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Namu Amida Butsu

Northampton Shin Buddhist Sangha

2003 Activities

Home Who We Are Contact Us Lay Teacher Program Sensei Unno Links

All are welcome, regardless of whether you have previously attended.

To Sign up for Refreshment Dana or Flower Dana for a particluar meeting,
use the sign-up sheet available at the gatherings,
or email Alice Unno at

Namu Amida Butsu Family Dharma Namu Amida Butsu

January February March April May June
July August September October November December

Friday 01/10/03
and Saturday 01/11/03

By Appointment!

Traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony

A contemplative experience cultivated within Buddhist temples and later among secular groups, tea ceremony is held in small groups of about five guests. It is still a popular cultural tradition in contemporary Japan.

The two days are: Friday, January 10, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Saturday, Jauary 11, 2003 at 11:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m., and 3:00 p.m. Each time slot will consist of 5 guests only. If more than that number sign up for a particular time slot, I will be in touch with you to select an alternative time. When you e-mail your interest, please indicate lst choice and an alternate possibility.

The tea ceremony adheres to traditional rules of etiquette and requests that everyone be on time. Once the ceremony begins, a guest does not enter the room. Those who sign up must attend, since it is by invitation only that one participates in the ceremony. It sounds rigid, but the ceremony is exactly that--a ceremony respecting all that happens within it--sipping a simple cup of tea.

If you are interested in participating in the tea ceremony, please let me know by January 3, 2003. E-mail address is

Sunday 01/12/03
11:00-1:00 PM

Family Dharma for children, parents and everyone. All are welcome!

We will have the children participate in the tea ceremony. We will have our Sunday Service but will forego our usual storytelling and hands-on project. Brown bag lunch.

Saturday 01/18/03

  • 6:30 p.m. Individual meeting time with Ty. Appointment is necessary.
  • 7:00 p.m. Quiet Sitting
  • 7:30 p.m. Service/Discussion
  • Regular Sangha Gathering.

    Discussion topic: We continue with Ty's series of articles on Shinran's Tannisho: Lamenting the Deviations.

    Section IX: "Although I say the Nembutsu, I rarely experience joyful happiness, nor do I have the desire to immediately go to the Pure Land."

    You can find the text of Ty's translation of the Tannisho online at the Living Dharma website.

    If you need a copy of Ty's article, you may contact us at

    Sunday 01/26/03
    2:00-5:00 PM
    Lay teacher training program

    We will commence the new accelerated Lay Teacher Program.

    You must be registered by January 26! Please contact Alice Unno as soon as possible. Cost for the entire year is $50.

    Once we begin the two-year program in January 2003, registration will be closed, and no new members will be admitted until we begin another series. The reason for this is to maintain continuity, avoid repetitions, and move forward together in appreciation of the Shin Buddhist teachings.

    People interested in participating in the future are encouraged to attend the Monthly Sangha Meetings and the Book Discussion Groups to gain a good background.

    The January 26 topic focuses on the central experience of a Shin Buddhist which Ty translates as "true entrusting." The key Japanese terms are SHINJIN and its synonym SHINGYO, discussed under "Entrusting." In both cases SHIN refers to the true and real mind and heart of Amida Buddha. When it enters the mind and heart, full of blind passions, of a foolish being, true entrusting is born. (This SHIN is a different character from SHIN BUDDHISM, which is an abbreviation of JODO-SHINSHU). The relationship between Amida Buddha and a human being is twofold. They are identified as one, due to the working of great compassion, but they are also opposites, due to blind passions rooted in deep self-centeredness. Hence, the reference to foolish beings. The relationship between the two can be expressed in terms of light and darkness. The Buddha of Immeasurable Light (amitayus) illuminates the darkness of foolish beings, but at the same time the Light is compassionate and transforms such beings into candidates for supreme enlightenment. This relationship is contained in Namu-amida-butsu: Namu, the foolish being, is an integral part of Amida Buddha, the Buddha of Immeasurable Light and Immeasurable Life.

