

October                              Missionary to the Moors

November                          Pioneer nurse in Africa

December/January            “She laid Him in a manger . . .”



February                            A saint for lovers

March                                Dewi and Pelagius

April                                   Short and sweet

May                                   “Frontier agitator”

June                                   —

July                                   “Frontier agitator” Part 2

August                                Auschwitz volunteer

September                         Trespassing goats, times two

October                              Food for the lions

November                          Patron saint of the country parish

December/January            The Messiah’s forerunner (Part 1)



April                                   Prophets among the amaXhosa

July                                   Called out by the Lord

December/Januarys           The Messiah’s forerunner (Part 2)


None of the articles prepared for 1995 was actually published, as the series was cancelled before any further articles could appear. These were either written before the cancellation or written for inclusion in a bound volume, which was privately circulated.

All of these articles, and others written subsequently, will in due course appear in Saints & Seasons.

South Africa South Africa

God bless South Africa


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