As the Gotham City sleeps, a group of vigilantes, lead by the mysterious
Batman, roam its streets.
Unlike Superman and the other superheroes, Batman is human. He has no
special powers or abilities. He is a common citizen just doing his part to keep the justice system on track.
The Belfry is the Inner Asylum's homage to Batgirl. Barbara Gordon, adopted
daughter of Gotham's Commissioner Jim Gordon, was the first notable character to take the mantle of Batgirl. However,
when the Joker shot her, leaving her paralyzed from the waist down, a void was created in the Gotham vigilante
Barbara reemerged from her injury as Oracle, the ultimate Cyber-Sleuth.
Maybe those years as a librarian with a photographic memory have paid off. She is the ultimate resource for anyone
needing information.
Oracle has a new challenge -- training her successor. In March 2000,
DC Comics issued Batgirl #1, bringing a new Batgirl into Gotham. Cassandra,one of the few Asian female
superheroes, is deadly, intelligent, but mysterious at the same time. Her past haunts her, yet she has, until recently,
been unable to confide in anyone.
The new Batgirl was raised by David Cain, an assassin, who experimented
on infants. He trained them in isolation and deprived them of human speech. These children learned to communicate
through body language and could read anyone's movements like a book.
Nine years ago, the new Batgirl escaped from Cain and drifted until she came to Gotham. At 17, she is under Oracle
and Batman's tutelage, learning a new way to put her skills to use.
The Inner Asylum will update this area as we go along compiling information
on the new Batgirl. But for now, please enjoy the Batman related links below.
The Atlantis Awards might hold your gift.
© 2000-2001, N.B. Layton. All rights reserved. All Inner Asylum
images (except the backgrounds and bars) were created by using Paint Shop Pro. Batgirl, Batman and the entire Batman
universe is property of DC Comics, a division of Time Warner Communications. This is a non-profit site for just
fun and to pay ode to Gotham's dark lady. If you would like to use any of our materials for use on your sign, please
contact the web-master, Spenser-spork, at I just want to see what you'll do with it. It helps me to know that other people
are looking at my site. :)