    Sunday 02/09/03
    11:00-1:00 PM

    Family Dharma for children, parents and everyone. All are welcome!

    Quiet sitting, dharma lesson, storytelling, craft. Please bring a brown bag lunch.

    In February, our tradition celebrates and honors the passing of the historical Buddha into Parinirvana (perfect nirvana). Many Buddhist drawings of the moments leading up to the Buddha's death, depict him lying between two Salas trees surrounded by his many friends, animals, birds, and other living creatures weeping. His face is filled with great compassion and peace as he turns and speaks to the crowd:

    "All individual things pass away. Seek your liberation with diligence." He exhorts Ananda, his faithful follower, to always remember: "......Let the Dharma and the Discipline that I have taught you be your Teacher when I am gone."

    Our practice follows in this path: through Deep Hearing, we open our heart/mind to the Great Compassion of Life that surrounds each of us unceasingly; our response is Namu Amida Butsu brought forth from our depth as unfolding gratitude within daily living.

    To remember this final moment in the Buddha's life, we want to honor all those creatures that have been a part of our lives. A Pet Memorial Service will be held as a part of our Nirvana Day Observance. If you wish to remember your departed pet(s), please bring its name with your name, a photo if you wish, to our Family Dharma School gathering.

    Remember: Death ends a life but not a relationship, those priceless, unrepeatable shared moments that continue to enhance our lives here and now.

    Saturday 02/15/03

  • 6:30 p.m. Individual meeting time with Ty. Appointment is necessary.
  • 7:00 p.m. Quiet Sitting
  • 7:30 p.m. Service/Discussion
  • Regular Sangha Gathering.

    Discussion topic: We continue with Ty's series of articles on Shinran's Tannisho: Lamenting the Deviations, Section VIII.

    Items to think about are "religious practice," meaning of "good," and "Three Stages of Religious Life."

    You can find the text of Ty's translation of the Tannisho online at the Living Dharma website.

    If you need a copy of Ty's article, you may contact us at

    Refreshment Dana: Pat Deer and AnnaMarie Russo. We need a third person to volunteer refreshment dana.

    Sunday 02/16/03
    2:00-5:00 PM

    Smith College,
    Wright Hall,
    Room 234
    We continue the new, accelerated Lay Teacher Program.

    TOPIC: Great Compassion

    Read: River of Fire, River of Water, pp. 73-78; Shin Buddhism: Bits of Rubble Turn Into Gold, pp. 107-113.

    Study Glossary (circled items); Memorize--Great Compassion, Amida Buddha

    Application: Discuss Tannisho IV (one or two paragraphs) Send the written assignment, or any questions or comments, to Ty via email or snail mail. DUE DATE: FEBRUARY 10, 2003.

    Sunday 03/01/03
    11:00-1:00 PM

    Family Dharma for children, parents and everyone. All are welcome!

    Dharma lesson, storytelling, crafts. Please bring a brown bag lunch.

    Parents and children are reminded to bring their ojuzu/nenju. Remember the homework: Think about and discuss how the Dharma helps us become positive role models at home, in school and society/everyday living. Does it guide us? Yes? No? Do I exhibit biased actions? What changes can I make in my attitude/behavior to make this world a less mean, unfeeling place? Namu Amida Butsu. As parents and friends, we can learn from each other and our children filtered through a deeply felt appreciation of the Dharma expressed in Namu Amida Butsu.

    Saturday 03/08/03

  • 6:30 p.m. Individual meeting time with Ty. Appointment is necessary.
  • 7:00 p.m. Quiet Sitting
  • 7:30 p.m. Service/Discussion
  • Regular Sangha Gathering.

    Discussion topic: We continue with Ty's series of articles on Shinran's Tannisho: Lamenting the Deviations, Section X.

    Master Shinran said, "In the Nembutsu (Namu Amida Butsu) no working is true working; it is beyond description, explanation, and conceptual understanding." What does this mean? Do I have any idea as to why Shinran said this?

    You can find the text of Ty's translation of the Tannisho online at the Living Dharma website.

