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Royal Government of Bhutan contempt and disregard for Human Rights have resulted in the barbarous acts by it an continues inter alia to flout  Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This incessant violation of Human Rights by the Royal Government of Bhutan (RGOB) raised the consciousness of the students and people on the other fields leading to the formation of The Student Union of Bhutan (SUB) on March 23, 1988, Sherubtse College in Kanglung Bhutan.

The SUB is a pioneer, an independent and the only students' body in the Bhutanese movement for Human Rights and Democracy. It is formed to acquire, extend and restore Human Rights and Democracy. The Union upholds and reaffirms its faith in the respect of Fundamental Human Rights, in the Dignity, worth and full development of human person and  in the Equal Rights of men and women regardless of ethnicity, cast, creed, religion, language, political beliefs and other opinion as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Aims and Objectives:

  1. SUB will seek avenues and opportunities for the education of children affected by the current  movement for Human Rights and Democracy in Bhutan.
  2. SUB will promote the ideals of democracy and freedom of individuals. It will co-operate and assist any organization struggling for Human Rights and Dignity if Human person in Bhutan.
  3. SUB will take up the cases of prisoners of conscience, Human Rights Activists and other political prisoners.
  4. SUB shall highlight the gross violation of Human Rights by the current repressive regime in Bhutan.
  5. SUB shall respect and safeguard the Sovereignty and Territorial integrity of Bhutan.
  6. SUB shall create linkages and promote solidarity with students and people in other nations.

In a democratic Bhutan, SUB shall;

  1. endeavor to secure the rights of students, and safeguard these rights against all forms of exploitation.
  2. fight against all forms of discrimination.
  3. serve the people and community at large.
  4. help the administration during the time of emergency and natural calamities.
  5. work for the upliftment of the weaker sections of the society, with special emphasis on women and children and
  6. help preserve the cultural heritage and traditional value systems, and promote national integration.



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© 1999-2000 Student Union of Bhutan
For further information contact :Biswanath Chhetri (President)
Kamal Dhittal (General Secretary)