Street Hacker
Virtuweb Interactive

Table Of Contents
Terminal Commands
Starting Point

It Starts
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Assignment 3
The Real Deal (Final Ionix Mission)
Extras(Note Books)
Phreak Boxes and Hubs


Street Hacker is a very intricate game that is an embodiment of its name(not many games have fully accomplished this). The basics of the game are rather tough at first but once you catch onto it you have it. with that out of the way let me pipe a command referrence.

Terminal Commands

HELP: Displays help documentation.
CLS: Clears the console display.
CTRL+R Recalls the previously executed command.
WRITE_LOG: Writes the console display to a log file.
TIMESTAMP: Enables / Disables the console timestamp feature.
IPSCAN: Run a ranged IP scan.
PSCAN: Port scan a remote system.
WHOIS: Online query for server information.
.. Navigates to parent folder of current directory.
C: Open / Displays a directory or rile.
L: Open directory or filepath on local machine.
[PATH NAME] Opens a directory or file from current directory.
REFRESH: Refreshes the contents of the current directory.
OPEN: Open a file in an external viewer for editing.
DELETE: Deletes a file or a directory and its contents.
DOWNLOAD: Download a remote file or directory.
UPLOAD: Upload a file to a remote server.
ZIP: Compress a file zip:[FILE PATH]
UNZIP: Uncompress a file unzip:[FILE PATH]
ENCRYPT: Encrypt a file encrypt:[FILE PATH]
DECRYPT: Decrypt a file decrypt:[FILE PATH]
CONNECT: Connect to server connect:[IP ADDRESS]:[PORT]
RECONNECT: Attempt to reestablish your internet connection.
DISCONNECT: Terminate connection to a remote server
DIS: Terminate Connection to remote server
LOGIN: Login to a LAN login:[NAME]:[PASSWORD]
RUN: Execute an exploit script.
CLEARROUTES: Empties your Routing List.
ROUTE: Adds another routing connection.
LAUNCH: Launches a virus at a remote server
VIRUSSCAN: Performs a complete virus scan
FORCE.GEN: Login credentials brute force generator.
FORCE.LIB: Login credentials library generator.

A Few Hints

First and Foremost, WATCH THE TUTORIAL! It is very helpful in getting comfortable with the game itself.
There is no tutorial that can tell you exactly where to go or what to do. Most of the missions are dynamic (meaning the
specifics (like ip address and open ports) are generated at random). So dont expect this to explain exactly where
to go and what to do...that would take the fun out of it all. Try to keep your bankroll over $400 at all times. You
dont want to lose your Solid Software subscription at any point (believe me its happened to me a few times *uggh*)

It Starts.... (The Ionix Missions)

So its safe to assume you've watched the opening talk scene and the convenient little tutorial Vince offers. once
completed you'll receive 3 emails. I'll run you through them in order.
This email is simple, it details the offer from solid software solutions to get you an account with them for a small
fee ($100/week). you need to reply to this email with the string "i want to subscribe"
wait a few minutes and you should receive 2 more from that same person. one is the software offers which details what
programs they have and the other is your login information. This information is always the same. so lets make a macro
so SS can be reached easily at anytime. minimize the email client and lets open the explorer. in your root
directory(C:\) right click the screen and click new macro. When create it should be new macro##.mcr (## means a
random 2 digit numeric code). Right click it and click rename. rename the file ss.mcr and press enter.
Now double click the file. This should bring up the file editor(it looks a lot like the dos edit client i know but
stay with me). In the editor the first 3 lines need to be:

connect: (replace this with your email address EG:
Click close at the top of the file editor. Now close the file explorer. Now we want to tryout the macro we just created
so we'll need to open the terminal. Once you have done that type ss.mcr and watch as it automatically loads up the
SS FTP Server. Since we're here lets have a look around. First we'll need to get you some programs to get you on your
way so lets go to the c:\pub directory. You'll want to download generator.exe and library.exe. simply accomplished
with the following commands:
Once finished, minimize the terminal and go back to your email client. Vince's email is pretty much obvious since it
merely tells you that you can activate the help system at any time by pressing F1. On to more important business,
Mordecai's email.

Assignment #1

\       Assignment #1        /
Deadline: 8:16 AM 7.18.03
Payment: $150
Target Server IP:
Download the practice.doc from the documents directory of the target server. When your done make sure you send the
file to my e-mail inbox. Just hit reply and attach the file. End of Briefing...

