: : Shout Outs : :
We are too bad some times no but it's cool cus we tight like that. ((~_*)) <lol> pero en serio nino guapo, thanks for taking me under your dancy wing and being my partner in evilness on the dance floor at all our now "usual" spots in the Holly "hood".  Why they don't have anything open past 3 i dunno! Kisses, Toodles and great music all around (o:`, M-Lo
Hey you Republican Trojan! You're such a punkie but i still love you de todos modos.  Anyways, good luck on this your sophmore year @ USC,  Harvard is just around the corner so keep on trukin. Also, a huge shout out to all of your FRAT BROTHERS (o:`, Best of luck and remember that if you give a mouse a cookie it'll want a fuckin' glass of milk. Oh yeah, rock on to TATA SIMONIAN. Hye & bye appee! :: sister mari
These past few days have been incredible, you never fail to shock and amaze me. jeje (o:`, aveces es como si fueramos ninos me cae but anyways, i love u from here to the moon and back again, love u in secrets and shadows outside. <3 xoxo: chispitas
GI Juan
Hey you boy in Iraq! Here is your little blurb para que no digas que no me acuerdo de ti...jeje anyways you boy, i'm glad que estas bien y que todavia no vives en un harem y tienes a 20tantas viejas! lol Take care and believe me, you'll be back here b4 u know it. 12344567891234567890Peace ::miss g:::
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