    If you need a copy of Ty's article, you may contact us at

    Refreshment Dana: Corky has volunteered. We need two more volunteers.

    Sunday 03/09/03
    2:00-5:00 PM

    Smith College,
    Wright Hall,
    Room 234
    We continue the new, accelerated Lay Teacher Program.

    Read: River of Fire, River of Water, pp. 19-25; Shin Buddhism: Bits of Rubble Turn Into Gold, pp. 48-54 and 63-66.

    Study Glossary (circled items); Memorize--Primal Vow, 18th Vow Application.

    Application: Discuss Tannisho IX (one or two paragraphs)

    "Although I say the Nembutsu, I rarely experience joyful happiness, nor do I have the desire to immediately go to the Pure Land. What should be done about this," I asked. Then he responded, "I, Shinran, have been having the same question also, and now you, Yui-en, have the same thought....."

    Send the written assignment, or any questions or comments, to Ty via email or snail mail. DUE DATE: MARCH 4, 2003.

    "This world of dew, is just a world of dew, and yet, and yet..."

    Our friend Joyce Townsend passed away early in April. Please send her your loving thoughts. In Alice Unno's words, "Know that she no longer suffers but smiles upon each of us with her courage and love."

    Namu Amida Butsu
    Special Event at Smith College

    Friday - Saturday,
    April 11 - 12, 2003

    Open to public
    Smith College Symposium: WHO IS BUDDHA?

    APRIL 11, Friday 4:30 p.m. Topic: "Practice and Doctrine in the Changing Notions of Buddhahood" by John Makransky of Boston College

    Smith College Seelye Hall, Room 106

    APRIL 12, Saturday, 2:00 p.m. Topic:"Who is Buddha? Understanding Buddhahood Past and Present" (Panel Presentation)

    Graham Hall, Brown Fine Arts Center, Smith College, Northampton, MA, with a reception following.

    Moderator: Jamie Hubbard, Smith College

  • "Am I Being a Buddha or Becoming a Buddha?" Jan Chozen Bays, Great Vow Monastery

  • "The Concept of the Buddha in the Theravada Buddhist Tradition" Bhikkhu Bodhi, Bodhi Monastery

  • "Rethinking Nagarjuna" Richard P. Hayes, McGill University

  • "Realizing Buddha's body, speech and mind as one's own" John Makransky, Boston College

  • "Who is Buddha for the foolish and ignorant? Buddhahood in Shin Buddhism" Taitetsu Unno

  • Saturday 04/19/03

  • 6:30 p.m. Individual meeting time with Ty. Appointment is necessary.
  • 7:00 p.m. Quiet Sitting
  • 7:30 p.m. Service/Discussion
  • Regular Sangha Gathering.

    Discussion topic: We continue with Ty's series of articles on Shinran's Tannisho: Lamenting the Deviations, Section XIII.

    " recent years people put on the guise of striving on the nembutsu (Namu Amida Butsu) path. They claim that only good people should say the nembutsu. Or they post restrictions at gathering places, proclaiming that those who commit certain acts are prohibited from entering. Are these not the sort of people who show outwardly how wise, virtuous, and diligent they are, while inwardly cherishing vanity and falsehood?"

    Am I free of inward vanity of "knowing" more than someone else?

    You can find the text of Ty's translation of the Tannisho online at the Living Dharma website.

    If you need a copy of Ty's article, you may contact us at

    Refreshment Dana: We need three volunteers, please!

    Sunday 04/20/03
    11:00-1:00 PM

    Family Dharma for children, parents and everyone. All are welcome!

    Dharma lesson, storytelling, crafts. Please bring a brown bag lunch.

    Parents and children are reminded to bring their ojuzu/nenju.

    Happy Hana Matsuri
    We will celebrate Shakyamuni's Birthday which is usually designated as being April 8th. Sweet-tea rain and flowers from the heavens bathed the newborn child, so it is said, and the world greeted and celebrated this momentous birth!

    Saturday, May 3, 1:00 P.M.
    There will be a memorial service for Joyce Townsend in Sudbury. Please contact the Unnos if you would like to attend.
    Sunday 05/04/03
    2:00-5:00 PM

    Smith College,
    Wright Hall,
    Room 234
    Accelerated Lay Teacher Program.