Open the terminal. First thing you need to do is a port scan (whoising the ip would be a waste of time because it would
merely return the registered server name which will be displayed when you connect anyway). So you would need to do this:

Once you have the search results, look for a "File Upload" port. Once found you'll need to connect to it. Lets say its port 21.
You should receive the following message:
Connecting to: on port 21
WAN Connection Established to (
This is a practice server to test your skill.
Awaiting User Login Name:

Uh Oh! We don't have the proper login credentials. Guess its a good thing we bought that Brute Force Generator and
library file huh? Type the following command and within a few seconds you should have all the info you need.

Once you receive the login credentials you need to login. To do this first type the username by itself and then the
password. Once logged in you should see "user (username) logged in". now you need to open the root directory by
typing c: in the command line. look through each directory for the file "practice.doc". Once you have found it close
the terminal and send it to mordecai. Assignment #1 complete.

Assignment #2

Once you have sent "practice.doc" to mordecai you'll receive an email detailing Assignment #2. Two of them actually. One
containing the mission details (below) and another containing a single file "logs.txt". (save the attachment before you proceed)

\       Assignment #2        /
Deadline:4:16 PM 7.16.03
Payment: $275
Target Server IP:

Let's try another assignment. This time I want you to replace a security log file. You might have to dig for it because
it's not out in the open like the practice.doc. The filename is logs.txt and it is relativity small, about 20kbs. Alright
get to work, and don't screw this up, the server may be a bit more challenging to hack this time. End of Briefing...

Don't let his wording fool you. This hack is about as easy as the last one. We have our information so the first order of
business (as always) port scan the IP and get a list of the ports open. Find a File Upload Port and connect to it. (I dont
need to show you that again so I'll skip that part). Again lets assume port 21 is open and try and connect to it

Once connected, it will ask you for a user name so run your generator and login. Navigate your way to the root
directory (c:) and look through the folders. You'll find an "access" folder. This is where you want to be. Well
lookie here! Theres the file we want "logs.txt" so just do a quick delete and upload:
Get out of the server
Assignment #2 complete.

Assignment #3

Speeding along aren't we? You'll receive another email from mordecai within a few seconds detailing the
final practice mission before the real game begins. This one may be a bit more difficult than the last
but nothing a leet hax0r like yourself can't handle right? Well shall we get down to business? Check the
email from mordecai

\       Assignment #3        /
Deadline: 6:16 AM 7.18.03
Payment: $400
Target Server IP:

Let's try another assignment. This time I want you to delete some miscellaneous files from the last test server.
This server is much more difficult than the others. It is behind a firewall so you will have to buy a sniffer
virus in order to retrieve a login credentials. The files I want you to delete are:
File: factile48.doc
File: products.bin
File: prplan.xls

They may not all be clumped together so keep your eyes open once you get inside. Don't let me down; I have given
you 2 days to complete this assignment! End of Briefing...

First things first (no I don't mean port scan, not yet anyway). We need to open the PCQ console and design a keysniffer.
It doesn't have to be big just basic.

Now that we've designed our worm we'll need to wait for PCQ to send it to us. As soon as you receive the
email from, save the attachment, then run the exe from the explorer window. This will extract
it to the PCQ vault and make it available for launch on remote servers. Ok open the terminal, You should notice
something different. In the top right hand corner of the terminal window is a virus list. These are used with the
launch command:

The first things you should do once in the Terminal should be common by now. Port Scan, Connect, Login Generator.
Now the difference is, once you've gained access to the WAN you'll also need to get login credentials for the LAN.
The LAN is behind a firewall so this is where our keysniffer comes in.
*The actual Virus Name will be listed in the top right of the terminal window.
When you receive the login credentials for the LAN you'll need to perform a login command:
Once logged in we need to get to the root directory (c:). Once in root we'll need to get to the "home" directory
(c:\home). When that directory opens you'll notice the first file on our list to delete is at the very bottom.
So run the delete command on "products.bin" and we move on. The administration folder is next on our list.
(c:\home\administration) Once inside you'll notice theres only one file, and thats the file we are looking for.
(delete:prplan.xls) Back out to c:\home and go into the testing directory. you'll find "factile48.doc" in there.
Delete it then disconnect from the server.
Assignment #3 complete.

The Real Deal (Final Ionix Mission)

You must have gotten used to all of this by now, right? Well here comes the fun part. When you receive mordecai's
email you'll notice he left a minor detail out. The IP Address! We'll have to do search to find it but its very
minor. Lets have a look at the mission details.
\       The Real Deal        /
Deadline: 11:16 AM 7.19.03
Payment: $500
Target Server IP: EA Production Server

Well this is the moment you have been waiting for. You get to show me your true skill. This mission will be
taking place on Eastern Analog's EA Production Server. This is very important, and I know I can count on you
to get the job done. I am giving you 2 days.

