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Jigs and Tools
In addition to common tools, a few custom jigs were used. The jigs were constructed after the layout and lane spacing had been selected as they are scaled for this track.

The jigs were built using 3/8" plexi-glass or 1/2" to 3/4" plywood.

Routing - curves, long radius
For routing the edge of the curves with a radius between 2' and 7', the following jig was used. A slot down the center of the jig provides a variable pivot for different radius.

A 1/4" bolt serves as the pivot, a nut in the recessed slot secures the pivot bolt to the wood. The bolt is about 2" in length.
Routing - curves, small radius
For routing the inside edge of the curves with a radius of up to 18", the following jig was used. A slot down the center of the jig provides a variable pivot for different radius.

A 1/4" bolt serves as the pivot, a nut in the recessed slot secures the pivot bolt to the plexi-glass. The bolt is about 4" in length, a piece of wood from a closet rod serves as a handle. The two outside slots are for attaching a rip fence; the same jig may also be used to cut a straight edge.

Routing - curve center guide
For routing curves for which the center point is on the edge of the panel, the following jig was used to provide a solid pivot hole.

Two pieces of 1/2" plywood, the first 3" x 8", the second 1 1/2" by 8", were screwed together. A 1/4" hole was drilled on the center line thu both pieces.

  • The jig is screwed to the edge of the MDF panel from the bottom, aligning the center of the jig to the centerline of the curve (4 screws not visible in second photo).
  • The curve's pivot hole in the MDF is dilled using the hole in the jig as a drill guide, from the bottom of the jig..
  • The MDF panel then has a "half hole" on the edge of the panel at the curve's center, with the jig serving as the pivot guide rather than a hole in the MDF.
  • The router jig's 1/4" pivot bolt is then inserted thru both the MDF panel and the curve center guide.
  • The result is a 180 degree curve, with the straight edges of the section being the uncut edge of the MDF panel.
Drilling - cross members and legs
For drilling the cross members used to join the track sections as well as the upper half of the legs, the following jig was used.

Each cross member and leg required 3 holes. To ensure the pieces aligned, the jig was clamped to the drill press and not removed until all the pieces were drilled.

  • The work piece is placed with the top left edge in the left corner of the jig, the right hole is drilled.
  • The work piece is then moved to the right in the jig, with the hole just drilled being place on the dowel (located about 9" to the right of the drill bit), the middle hole is drilled.
  • The work piece is moved to the right again, with the middle hole being placed on the dowel, the left hole is drilled.
Routing - slot trammel guide

For routing the initial slot, a trammel was used. The reasons for this were to provide an eliptical entry and exit to the turns and increase the width of the outside gutter in the curves.

When routing a straight, the slot is offset from the edge of the track by the distance from the router bit to the edge of the bearings. When routing a curve, the slot becomes eliptical as one bearing rides on the curve and the other on the adjacent straight. By varying the distance between the bearings, the eliptical effect and the gutter offset in the curves is determined.

One of the track building sites provided a formula for calculating the distance between the bearings for different radius curves, and the resulting gutter distance in the curve.

Using the formula provided, the holes for the bearings were drilled so the distance from the center of the router bit to the edge of the bearing was 5", this is the offset from the edge of the track when routing a slot on a straight section. The multiple holes provide for gutter offets of 6" for the different radius curves.

  • The two bearings (not shown in photo but would go under the wing nuts) provide the pivot guide and are held against the outside edge of the track surface.
  • Only the outside lane of each curve and the same lane on the adjacent sections are routed with the trammel.
  • The two bearings must be repositioned for the different radius curves to provide the same gutter offset in all of the curves.
  • The bearings used were from the wheel of a "Razor Scooter". You must have the bearings before drilling the holes in the jig to ensure the offset is correct.
Routing - slot pin guide
For routing seconday slots, a pin guide jig was used.

Two 1/8" bolts serve as the guide, the bolts are attached to the jig via a recessed nut on the bottom. Once the bolts were in place, the threads were filled with solder to provide a smoother guide pin.

The center of the guide bolts are 4 1/2" from the center of the router bit.

  • After the trammel jig was used to route the slot of the outside lane, this jig was used to route the inner slots.
  • The 2 guide pins are placed in the previously routed slot of the adjacent lane.
  • The jig is currently set for 4 1/2", the extra set of holes is for 4" lane spacing.
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