    Read: River of Fire, River of Water, pp. 66-72; Shin Buddhism: Bits of Rubble Turn Into Gold, pp. 11-22.

    Study: Selected Verses from Shinran. Memorize (from glossary): Name, Nembutsu, Evil.

    Application: Discuss Tannisho X (one or two paragraphs)

    Send the written assignment, or any questions or comments, to Ty via email or snail mail. DUE DATE: April 28, 2003.

    Saturday 05/10/03

  • 6:30 p.m. Individual meeting time with Ty. Appointment is necessary.
  • 7:00 p.m. Quiet Sitting
  • 7:30 p.m. Service/Discussion
  • Regular Sangha Gathering.

    Discussion topic: We continue with Ty's series of articles on Shinran's Tannisho: Lamenting the Deviations, Section XIII. We began this topic last time, and will conclude tonight.

    You can find the text of Ty's translation of the Tannisho online at the Living Dharma website.

    If you need a copy of Ty's article, you may contact us at

    Refreshment Dana: We need three volunteers, please!

    Sunday 05/18/03
    11:00-1:00 PM

    Family Dharma for children, parents and everyone. All are welcome!

    Dharma lesson, storytelling, crafts. Please bring a brown bag lunch. Parents and children are reminded to bring their ojuzu/nenju.

    We will celebrate Shinran's birthday and Mother's Day.

    Sunday 05/18/03
    3:00-5:00 PM
    Book Discussion Group.

    Everyone interested is invited!

    We will discuss COFFINMAN, by Shinmon Aoki. This story of a Shin Buddhist mortician has a forward by Ty. If you would like to purchase a copy of the book ($10.00), please contact Alice Unno at

    Sunday 06/08/03
    2:00-5:00 PM

    Smith College,
    Wright Hall,
    Room 234
    Accelerated Lay Teacher Program.

    Topic: Pure Land

    Read: River of Fire, River of Water, pp. 178-182; Shin Buddhism: Bits of Rubble Turn Into Gold, pp. 204-207.

    Study: Selected Verses from Shinran. Memorize (from glossary): Fulfilled Land, Body of Naturalness

    Application: Discuss Tannisho II (one or two paragraphs)

    Send the written assignment, or any questions or comments, to Ty via email or snail mail. DUE DATE: May 31, 2003.

    Saturday 06/14/03

  • 6:30 p.m. Individual meeting time with Ty. Appointment is necessary.
  • 7:00 p.m. Quiet Sitting
  • 7:30 p.m. Service/Discussion
  • Regular Sangha Gathering.

    Discussion topic: Tannisho: Lamenting the Deviations, Epilogue I.

    You can find the text of Ty's translation of the Tannisho online at the Living Dharma website.

    Refreshment and Flower Dana: We need volunteers, please!

    Special Event!

    Saturday 06/21/03
    9:30-12:30, 1:30-4:30

    Sutra Chanting Workshop

    Rev. T.K. Nakagaki of New York BC and Rev. Naito from Japan will teach us how to chant some of the basic sutras of the Shin tradition.

    If you are unable to attend the whole day workshop, come for one of the sessions; it'll be worth your while just to listen/participate in this unique experience!

    Sessions are as follows:
  • 9:30 a.m. - noon -- practice

  • 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. -- pot luck lunch (bring whatever you'd like, and please share)

  • 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. -- practice

  • Shin sutra chanting is an expression of one's deepening awareness and embodiment of the path, feeling and living that which is given to us moment by moment within this unrepeatable human life. As one chants, the rhythm and vocalization emerge and resonate from deep within the pit of stomach......Namu Amida Butsu.

    Sunday 06/22/03
    11:00-1:00 PM

    Family Dharma for children, parents and everyone. All are welcome!

    Dharma lesson, storytelling, crafts. Please bring a brown bag lunch. Parents and children are reminded to bring their ojuzu/nenju.