Modify the employee_plan.doc
This following original record
[MIS 2113-026 Databases Tado AH300]
must be edited so that it says
[MIS 4555-666 IT_Management Crow AH600]
I will contact you if I hear word that Eastern Analog is panicking because of the alterations you have made.
End of Briefing...

So he wants us to break into the Eastern Analog Production Server and modify employee_plan.doc. Piece of cake right?
I agree. First thing we need to do is crack open the terminal and do a search on EA (leave out the rest because it
will return a lot of search results).

Now we have our search results. So lets go ahead and port scan the ip registered to EA Production Server (some of
the IP addresses are generated by the game randomly so theres a chance yours may be different than mine.). So now
we have a list of open ports. Connect to a file upload port and start our normal routine (get full login
credentials). Once logged in we need to do a full path navigate to (c:\documents\user\dev). Theres the file
we need to edit so lets run the open command.
find the line:
MIS  2113-026  Databases            Tado         AH300
and change it to:
MIS  4555-666  IT_Management        Crow         AH600
Save the file and disconnect. Ionix Missions Complete!

Prison and Vengeance!

It was a setup! Mordecai hired you to do his dirty work and let you take the fall for all of it. Guess we'll have to
show him what happens when you cross the wrong people. But first you have 4 years of jail time to look forward to
before that happens. (BUGGER!). Guess thats enough time to think up what you plan on doing to him when you get a
hold of him right?

In Search For Answers
Oddly, you get released from prison around 3 years and 8 months early (strange eh?). You meet with Vince and he gives
you a notebook and wishes you the best. At this point the game will autosave and you come back out to the main menu
(for those of you that only downloaded the demo...sorry but this is where your game ends). Once you boot up your
machine you'll receive an email from and get some answers that you've been waiting for and also a
promise to receive the rest of them after you prove yourself. This mystery man is responsible for altering your
prison records and also has key information on The Ionix Corporation but refuses to give it to you unless you
complete a few tasks for him...


NoteBook Stats

CON	=	Connections(1/4 means that the computer only has a modem,
		4/4 means the computer has modem, lan, wireless, and
AR	=	Average rating(higher the better)

Wizard XF 950	P2 	450MHz	8MB*	32MB	5GB	8lb	1/4	$504	3
*Integrated 8MB

Wizard XF 1000	P2 	500MHz	8MB*	64MB	5GB	8lb	1/4	$515	6
*Integrated 8MB

Wizard XF 1150	P3	550MHz	16MB*	64MB	10GB	8lb	1/4	$535	9
*Integrated 16MB

Wizard XF 1200	P3 	600MHz	16MB*	64MB	10GB	8lb	1/4	$562	12
*Integrated 16MB

Wizard XF 1250	P3 	650MHz	32MB*	128MB	15GB	7lb	1/4	$597	15
*Integrated 32MB

Wizard XF 1300	P3 	700MHz	32MB*	128MB	15GB	7lb	1/4	$640	18
*Integrated 32MB


Warlock LR 2000	P3 	800MHz	16MB*	64MB	15GB	8lb	1/4	$692	21

Warlock LR 2500	P3 	900MHz	16MB*	64MB	20GB	8lb	1/4	$751	24

Warlock LR 3000	P4 	1.0GHz	32MB*	128MB	25GB	7lb	2/4	$817	26

Warlock LR 3500	P4 	1.1GHz	32MB*	128MB	30GB	7lb	2/4	$891	30

Warlock LR 4000	P4	 1.2GHz	64MB*	256MB	35GB	7lb	2/4	$974	32

Warlock LR 5000	P4 	1.3GHz	64MB*	256MB	40GB	7lb	2/4	$1,064	25*


Vanquish VX 5500	1.4GHz	32MB*	256MB	40GB	7lb	2/4	$1,161	38
*Discharge 6000 32MB

Vanquish VX 6000	1.5GHz	32MB*	256MB	45GB	7lb	2/4	$1,267	41
*Discharge 6100 32MB

Vanquish VX 6500	1.6GHz	32MB*	384MB	50GB	7lb	2/4	$1,381	44
*Discharge 6200 32MB

Vanquish VX 7000	1.7GHz	64MB*	384MB	60GB	6lb	2/4	$1,502	47
*Discharge 7000 64MB

Vanquish VX 7500	1.8GHz	64MB*	512MB	70GB	6lb	3/4	$1,631	50
*Discharge 7500 64MB

Vanquish VX 8000	1.9GHz	128MB*	512MB	80GB	6lb	3/4	$1,768	53
*Discharge 8000 128MB

