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Philanthropy Activities:

The Alpha Eta Chapter hosts and attends many community service events, in order to promote scholarship, leadership, service, and fellowship. Sigma Alpha emphasizes the importance of community involvement. The National Organization has chosen "Ag in the Classroom" as the National Philanthropy. The Alpha Eta chapter maintains a paper and cardboard recycling program for the SFA Department of Agriculture. The group has also supported many local charitable organizations including:
  • Harvest House
  • Project Hope food pantries
  • Nacogdoches Women’s Shelter
  • East Texas Get Hooked on Fishing Not Drugs
  • Relay For Life
Sisterhood Activities:

One of our annual sisterhood events is Thanksgiving Dinner. This of course only takes place in the Fall. We have made it an event for the MC's to put on during their MC Education. This helps the members to see who will be good candidates for offices in the following semester, and also lets us know which MC's are really dedicated to Sigma Alpha. It has taken place in many different locations including Milliard's Crossing and the Roller Skating Rink.

Other Sisterhood events include:

  • Formal
  • Road Trip to Kemah
  • Christmas Gift Exchange
  • Movie Night
  • Alumni Luncheon
Professional Development Activities:

Sigma Alpha is always open to learning how to become more professional. In the past, we have been involved in many professional activities including:

  • Resume Building Workshop
  • Sigma Alpha Bylaw Challenge
  • Professional Dress Workshop
  • Sigma Alpha Quiz Bowl

Some future ideas include:

  • Award Application Conference
  • Fashion/Make-up Advice
Social Activities

Despite all the hard work, Sigma Alpha members still manage to have fun! Sigma Alpha hosts the Annual Trim the Tree Ag Department Christmas Party and various social events with other student organizations. We also try to set aside time for the group to have fun bowling, roller-skating, playing games, or just eating!

Other Social activities the Alpha Eta Chapter is involved with:
  • Founder's Day
  • Formal
  • Father/Daughter Hockey Night
  • Thanksgiving Dinner
  • Road Trips
  • Family Weekend

Sigma Alpha is always trying to come up with new fundraising ideas. Some fundraisers we have done in the past include:
  • Cookie Dough
  • Pizza Cards
  • Garage Sale
  • Cookbooks
  • Valentine's Day Baskets
  • Valentin'es Day Dinner/12 doz. Roses Chance
Rush Events:

Rush is a major part of Sigma Alpha! Our goal is for Rush to be organized and fun! Rush consists of at least 4 days of activities. Some previous Rush events include:

  • Pizza/Bowling
  • Scavenger Hunt
  • Sleepover
  • Putt Putt
  • Breakfast at IHOP

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