    June is a month when we observe Fathers Day. Some of us have fathers who are with us, or who we remember, and some do not. However, we all have had someone who gave us a masculine role model that continues to affect our lives. A friend, a teacher, a neighbor, a stranger? Take time to reflect and share your thoughts with your child(ren). Bring a story to the Dharma School gathering--draw a picture, write a short paragraph, or just bring a smile--all will be appreciated.

    Sunday 06/22/03
    3:00-5:00 PM
    Book Discussion Group.

    Everyone interested is invited!

    We will discuss FAITH: Trusting Your Own Deepest Experience , by Sharon Salzburg. This is a book well worth reading and sharing.

    Sunday 07/06/03
    2:00-5:00 PM

    Smith College,
    Wright Hall,
    Room 234
    Accelerated Lay Teacher Program.

    Topic: Gratitude

    Read: River of Fire, River of Water, pp. 90-94; Shin Buddhism: Bits of Rubble Turn Into Gold, pp. 208-212.

    Study: Selected Verses from Shinran. Memorize (from glossary): Great Practice, 17th Vow.

    Application: Discuss Tannisho V (one or two paragraphs)

    Send the written assignment, or any questions or comments, to Ty via email or snail mail. DUE DATE: July 2, 2003.

    Sunday 07/13/03
    11:00-1:00 PM

    Family Dharma for children, parents and everyone. All are welcome!

    Dharma lesson, storytelling, crafts. Please bring a brown bag lunch. Parents and children are reminded to bring their ojuzu/nenju.

    Obon, Festival of Joy: The origins of Obon can be traced to the Ullambana Sutra. Joy was expressed through dancing when Buddha's Great Compassion touched deeply the lives of those who heard the Teachings. One is never too young nor too old to participate in DEEP HEARING OF THE DHARMA.

    Weekend Retreat

    Evening of 07/18/03 through afternoon of 07/20/03
    Workshop at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies.

    For more information, or to register, go to

    This workshop will not be identical to the 2002 workshop. If you attended the 2002 workshop, you are encouraged to attend this one as well! Of course, first-time attendees are also welcome.

    Workshop Description: "Shin Buddhism: Bits of Rubble Become Nuggets of Gold"

    The primary goal of Mahayana Buddhism is the transformation called "turning delusion into enlightenment." We explore this transformation based on the teachings of Shinran (1173-1263), the founder of Shin Buddhism. The boundless compassion of the Buddha Amida, nonjudgmental and all-embracing, concretely manifested as the Primal Vow, focuses on imperfect, vulnerable and karma-bound beings (likened to bits of rubble) and transforms them into their direct opposite (gold).

    Saturday 07/26/03

  • 7:00 p.m. Quiet Sitting
  • 7:30 p.m. Service/Discussion

  • Important!
    In Ty and Alice's absence, the sangha gathering will be held at
    Smith College, Bodman Lounge, Helen Hills Hills Chapel.

    Regular Sangha Gathering.

    Discussion topic: "I am a foolish being."

    David Makinster will read and respond to Bernadette Giblin's "I Am A Foolish Being." Group discussion will follow. All foolish beings are welcome!

    We need volunteers for "snack dana," please!
    Thank you to Corky and Annamarie for flower and beverage dana.

    If you need directions to the Helen Hills Hills Chapel, please contact us ASAP at

    Sunday 08/03/03

  • 11:00 A.M. until dark - Annual picnic/potluck

  • 11:00 - 11:30 A.M. - Family Dharma for the kids

  • Special Event!

    Annual Sangha Picnic/Potluck

    for everyone who attends...

    Regular Sangha,
    Lay Teacher Program,
    Reading Group,
    or Family Dharma friends and family!

    All are welcome!

    Annual Sangha Picnic/Potluck, plus Family Dharma for the kids

    Many of our Sangha Members and Friends travel many miles to share the Dharma and have few opportunities to just meet and chat informally. Let's all get together at Look Park!

    Location: LOOK MEMORIAL PARK, 300 NORTH MAIN ST., Florence, MA 01062, Phone No. (413) 584-5457.