Vanquish VX 8500	2.0GHz	128MB*	768MB	90GB	6lb	3/4	$1,913	56
*Discharge 8300 128MB

Vanquish VX 9000	2.1GHz	128MB*	768MB	100GB	6lb	3/4	$2,065	54
*Discharge 8600 128MB

Vanquish VX 9500	2.2GHz	256MB*	1024MB	110GB	5lb	3/4	$2,226	62
*Discharge 9000 256MB

Vanquish VX 10000	2.3GHz	256MB*	1024MB	120GB	5lb	3/4	$2,394	65
*Discharge 9500 256MB


Celestial CX6.0	P4 	2.4GHz	256MB*	512MB	140GB	6lb	3/4	$2,571	68
*Nitrous 3D 256MB

Celestial CX6.1	P4 	2.5GHz	256MB*	512MB	140GB	6lb	3/4	$2,755	71
*Nitrous 3D 256MB

Celestial CX6.2	P5 	2.6GHz	256MB*	512MB	512MB	6lb	3/4	$2,946	74
*Nitrous 3D 256MB

Celestial CX6.3	P4 	2.7GHz	256MB*	1024MB	160GB	6lb	3/4	$3,146	76
*Nitrous 3D 256MB

Celestial CX6.4	P5 	2.8GHz	512MB*	1024MB	160GB	5lb	4/4	$3,353	79
*Nitrous 3D 512MB

Celestial CX6.5	P5 	2.9GHz	512MB*	1024MB	160GB	5lb	4/4	$3,568	82
*Nitrous 3D 512MB

Celestial CX6.6	P5 	3.0GHz	512MB*	1536MB	180GB	5lb	4/4	$3,792	85
*Nitrous 3D 512MB

Celestial CX6.7	P5 	3.1GHz	512MB*	1536MB	180GB	5lb	4/4	$4,022	88
*Nitrous 3D 512MB

Celestial CX6.8	P5 	3.2GHz	512MB*	1536MB	180GB	5lb	4/4	$4,261	91
*Nitrous 3D 512MB

Celestial CX6.9	P5 	3.3GHz	512MB*	2048MB	200GB	5lb	4/4	$4,508	94
*Nitrous 3D 512MB

Celestial CX7.0	P5 	3.4GHz	1024MB*2048MB	200GB	5lb	4/4	$4,762	97
*Nitrous 3D 1024MB

Celestial CX7.1	P5 	3.5GHz	1024MB*2048MB	200GB	5lb	4/4	$5,024	100
*Nitrous 3D 1024MB
Hybrid Fusion NS8    P8 10.0GHz    3072MB*10240MB 1TB  3lB    4/4    $1,000 300

Phreakboxes and Hubs

*PHREAKBOXES NAME DISCRIPTION INT COST Black Box I Disables many building security cameras LOW $200 Black Box II Disables most building security cameras LOW $400 Black Box III Disables all building security cameras MED* $600 Chrome Box I Manipulates traffic signals with a MED* $600 .5 mile radius of effect Chrome Box II Manipulates traffic signals with a HI $800 1 mile radius of effect Chrome Box III Manipulates traffic signals with a HI $1,000 2 mile radius of effect Blotto Box Shorts out all phone lines in area LOW $400 Dayglo Box Causes a power grid failure in that area HI $1,000 Dark Box Disables all building elevators MED* $600 Clear Box Causes all automatic security doors MED* $600 to lock Static Box Activates building fire alarm systems LOW $400 *Not sure if the wording meant HI,LOW, or MED so I put MED bassed on what I thought *PHREAKBOX HUBS NAME AND NUMBER OF PORTS # COST Phreakbox 3 Port Hub 3 $200 Phreakbox 6 Port Hub 6 $400 Phreakbox 9 Port Hub 9 $600


