The Inner Asylum was last updated:

Aug. 22, 2004


Here is a list of webrings The Inner Asylum belongs to. I just deleted a bunch of old ones, so sit tight while I get ready to put new ones on the site.

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© 1999-2001, N.B. Layton. All rights reserved. All Inner Asylum images (except the backgrounds and bars) were created by using Paint Shop Pro. Batgirl, Batman and the entire Batman universe is property of DC Comics, a division of Time Warner Communications. This is a non-profit site for just fun and to pay ode to Gotham's dark lady. If you would like to use any of our materials for use on your sign, please contact the web-master, Spenser-spork, at I just want to see what you'll do with it. It helps me to know that other people are looking at my site. :)