    Directions: From the center of Northampton Town (Main Street turns into Elm Street in front of Smith College) continue going north. You will pass through the center of Florence town. Continue north. You will see a Look Park sign and the park in on the left side--can't miss it!

    Once you enter the park, go to the information building. Ask for directions to Table 5AB (same as last year). There is a fee per car to enter ($3.00).

    Things to do in the park: There is a wonderful large, free sprinkler play area--children and adults may use the facilities! There are swings, slides, paths for walking, and plenty of grassy areas for napping. A basketball court and volleyball net are nearby. Bring your own balls! A snack store for cold drinks and ice cream is also available. For a nominal price, you can also enjoy the the mini-train rides, paddle boats, miniature golf and bumper boats found at different locations within the park.

    IMPORTANT! POT LUCK: Please be sure to contact Corky Robinson, who is in charge of the pot luck menu.

    Saturday 09/27/03

  • 6:30 p.m. Individual meeting time with Ty. Appointment is necessary.
  • 7:00 p.m. Quiet Sitting
  • 7:30 p.m. Service/Discussion

  • Important!
    The sangha gathering will be held at
    Smith College, Bodman Lounge, Helen Hills Hills Chapel.

    Regular Sangha Gathering.

    Discussion topic: Final discusson on the Epilogue III of Shinran's Tannisho.

    Reminder!  You can find the text of Ty's translation of the Tannisho online at the Living Dharma website.

    We need volunteers for flower dana and refreshment dana, please!

    If you need directions to the Helen Hills Hills Chapel, please contact us ASAP at

    Sunday 09/28/03
    11:00-1:00 PM

    At the Unno's home.
    Family Dharma for children, parents and everyone. All are welcome!

    Dharma lesson, storytelling, crafts. Please bring a brown bag lunch. Parents and children are reminded to bring their ojuzu/nenju.

    OHIGAN, Autumnal Equinox   What happens to the leaves as they change colors and fall? What does this process mean in your life and my life? Discuss this with your child(ren) and bring your thoughts.

    Story: Mr. Monkey returns, and the autumn will teach him (and us) a thing or two about impermanence.
    Sunday 09/028/03
    2:00-5:00 PM

    Smith College,
    Wright Hall,
    Room 234
    Accelerated Lay Teacher Program.

    Topic = The Middle Way of Buddhism.


  • Article, "The Middle Way of Buddhism"

  • River of Fire, River of Water, pp. 86-89

  • Shin Buddhism: Bits of Rubble Turn Into Gold, pp. 143-146

  • Suggested supplementary reading:

    What the Buddha Taught by Walpola Rahula or the Teachings of the Compassionate Buddha edited by Edwin Burtt.

    Assignment: Write a one-page response to one of the following questions (due Sept. 24).

  • What is the meaning of the term "dharma" and its implication for the religious life?

  • What is the significance of the parable of poison arrow?

  • What did Buddha propose as an alternative to caste system?

  • What is the relevance of non-duality to Shin Buddhism?

  • We shall discuss these questions in our next class meeting on Sept. 28, but please study the article, "The Middle Way of Buddhism," with them in mind.

    contact us as soon as possible if you need a copy of the article.

    Saturday 10/04/03

    3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

    Book Discussion Group

    Stephan Batchelor's Buddhism Without Beliefs: A Contemporary Guide to Awakening.

    Anyone interested in this book is invited to attend.

    Amazon.Com says...
    As in all the major religions, there is a wisdom behind the theology of Buddhism that informs the believer in daily life. Stephen Batchelor would argue that the difference with Buddhism is that the wisdom is in fact independent of the theology and is not informative to believers only, but to everyone. In Buddhism Without Beliefs Batchelor lays out the major tenets of Buddhist wisdom, commenting on their relevance to modern life. The Buddha said that seekers must find the Truth for themselves, and Batchelor offers this book as a roadmap.

    Special Event

    Tuesday 10/14/03
    at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
    Special Event at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies.