CON = Concealability STR = Strength needed to opperate DEX = Dexterity needed to opperate RF = Rate of fire # = Weight of weapon POW* = Power of weapon relative to other weapons (based on 1 through 6, 1 being lowest power) *Pistols NAME CON STR DEX RF COST CLIP # POW Browning Hi-Power HI LOW HI 1.7 $250 13 6 2 Glock 17 HI LOW HI 1.7 $200 17 4 1 Colt HI LOW HI 2.5 $160 6 4 1 Colt M1911A1 HI LOW HI 1.7 $280 7 6 2 S&W M10 HI LOW HI 2.5 $150 6 4 1 Colt Delta Elite HI LOW HI 1.7 $470 8 6 2 Sig Sauer P220 HI LOW HI 1.7 $330 7 6 2 Colt King Cobra HI LOW HI 2.5 $420 6 4 2 S&W M29 LOW LOW LOW 2.5 $500 6 4 3 H&K USP HI LOW HI 1.7 $370 7 6 2 Beretta m92 HI LOW HI 2.5 $170 15 4 1 Desert Eagle MED LOW LOW 1.7 $450 9 6 3 *Submachine Guns NAME CON STR DEX RF COST CLIP # POW Thompson M1928 SMG LOW HI LOW 1.0 $520 30 9 2 IMI Uzi SMG HI HI LOW 1.0 $700 32 9 1 H&K MP5 SMG MED HI LOW 1.0 $550 30 9 1 IMI Mini-Uzi HI HI LOW 1.0 $650 20 9 1 Ingram MAC-10 SMG HI HI LOW 1.0 $750 20 9 2 *Shotguns NAME CON STR DEX RF COST CLIP # POW Benelli M1 Super 90 LOW HI LOW 2.5 $800 7 9 4 Winchester* LOW HI LOW 2.5 $730 7 9 4 *Winchester 1300 Marine (same stats as Benelli yet cheaper) *Assualt Rifles NAME CON STR DEX RF COST CLIP # POW U.S M-16 LOW HI LOW 0.8 $920 30 11 4 Steyr AUG MED HI LOW 0.8 $900 30 11 4 AK-47 LOW HI LOW 0.8 $950 30 11 5 *Machine Guns NAME CON STR DEX RF COST CLIP # POW Browning* LOW HI LOW 0.6 $1,150 120 14 6 M-60 Machine Gun LOW HI LOW 0.5 $1,300 200 14 6 *Browning Automatic Rifle


These must be typed directly into the terminal window (exactly as shown in the code column) ----------------------------------------------- Code effect ----------------------------------------------- down with the demo Finish the demo pronto internet fraud rules Steal 5000 from a random user com open Connect to the internet swordfish Get all login credentials i don't pay for software Get all Solid Software Products overclock Get the Hybrid Fusion evil sunlight Fast forward to night time (May take a few seconds) who needs sleep Fast forward to daytime (May take a few seconds) decipher Decrypt and Unzip everything on your computer timed out Terminate all admin's traces rush hour Reset the streets with new dealers administrator Computer login is no longer required guest Computer login is required


The following section contains some spoilers. I have done my best to try and 'censor' the content, but proceed at your own risk!

Table Of Contents
Prove Your Worth 1
Prove Your Worth 2
Prove Your Worth 3
Prove Your Worth 4
Prove Your Worth 5
Long Awaited Answers
Mercenary For Hire
Recon and Feedback
Script Kiddies
Risky Business

Prove Your Worth 1

Before we get into the missions themselves, theres a few things you're gonna need to know. First of all,
All the programs you had are gone. You'll need to resubscribe to Solid Software. You' need to download a
copy of the latest version of EVERYTHING including PCQ (believe me you'll need it). Once you have done
that install all the programs (dont double click on generator or library, they aren't installers. Once
all the installable programs have been installed, delete the installers from your disk. Now go to the
financial explorer program and withdrawel all but $500. The button beside the shutdown button is for
"hitting the streets" click that. You'll want to buy a gun, a hub and any phreakboxes you can afford.
If you tried the terminal already you'll notice you can no longer connect to the internet from home so
you'll have to infiltrate buildings to do your hacks. (helpful hint: Find a building with minimal
security.) Now we need to do one more thing before we can get started(well actually 2). Go back home
and boot up your computer. Open the PCQ Interface and recreate your keysniffer worm. Now go into your
financial explorer and deposit however much money you had left over from what you spent on the streets.
Once you receive your new virus save it and extract it (you know the drill). Now you need to click the
hit the streets button again but this time go downtown. Find a building you can hack from (UBS Tower is
the one i use in chicago). Once you find a building to use click "Infiltrate". When you get inside the
building you'll see a new menu (Figure 1.2). Activate any phreakboxes you have and then click the laptop
icon to connect. Now you'll want to go into your email and read cnace's mission specifics. Once you have
the company name he wants you to hit, open the terminal and whois the company
whois:company name
Example = whois:United Vidia
Because you'll be hacking the same company over the next few missions (4 I believe) make a note in the
"my docs" program with the whois info. Ok so now you have 2 ip addresses for the company nace wants you
to hack and what we do next should be set in stone by now. Port Scan the first ip address. If you dont
find a file upload port dont worry, thats why you downloaded the scripts from SS (you did download them
right?). So if there is no file upload port we'll need to run a script to hack the machine. (Hint:
"Webservers" almost always have port 21 (FTP) open). I'm going to assume you already gained access to the
machine. So now we need to find the alphacode. First thing we want to look in is the documents folder. So
we go to "documents" (if the server has one) and we notice that theres only one folder there "applications"
and we know thats not what we need. So we'll have to check the other server. I wont yank your chain anymore.
Once in the second server (assuming the first one was running the Macross OS) this one should be running
Fedora. Which means you'll need to go to (c:\home\research\coding). Theres your file.

