The Office
I'm Spenser-spork, a.k.a. Sporky, the Inner Asylum were-dachshund and webmistress. When the full moon isn't out,
I'm a human. Don't get any ideas or ask for any pictures. I'm already spoken for and know too much about the Internet
to let you get your hands on a photo. My alter-ego also manages the Inner Asylumpaperwork and the hiring and firing
or oracles.
We have moved quite a bit in the past two...almost three years since
the Asylum was put up. In June 1998, the Inner Asylum was erected in Yahoo! GeoCities before we moved from
Raleigh, North Carolina, to Toledo, Ohio. While we lived in Toledo, I became a Community Leader to help spread
knowledge and help out people on the Internet. Then we moved to Athens, Ohio, where I currently enjoy life in a
small town in a rural setting. My alter-ego, Nicole, likes Athens because she can enjoy nature, write and work
for The Athens Messenger.
Now it is time for the alter-ego to speak.
I'm N.S. Bowman, business manager of the Inner Asylum. I tend to everyone's
needs and provide dog-to-English translations. Like Sporky said, I work for a newspaper where I copyedit and layout
pages. I'm the first oracle of Spork and probably the only living practitioner of the religion. As you can see
from the Web sites I run, I have ecletic tastes and a odd sense of humor. I'm a member of the F.A.C.L. I like to
be creative and explore the world around me through reading and experiencing life as full as I can. I also like
to spend time working out and creating things.
© 1998-2001, N.B. Layton. All rights reserved. All Inner Asylum
images (except the backgrounds and bars) were created by using Paint Shop Pro. Batgirl, Batman and the entire Batman
universe is property of DC Comics, a division of Time Warner Communications. This is a non-profit site for just
fun and to pay ode to Gotham's dark lady. If you would like to use any of our materials for use on your sign, please
contact the web-master, Spenser-spork, at I just want to see what you'll do with it. It helps me to know that other people
are looking at my site. :)