
Tiphareth Logs
Log #, LinkNameComplete?Significant? Quality?Favorite?n00b? -_-
Log 1Death/Saga I YesYesYesYesYes
Log 2Saga IIYes YesNoNoYes
Log 3Saga IIIYes YesNoNoYes
Log 4Resurrection YesYesNoNoYes
Log 5Sephiroth YesYesNoNoYes
Log 6 Postscript YesNoYesYesNo
Log 7ThreatNo YesNoNoYes
Log 8Tiph & Dar NoNoNoNoNo
Log 9ReunionYes YesYesYesNo
Log 10Mako Pool YesYesYesYesNo
Log #, LinkNameComplete?Significant? Quality?Favorite?n00b? -_-
Log 11Aftermath I YesYesYesNoNo
Log 12Aftermath II YesYesYesYesNo
Log 13The CycleNo YesYesNoNo
Log 14Seph Spar YesNoYesYesNo
Log 15Tiph & Dar 2 NoNoNoNoNo
Log 16AkashaNo NoYesNoNo
Log 17ConfessionsNo YesNoNoNo
Log 18Bad MoodNo NoNoNoNo
Log 19ReviendreYes YesYesNoNo
Log 20PrincessYes NoNoNoNo
Log #, LinkNameComplete?Significant? Quality?Favorite?n00b? -_-
Log 21Self MutilationYes YesYesNoNo
Log 22AwakeningYes YesYesNoNo
Log 23DemetiaYes YesYesYesNo
Log 24VodkaYes NoYesNoNo
Log 25GryphonYes NoYesNoNo
Log 26MestenoNo NoYesNoNo
Log 27TavernYes NoYesNoNo
Log 28KaeiNo NoYesNoNo
Log 29Tiph, Lu, Seph YesYesYesYesNo
Log 30TyphuunYes YesYesYesNo
Log #, LinkNameComplete?Significant? Quality?Favorite?n00b? -_-
Log 31Grieving AngelYes YesYesYesNo

Log 1 = "Saga I" Tiphareth dies. Not the most optimal of scenes to open a series of character logs with, I know.

Log 2 = "Saga II" Tiphy comes back in specter form for a little visit. I like this log a lot, for you all who care about that stuff.

Log 3 = "Saga III" Nich has a long talk with Dar.

Log 4 = "Resurrection" A few things you should be aware of before reading this RP log is that it underwent MASSIVE editing before it was suitable for posting. I had to cut out a lot of crappy RP. The people in this all had different levels of seriousness which will be made apparent as you start to read.

Log 5 = "Sephiroth" A log in which Sephiroth was discussed.

Log 6 = "Postscript" This is a short Tiph monologue. It fits right in if you just read the conclusion of the "Sephiroth" RP.

Log 7 = "Threat" This is an older log I found buried among piles of stuff in my HD. It took place before Tiph knew Jacen very well, and well before Jacen and Nich were officially involved.

Log 8 = "Tiph & Dar" I am too unimaginative to think of a better name for this.

Log 9 = "Reunion" This is a Sephiroth and Tiphareth RP. It's sensitive and almost sweet, a nice FF log if you want my honest opinion.

Log 10 = "The Mako Pool" A Tiphareth monologue. In it's most simplistic sense, this is a Tiphareth recharge...

Log 11 = "Aftermath I" Big mess which happens after the death of Lu Watchman, who was very close to Tiph and Dar.

Log 12 = "Aftermath II" Continuance of the previous log, this time it involves Sephiroth and Tiphareth

Log 13 = "The Cycle" This is a Dar and Tiph log, which took place after the Aftermath series. It's not pleasant but no one ever said an RP had to be happy to be good.

Log 14 = "Seph Spar" I think this is pretty self explanatory.

Log 15 = "Tiph and Dar 2" Just an RP in Gaming with all of the gaming shit taken out of course.

Log 16 = "Akasha" This is a nice long log.. perfect other than the fact that I didn't exactly do the best job of getting every single post saved.

Log 17 = "Confessions" More Tiph and Dar... a very recent log actually, in which Tiphareth has some unpleasant secrets to spill...

Log 18 = "Bad mood" All I can really say about this is... I was pissy... heh..

Log 19 = "Reviendre" Those of you who are lacking in their knowledge of French... go look it up or something..

Log 20 = "Princess" I should learn not to RP in the Gaming Chat. I mean after shit like this...

Log 21 = "Self Mutilation" Monologue.

Log 22 = "Awakening" Monologue again.

Log 23 = "Dementia" Um, this is a nice long log of Tiph's first visitor after waking up. Playing a slightly dsiturbed Tiph was interesting to say the least.

Log 24 = "Vodka" This is another monologue, the latter part of it anyway. Some haphazard charries crashed my RP a little in the onset, but they soon went away and I was left to RP in peace.

Log 25 = "Gryphon" Date: Jan 23, 2001

Log 26 = "Mesteno" Date: Jan 24, 2001

Log 27 = "Tavern" Date: Jan 24, 2001

Log 28 = "Kaei" Nuff said. Date of log: Jan 12, 2001

Log 29 = "Tiph Lu Seph" This is sort of an odd log, but personally, I like it. Date: February 7, 2001

Log 30 = "Typhuun" This log is extremely long. You're warned.

Log 31 = "Grieving Angel" This log is just a little too triste.