Now email the file to
Prove Your Worth 1 Complete!

Prove Your Worth 2

Uh oh! The company traced your activities back to cnace's company and managed to steal an important document from
him. Then that makes it obvious what we need to do. We need to scour both of blacksteels servers and find what
file they took. So we login to each server and search for a file. Look in the documents folder for "reports"
inside that folder will be "rivalinfo.doc" and that is the file you need.

(if running on Macross OS)
(for Fedora OS)
Prove Your Worth 2 Complete

Prove Your Worth 3

This one will be a bit tricky. You'll need to hit the streets and find an agent from the company and accept
a job from them. You may have to travel to another city to find them. The company's name will be in the funder
block on the mission selection screen.

So you go back to your email and receive an email from your contact. So we need to design a virus to get
their ip address. This part should be second nature. For the purposes of this tutorial I will assume you
named it "callback" Open PCQ and create a basic IP CallBack trojan. Once you've extracted it to pcq you'll
need to attach it to an email. (c:\programs\pcq\vault\callback.trj). Within a few seconds you'll receive an
email from "Anonymous". That should contain the agents IP address. So what do we do now? (as if it's not
obvious). Infiltrate a building and port scan the ip address. So we found an open port and connected to
it. In the event that you need login credentials, you know how to get them. Once you've logged in we'll
need to check their documents folder for a folder called "classidied". Well there it is, download
mission_synopsis.lst and disconnect.decrypt it and send it to cnace.
Prove Your Worth 3 Complete!

Prove Your Worth 4

This mission will be a piece of cake if you've followed the other steps. The email will give you the file you need
to replace and the exact server to replace it on. So go into your notepad file and find the IP Address for the server
he gives you and port scan it. Connect, Login, Navigate to the root directory. Go into the documents directory and
look for the hackcntct directory. Delete missionlist.dat from there and upload the one you saved from nace's email.
Prove Your Worth 4 Complete!

Prove Your Worth 5

Oh yea! Here comes the pleasure of a real hack. Nace wants you to destroy his rival company's server. So the first
thing we'll need to do is create a Heart_Burn virus to get the job done. (you may also want to create a few viruses
to distract the operator while you run the other virus.). So nace gives us the server he wants taken down and its up
to us to get it done. So go back to your notes file and get the IP. Port Scan, Connect, Login, same as always right?
WRONG! Once logged in you need to start launching your distractions and when they are all active, launch your heart_burn
virus. If the virus is successful, you should see:
Remote Host Server Has Gone Offline
Connection Terminated
Prove Your Worth 5 Complete!

Long Awaited Answers (...Or Not!)

So you killed a little time waiting for morning and you finally receive nace's email. But wait. It's
nace's secretary, Someones killed him! Bugger. The email leaves you still looking for answers with you only
knowing that nace met someone affiliated with Ionix and the rest of the email was corrupted with a virus
(vtoli.wrm - Hmm that seems suspicious for some reason). What shall we do now? Moments later we get an apologetic
letter from Vince (strangely he knew about it fast). Those wheels in your head are no doubt turning now as you
begin to realize something fishy is going on and you'll stop at nothing to figure out what it is. Vince offers
you a position on his team, maybe this will give you a chance to do some "Footprinting" of your own. So he wants
you to do some intelligence gathering on the "World Banc" corporation.

Mercenary For Hire (Money never was this easy)

We'll need to get an active connection to the internet so go ahead and infiltrate a building. Open up the terminal
and do a whois on World Banc. Once an IP address is found we'll need to port scan it, connect to it, login, and
navigate to root. Now, we're looking for some sort of securityservers file. Once completed, disconnect. Now we need to decrypt the file and send
it to Vince. When you've sent the file to vince go back to the terminal window and type:
This will open the file for editing within the terminal window. Make a notepad copy of the server IP addresses and
save it.Save the bin file. This will prepare you for your next mission. Within a few minutes you get a reply from vince
detailing the next phase of the mission. He wants you to take down the security servers (Hope you have your viruses
ready). Once completed you'll have an extra $2000. Thats assuming you remember how to take down a server. (Launch
each distraction and then launch your Heart_Burn virus) (note* Make sure you are logged into the LAN before killing
the server. Use your keysniffer if neccesary.)