    A Shin Buddhist Group from Palo Alto Buddhist Church, California, will be participating in a 3-day workshop with Ty Unno. We have set aside Tuesday evening, October 14, at 7:30 p.m. at Barre for Northampton Shin Sangha Members and friends to meet with our Palo Alto friends to share the Dharma and extend friendships. We'd like to encourage anyone who can set aside the time to participate in the evening activities, to attend this gathering. Please email us for directions to Barre or to coordinate transportation. No fee to attend.

    Special Event

    Saturday 10/25/03
    10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

    Smith Collge
    Mendenhall Center for the Performing Arts

    Many Flavors of the Dharma, 2003.

    A celebration of Buddhism in the Pioneer Valley
    Special Event at Smith College.

    Many Flavors of the Dharma, 2003.

    A celebration of Buddhism in the Pioneer Valley

    Medenhall Performing Arts Center. Admission and all activies are FREE.

    We will be partcipating again in this gathering of sanghas. This year will include workshops, discussions, information tables, and performances by musicians and dancers whose work is based on dharma practice.

    Ty Unno will be participating in the opening panel discussion, and our sangha will do a workshop. Our sangha member Chris Stetson may be among the performing musicians.

    For more details, see the MANY FLAVORS web page. You can also email David Makinster for more information.

    Saturday 10/25/03

  • 6:30 p.m. Individual meeting time with Ty. Appointment is necessary.
  • 7:00 p.m. Quiet Sitting
  • 7:30 p.m. Service/Discussion

  • Smith College, Bodman Lounge, Helen Hills Hills Chapel.

    Regular Sangha Gathering.

    Sangha Gathering for Presentation of Buddhist Name Ceremony

    Presentation of Buddhist Name Ceremony for the following members: Christina Manning, Mina Harrison, Caroline Forsman, David Makinster, Jim Knowlton, Rebecca Brown, Kate Sage.

    Topic: Significance of Buddhist Names

    We urge all members and friends to attend this celebration in honor of our Sangha Friends who will receive their Buddhist Names.

    We need volunteers for flower dana and refreshment dana, please!

    Sunday 10/26/03
    11:00-1:00 PM

    Family Dharma for children, parents and everyone. All are welcome!

    Dharma lesson, storytelling, crafts. Please bring a brown bag lunch. Parents and children are reminded to bring their ojuzu/nenju.

    Theme: Buddha's Face/My Face--Are there two? Is there one? Think about this and bring your reflections. Discuss with your child(ren).

    Sunday 10/26/03
    2:00-5:00 PM

    Smith College,
    Wright Hall,
    Room 234
    Accelerated Lay Teacher Program.


  • Article, "When Broken Tiles Become Gold," in Of Human Bondage and Divine Grace. Please contact us as soon as possible if you need a copy of the article.

  • Assignment: Write a one-page response to one of the following questions (due Sept. 24).

  • In the story about the monk, Ikkyu, how can the crooked tree be "straight"?

  • Explain the last phrase in Issa's poem, written when he lost his third child before that child was one year old: "And yet, and yet."

  • What role does "sorrow" play in the story of Kisa Gotami, and how does it help her transcend the loss of her child?

  • The saying, "The elbow does not bend outward," is used to explain the working of karma. How can it be applied to the teaching of Shin Buddhism?

  • Send your written assignment, or any questions or comments, to Ty via email or snail mail. DUE DATE: 10/20/03.
    Saturday 11/29/03

  • 6:30 p.m. Individual meeting time with Ty. Appointment is necessary.
  • 7:00 p.m. Quiet Sitting
  • 7:30 p.m. Service/Discussion

  • Location: the Unno residence

    Regular Sangha Gathering.

  • Perpetual Memorial Observance

    • Within the Shin tradition, November is the month we observe Perpetual Memorial Service. It is a gathering to honor those who have lived and died and now return as Bodhisattvas calling us to listen to the Dharma. Please contact us as soon as possible if you would like to honor and remember a special person with a reading of his or her name, or to read a poem or other short expression of compassion. You may also offer flowers, fruit, or other dana as an expression of loving remembrance.
  • Dharma Talk: Ty and Alice will talk about their recent visit to Japan and Bhutan. A discussion will follow their talk.

