The Inner Asylum was last updated:

Nov. 27, 2000

The Rec Room

A MU* resource center

There is a little note on the door that says:

Although, the Inner Asylum no longer uses this room, feel free to visit. We find MU* (Multi-user) games too addictive for our tastes. Please feel free to submit sites you think should be included to the maintainers or let us know if a link is broken.

~ The Inner Asylum Staffhorizontal line

MU* index(s)

  • -- an index of MUDs, MOOs, etc.

Building Assistants

MUD sites

  • TerraFirmA is a DIRT based MUD. From what I've seen this looks like a pretty happening MUD.
  • Castle D'Image MUSH is the first MUSH I've played on. I like the medieval themed roleplaying, but I'm unfamiliar with the coding.
  • Telnet to Anachronism is a SMAUG MUD that has 15 classes and 70 levels.

MUD Resource Sites


  • How to Start a MUD is not only a good information site on how to start your own MUD, but on other MUD related topics.
  • ZMud download lets you download one of the best clients for MUDding available.

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© 1998-2001, N.B. Layton. All rights reserved. All Inner Asylum images (except the backgrounds and bars) were created by using Paint Shop Pro. Batgirl, Batman and the entire Batman universe is property of DC Comics, a division of Time Warner Communications. This is a non-profit site for just fun and to pay ode to Gotham's dark lady. If you would like to use any of our materials for use on your sign, please contact the web-master, Spenser-spork, at I just want to see what you'll do with it. It helps me to know that other people are looking at my site. :)