Spoiler**You'll need to do this in ascending order. Start with server #5 and go on through server #1.**
World Banc Missions Completed!

Recon and Feedback

As he promised, Vince contacts you the next morning just after 9AM to inform you he is typing up the briefing for
his next mission. A few seconds later you receive 2 emails from Vince subjected "Reconnaissance". Once is your
mission details and the other is a file you'll need to complete this mission. So lets have a look and what he
wants us to do:

Ok, now I need to get the schematics for a high-tech device. They are locked away inside the Versynergy Corp
Headquarters. I am going to insert an infiltration team to remove these schematics but first I need you to do
some reconnaissance. What I need for you to do is to send me the Maps of each floor. In addition, destroy
surveillance camera feeds, change Joe Anthony's security pin to 44444 so we will have effortless entry, and
to re-route security patrols with the new file I provide. The Versynergy Server's IP address is *.*.*.*
By the time you do this I should have the team prepped and ready to go.

So he wants us to hack into the Versynergy Corporate Computer and make some changes.
Mission Checklist:

1) Delete camera feeds
2) Upload a new patrols file
3) Change password for Joe Anthony
4) Get maps for each floor

Piece of cake. Lets get started. First things first. We need to do our basic routine and gain access to the
machine. Once in root, start looking for those files.

So first we need to delete the camera feed.

Now we need to replace "patrols.mpg" with the one Vince gave us. (delete the old one and upload the new one.)
and now we need to change the password for joe anthony. In the E column of the directory tree we can see that
its set at Level 4 encryption so we'll need to decrypt the file
and then open it. once open we need to find joe anthony's record and change the password to 44444 and then save the
file. Once that is complete we'll need to go find the scematics folder, and download all five schematics files. When
you finish downloading them, disconnect and send vince all 5 files. With the Reconnaissance complete Vince will reply
explaining that he will have further instructions the next morning.Surely as he said, just after 9 (seems to be a
pattern here) Vince sends you an email subjected "Feedback" detailing the next step of his plan. Lets have a look at it:

The team is mobilizing and I need you to create a distraction. The best way I think this can be achieved is by
blowing up the downtown electrical sub-station. This will keep officers and other security officials busy for quite
some time. I'll leave the rest up to you, and we will move after the sub-station blows. I am sure there are
configuration files that can aid you. The IP of the substation is and our window of attack is less
than 1 day so think quickly.

So he wants you to blow a substation. This can be quite tricky (if you think about it too hard.) so lets keep it
simple. Do the normal stuff and gain access to the root directory. From root we need to go to the electrical
system configuration directory. Here we have several files we could use to blow this
substation. Most of them are config files and the other is a technical document. What we want to do is create an
Overload Circuit by routing the outgoing electrical feed into the incoming electrical feed.

Spoiler**Find the Feedout Configuration File, and change it to this:

Feedback is a Success!

Script Kiddies (Gotta Hate Them!)

So you've completed the feedback mission and made Vince a very happy man. He tells you he shouldn't need you for
anything else. However, he emails you and tells you that some script kiddies have taken over his FTP server. He
would do it himself but chance has it that he must go to a business deal and would rather you did it. (chump
change is better than non at all right?) He gives you his server IP and login credentials (nice change of pace).
so we can skip the normal process. Open the terminal and use the connect command and connect to Vinsons FTP server

Once inside we need to change his access settings (remove the script kiddies priviledges) and save a copy
of his access logs. Should be easy. Since we know where we need to go we can just hop in, make the changes,
save the file, and get out. So we need to navigate to the appropriate folder. In this folder are 2 very obvious files

First we need to remove the script kiddies access credentials so we would need to open the Login file and delete
their record. Once finished save the file. Now we need to download the access log and send it to vince. In
the email he asks if we would look over the log and see if they did anything suspicious. So open your explorer
and check out the Access Log file.

Are my eyes playing tricks on me?! In the file, you find a very supsicious entry. Disregard
that for now. Send Vince a copy of the access log and wait for his reply. He sends you some money and tells
you to keep in touch. So now we have some work to do. You may want to purchase a faster machine because it gets
rather hairy from here on in. Also download any new software from SS before proceeding.