  • All are welcome, regardless of whether you have previously attended.

    We need volunteers for flower dana and refreshment dana, please!

    Sunday 11/30/03
    11:00-1:00 PM

    Family Dharma for children, parents and everyone. All are welcome!

    Dharma lesson, storytelling, crafts. Please bring a brown bag lunch. Parents and children are reminded to bring their ojuzu/nenju.

    Theme: Why Quiet Sitting? What Meaning Does It Have For Me? Must It Have A Purpose? How Do I Sit? Discuss these questions with your child(ren) and bring shared thoughts.

    Sunday 11/30/03

    3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

    Book Discussion Group

    Book: Christians Talk About Buddhist Meditation and Buddhists Talk About Christian Prayer by Terry Muck and Rita Gross.

    Anyone interested in this book is invited to attend.

    Note: We are not discussing Great Natural Way by Hozen Seki, as originally planned. Also, the book discussion meeting for 12/21/03 has been canceled.

    Saturday 12/13/03

  • 6:30 p.m. Individual meeting time with Ty. Appointment is necessary.
  • 7:00 p.m. Quiet Sitting
  • 7:30 p.m. Service/Discussion

  • Location: the Unno residence

    Regular Sangha Gathering.

    Service and Discussion Theme: December 8 is observed as Bodhi Day or Day of Enlightenment of Shakymuni Buddha. We will discuss the Eightfold Noble Path symbolized by the Dharma Wheel in relation to the Shin teachings.

      This is our last gathering for the year! Let's express appreciation for the past and wish each other well for 2004! Namu Amida Butsu.

    All are welcome, regardless of whether you have previously attended.

    We need volunteers for flower dana and refreshment dana, please!

    Sunday 12/14/03
    2:00-5:00 PM

    Smith College,
    Wright Hall,
    Room 234
    Accelerated Lay Teacher Program.


  • "Practice in Jodo Shinshu," by Ty Unno. Please contact us as soon as possible if you need a copy of the article.

  • Assignment: Write a one-page response to one of the following questions.

  • What is the basic practice of Shin Buddhism? (Asked often by practitioners of other paths who engage in "practice.")

  • What is the source of our saying the nembutsu? How is it related to my everyday life?

  • Explain the metaphor of ice becoming water. What basic teaching in Mahayana Buddhism makes that possible?

  • Where is Amida Buddha? Where is the Pure Land?

  • How would you define shinjin?

  • Send your written assignment, or any questions or comments, to Ty via email or snail mail. DUE DATE: 12/10/03.

      We are begin the second year of our Lay Teachers Program in January 2004. The schedule will be announced at the December 14 meeting. We will spend the first two meetings of 2004 by discussing the book, Coffinman, by Shinmon Aoki. If you need a copy, please let us know immediately, so that Ty can order copies by December 5. Or, you can order your own copy through

    Sunday 12/21/03
    11:00-1:00 PM

    Family Dharma for children, parents and everyone. All are welcome!

    Dharma lesson, storytelling, crafts. Please bring a brown bag lunch. Parents and children are reminded to bring their ojuzu/nenju.

    To express gratitude for the past year, to reflect on the interdependency of all life, and to think about all the things that have made it possible for us (me) to live through another year. 108 is symbolic of the 108 passions that are part of each of us and bind us to a world of delusion (self-centeredness). Help your (child)ren select one or two "self-centered" acts that he/she can become aware of, why it is self-centered, and how it affects not only the self but others. Do we want to change these behaviors? What does Amida say (from deep within) about all this? Bring your shared thoughts to our gathering.

    2004 Lay Teacher Program

    We will begin the second year of our Lay Teachers Program in January 2004. The schedule will be announced at the December 14 meeting.

    Anyone NEW who wishes to join the program as a first year student is welcomed to join. However, you must contact Ty and discuss with him the expectations and requirements of the program.

    Namu Amida Butsu
    Namu Amida Butsu

    Namu Amida Butsu