Risky Business (Very Risky)

Well now that we have an IP address we can scan, we need to start our normal routine, port scan, connect, login,
root. Now that we have our root access we need to find the information Mr. Nace was trying to send us. Navigate
to the appropriate folder, and you'll see that theres an encrypted email file from Mr. Nace. Download it and disconnect.
navigate to c:\downloads and the run cipher on the email message (decrypt:c:\downloads\***.Email). Once
decrypted, open it through your explorer. The content is as follows:


[The Truth You're Looking For]
Contents --------------------------
> You have well proven yourself.  Apparently
> there is nothing you can't do and I am truly 
> grateful for your services.  As I promised I will
> give you the truth you re looking for about Mordecai.
> I believe it all started 3 years ago when I met #(DKAH;d 
akdie,c,fieijfgkdkd ...
Ah, Ah, Ah, You'll just have to find this file for yourself!

At this point, if this game was in real life, let's just say, You'd be pissed, ok? We have
the IP address, the rest is obvious. Gain access to root on the Routing server. (you may need a script
for this so make sure you have the latest ones.) From root we need to find the routing list to get to the Ionix
main server. So thats obviously a system log meaning its likely buried in one of the system folders.
Only one folder here regarding Route Histroy (Hint!) Lets have a look. Inside you'll find an interesting log file
download a copy and disconnect. This file contains a list of IP Addresses but only one of them should concern us:


level9  82-34-70-173.cable.ubr02.gill.deepblue.R0Z$ 
level3  pool-141-150-15-fI&qd.east.verid.netN       
level1  Ottawa-HSE-ppp255969. .ca        
level0  64-40-53-11p92Hharge.comg
level4  nantes-1-62-147-43-25
Again, Ah, Ah, Ah, you'll just have to find
the rest of this file, for yourself! You hate me, don't you?

*HINT* If you get stuck on this mission for too long, read the above paragraph.
It implies a company name, you should look for in this History file.
It only shows up once..

We have an IP address no doubt that that's our next stop. Doing a 'whois' on that particular IP address
only confirms our suspicions..

How convenient is this? We have an IP Address that links directly to *** and now we can find out what he
is up to. Gain root. From root we need to look for anything incriminating on *** so we'll need to check
his documents. Wow, a writings folder, lets check this out. Hmm an online *** decrypt, download, disconnect.
Open your explorer and open that writing file. Well this is interesting:

Entry #1
I decided that if I'm going to get into working
with *** I better keep track of what's going
on with my own organization; thus this Diary.

Entry #2
*** has given their first assignment to my
organization. Seems a bit risky but they're
paying me a hell of a lot.

Entry #3
Well, we've completed # *** assignments. The
FBI started to catch on to our activities, but
*** has bought out anDKjiae;lfkdagha;kl*(#@)*(^$#
You guessed it! Sorry, but I can't let you just read through the entire game,

Son of a! It was a setup all along. But the nice thing is theres still time to deal with it. So the only useful
bit of info in here is the email address and codeword. Send the contact an email with any subject as long as
the email body contains the code word. After a few minutes, you should get an interesting reply.

The first thing you want to do is deduct $1000 from your account and hit the streets (you'll understand
why in just a second). Out on the streets go to the "Tech Express" (the notebook shop). You'll see your contact,
is the only dealer available and boy does he have a deal for you! You'll just have to figure that out on your own, though!

End Game (Safety or BOOM?)

(Note: You cant shutdown until you have finished this part.) From root you need to access the Ionix Plans Information. So navigate to the plans folder. You'll see 2 files and you need to download them both. You'll see a IP text file, and an Inititave file.
Once downloaded you need to disconnect from the server and decrypt the files. Once decrypted:
open the file to see the following:


Our great plans have been put into work. If for some reason,
we need to abort the process use the codeword.

So we have our codeword, We have a means to stop the strike, and We have a IP address file that
contains the following:


macro initiated


So now we have the IP Addresses of the 5 defense servers. The rest is obvious. Hack these 5 servers, find the
configuration file, where you can input the 'codeword', and well.. input it! I'd walk you through it, but it's
just too easy, you'll figure it out!...

Spoiler**You hate me, dont you?**

After that, you have just saved the world! Enjoy the nice little ending and have fun with your new found
fame, freedom, and hardware. :)
(Note* it will take a little while for the ending to start so grab something to drink while you wait.)

Ice Hearts' Credits

Virtuweb Interactive Staff (of course, they made this awesome game)
Mouser for his nudger system (")
CyberBli$$ for the item stats
And to my friend Josh for turning me onto this game
Oh lets not forget Folgers coffee. Couldn't have done it without them!

Special Thanks to:

IceHeart for making this walkthrough from the ground up, and sending it to me. Nice Job!